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Monday, March 3, 2025

Archive for the 'Ads' Category

Customer Retention Formula: How to keep your customers and turn them into ambassadors #ad

Marketers have known two principles for centuries: 1. It costs far less to keep an existing customer than to get a new one. 2. Words of mouth advertising, in which your happy customers tell others about you, is the best advertising. Customer Retention Formula shows you how to use these two principles to full advantage. Almost 50 videos are dedicated to how to cultivate a positive, supportive and profitable relationship with your customers. So they will be happy, so they will buy from you, and so they will recommend you to their friends. In Customer Retention Formula, Chris Reck says he is aiming... [...]

Video Profit Powerhouse: Using YouTube to dominate Google searches #ad

If you aren’t using YouTube to market your products, you aren’t getting all the sales you might. YouTube is a powerful marketing tool for marketers who use it well. And it’s free, to boot. Now, BJ has released Video Profit Powerhouse  [...]

VideoBlast for WordPress: Add YouTube videos directly to your blog #ad

Now you don’t have to leave your site, go to YouTube, do a search and copy arcane link codes to place a YouTube video on your WP site. Stay on your own site, use VideoBlast for WordPress to find the right video and add it to your post or page, all from the comfort of “home”. With VideoBlast for WordPress, you specify a keyword and you get a list of the YouTube videos that apply. You can limit your search, too, by date rating and how many views they have. Preview them and pick the most useful one. When you embed your chosen video, you can select the size you want the embedded... [...]

Commission Apex: How to get new subscribers who are proven buyers #ad

Ricardo Lira has lots of experience in affiliate marketing. He has learned how to build a list of buyers, not “tire-kickers”, at minimal expense. He shares this wisdom in Commission Apex. Lira has found that his affiliate marketing and his list-building both profit from YouTube videos, produced at no cost to him and with very little time invested. These videos bring him all the traffic he needs for his business. His video process is very “hands off” and he doesn’t even need to understand the niches that the videos address. And this can be scaled up since his personal... [...]

Big Ticket Affiliate Programs: Earn big commissions as an affiliate #ad

This is a replacement ad. The original product in this ad was judged to be plagiarized. But we found a new product that is similar and is legitimate. Ken Reno took advantage of the available resale license and is reselling Warrior X’s rolodex of affiliate programs that have high commissions. You don’t have to settle for commissions of $5- $10. You can get commissions of $100 or more if you sell the right products. Reno has a list of companies that pay you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a single commission. This can mean big money for your business. Learn about these high-ticket... [...]

Project X Tube: How to get your videos to rank in the search engines #ad

If you create videos to enhance your affiliate marketing results, it only makes sense to do what it takes so people will actually see them. Otherwise they do you no good. So you need your videos to rise to the first page of Google. In Project X Tube, Cliff Carrigan shows you simple techniques that he says will help get you there. In this package, Carrigan shows you how to rank you videos without fancy software or other tools, without techy skills and without spending a lot of your time. He says it can be done in 20 minutes per video. He says all you need is a browser that you use to go to three... [...]

7 Offline WSOs For 1 Price: 72 hour sale underway #ad

If you are looking to grow an business as an online marketing consultant for offline businesses, the robust training in these : 7 Offline WSOs For 1 Price can give you proven tips and techniques for building your business. • Mobile Cash Code shares three effective techniques for selling mobile-friendly websites to business owners, • Overnight Offline Cash show you how to offer a needed service to offline businesses, one that’s often neglected. • Secret Cash Goldmine introduces a “goldmine” you can offer local businesses, one that will be quite seductive for... [...]

White Label PLR Videos show you the technical side of internet marketing #ad

Steve Dougherty has done a service for the technically challenged internet marketers. In White Label PLR Videos, he makes the messay technical work seem simple. These 14 videos talk about the process of building a website, starting with registering a domain name, organizing your data, getting hosting, uploading your files to your hosting server and more. There’s strong emphasis on using Filezilla to manage files. The first thing for you is making sure you understand all these concepts and techniques. Then you may want to considering selling these videos to your own clients so they will understand... [...]

WP Profit Detonator: WP plugin for increased profits #ad

MAO Flynn is a name well-known to IM NewsWatch readers. He’s the creator of several pieces of marketing software and the author of several training products. WP Profit Detonator is his latest software, a WordPress plugin. This plugin, he says, will help you turn visitors into subscribers and buyers using powerful psychological principles Flynn studied hundreds of sales pages created by expert marketers and copywriters to see what the key factors were for their success. Then he created a plugin that builds sales pages, squeeze pages and more that embody the principles he discovered in his... [...]

Green screen virtual studios 3.0: Put some pizzazz in your videos #ad

As more and more marketers are turning to video to get their message out, they are turning to the same green-screen technology TV stations have been using for a long time. With this technology, you or your announcer can be placed in any kind of environment you choose, from standing in front of the White House to deep inside a cave. Jose Nunes has created backdrops you can use as “virtual studios”, locations where you can appear using green-screen technology. He has packaged 24 background into Green screen virtual studios, available at $15 for a limited time. (He is raising the price... [...]

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