Pop-ups can do a lot for people’s response to opt-ins forms. In some cases opt-ins have almost doubled with a pop-up is used. WP Notify Wizard is a WordPress plugin that creates advanced function pop-ups. With WP Notify Wizard, you can provide pop-up notification messages or invite people to opt-in or buy a product. This plugin is versatile, such as: • Supports multiple forms and multiple styles for these forms in the same site • Rotates offers shown in the pop-ups • Supports including a “buy” button in the pop-up. • Comes with 15 styles of pop-up templates... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Having your own products can make a big difference in your business success. They don’t have to be huge products. Even small, niche-oriented products that don’t take long to create can add up to major income when you create several of them. Ken Reno and Matthew Griffen have released Product Creation Blueprint that shows you how to get your own product created in a day and on the market in a week. People all around the world need good information to run their lives. Provide that information and you can build your business faster than most small businesses ever grow. Product Creation... [...]
Laptops, tablets, desktops; all are high-priced products. We all have one or more and use them on a daily basis. And as marketers, we know one thing more: they all have high commissions. The computer hardware industry is one of the most dynamic niches in the business world. People and businesses are constantly upgrading their hardware to take advantage of the new software applications, video games and technology standards. As a result, there is a major opportunity for Amazon affiliates; the demand is huge and so are the commissions. The average computer product is priced between $500 and $1000... [...]
James Renouf has been experimenting with solo ads to discover how to maximize his income with them. He has learned a lot in the process. Solo ads aren’t free, of course, so you need a little money to get started. You can start with less than $50. If you plow your earnings back into the business, you can “lift yourself up by your bootstraps” rather quickly. In the example Renouf gives, he started with a $375 ad that brought him $5000 in sales.But he says you can start with 10% of that and become successful. [...]
Reviews of Amazon products can drive affiliate sales from your Amazon site. But creating a review (or a set of comparative reviews) is a complex process. You need to gather several pieces of information about each product you review and arrange them into an information block for the product to place on your site. Historically, this has been time-consuming. Simple Azon Plugin simplifies this process to just a few clicks. And when the Simple Azon Plugin plugin is in your blog, your assistants can build your posts without needing to get into your Amazon affiliate account, so your earnings information... [...]
It’s no secret that Google sees Squidoo.com as an authority site. Content you place on Squidoo has a “head start” in the race to the top of the search results. As a result, a good Squidoo lens can get you a lot of traffic and, ultimately, sales. And Squidoo has done a lot of work to provide this free platform and bears the expense of hosting. It is absolutely free for marketers to use. The hardest part of building a profitable lens is choosing a topic for your lens that will make money. That’s what SquidMagic Software will do. The issue how many people are coming to Squidoo... [...]
Peter Beattie and Jamie Garside have released their second set of promotional videos for offline businesses. This time the niches available are: • Hair Salon • Lawyer (aka Attorney) • Pizza Restaurant • Plumber • Real Estant Agent Each of these sophisticated, professional videos comes with two voice-overs, one with an American accent and one with a British accent. You get PLR rights so you can present them to your clients as your own and customize the videos to your client’s needs because, you get the slides as a separate file and can add in a slide at the end with... [...]
Small businesses frequently need financing for their projects. But finding it can sometimes be a challenge. Your mission is to solve that challenge for them and earn a 1.5% commission for the match-making you do. Former Dun&Bradstreet (a leading business credit rating agency) employee Sarkis has built a training program on how you can become a loan arranger and build a profitable business in this niche. He sold it as a WSO last year, and he sold over 1000 copies. Now Sarkis has released a new, automated verison of the system called Business Turnkey Exponential Xpress. The original version... [...]
A curated blog is a powerful marketing tool. You find useful information from all around the web and you summarize it, comment on it, and link to the original article. In essence, your curation saves your readers time. They don’t have to go hunting all around the web for helpful information on the topic of your blog. They come to you because you have done the hunting and sifting for them. The only issue with curation is the time it takes you to do the work. A tool that automates your work can make curation practical for you. If you have to do everything manually, you won’t get much... [...]
This source of buyer traffic (that is, people who have already proved they are ready to buy online) can bring you or your clients significant sales. And, what’s more, you can send your offer, or your client’s, to them over and over with no upfront costs. You aren’t risking any money with this process. Sending your messages is free. In Easy Lead Magnet, you can discover: • How to use a method that can generate $100k offline sales, with just one campaign • How to send an offline client’s offer to a buyer list of 100 Million+ • How to rinse and repeat this method,... [...]