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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'Content Marketing Tips' Category

‘8 Nonobvious Tips to Promote Your Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Arnie Kuenn says, “Great content does little good if the right audience isn’t exposed to it. Most marketers are familiar with many ways to promote content, including sharing content on Facebook, Twitter­, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. Nevertheless, new ways to promote content pop up all the time that aren’t as obvious, even to seasoned marketers. Here are eight nonobvious content promotion tips to leverage in content marketing: Meerkat and Periscope Meerkat and Twitter-owned Periscope are relatively new platforms that offer the ability to live-stream video content through... [...]

‘Show and Tell: Simple Content Marketing Tactics to Boost Brand Awareness’ – ‘’ Blog

Jawad Khan says, “In today’s competitive business environment, the quality of your products and services is not the only factor that determines the success of your business. Nearly every business in your industry claims to offer the same value for the client’s money. To stand out from the crowd and attract more leads, you need to create brand awareness that is carefully positioned to earn the trust of your target market. Content marketing is one of the best ways to differentiate your business from your competitors. Nearly 88 percent of marketers consider content marketing an ideal strategy... [...]

‘How to Grow an Audience on LinkedIn by Repurposing Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Job one for any business, entrepreneur, or marketer is to grow an audience. Content syndication is one such approach to doing just that. But it’s not entirely understood. Content syndication is an age-old idea of taking an original piece of work and then trying to get it published in other places. By “other places,” we mean: you look for bigger sites to publish your work. In other words, effective content syndication occurs when you go up the food chain — not down“. How to Grow an Audience on LinkedIn by Repurposing Content ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘How to Build Your Website Like a Supermarket’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Pre-career, I had a few different jobs, from working in the video store after school rewinding the weekend’s videotapes to merchandising greeting cards for one of the giants in the industry. When I look back, the job that taught me the very most that applies to what I do today was my five-year stint working in supermarkets over high school and college. The two stores I worked at couldn’t have been more different, but let me tell you, it was an education in customer service, human behavior and, most of all, psychology. And I don’t mean the occasional verbal assault from... [...]

‘Create Content That Engages Without Selling’ – Silverpop Blog

Loren McDonald says, “For many marketers, email drives more sales than any other digital channel. Using email only to generate immediate sales is shortsighted, though. Email also is an excellent brand-building tool, whether you call it “branding” email or my favorite, “white space” email. A more descriptive name is “engagement emails,” reflecting all the ways you can use email that doesn’t overtly sell. Make no mistake: Engagement email can sell just like its promotional-email sibling. It’s just not the only focus. Promotional emails seek immediate... [...]

‘5 Tips to Grow Your Content Marketing Career’ – Content Marketing Institute

Brad Zoick says, “You want to take your content marketing career to the next level? Get in line. With the boom in content marketing, the competition in the job market is heating up. Just take a quick look at Google Trends, where the keyword search for content marketing managers shows steady growth over the course of five years“. 5 Tips to Grow Your Content Marketing Career Content Marketing Institute  [...]

‘How Busy Local Businesses Can Leverage Data & Technology For Content Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Chris Marentis says, “Who would have predicted that small businesses would need to become online marketing savvy to grow? As recently as 10 years ago, you could get the word out about your business quickly using ads on television and radio, posting flyers, or having a listing in the yellow pages. There weren’t that many other choices. Some of those options are still acceptable for reaching a local market, but we’ve entered the information age, where content is king — as long as you get it shared everywhere that your local audience is looking. And where do they look now? On their cell... [...]

‘5 Innovative Ways to Personalize Your Website Content’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “After 10 consecutive years of declining sales, Coca-Cola has finally made a comeback. The driving force behind its impressive turnaround? Personalization.  Launched in 2014, the “Share a Coke” campaign created a buzz among consumers by replacing its brand name on the can with more than 200 popular names. By personalizing the product, Coca-Cola was able to grab the attention of the country and inspire the type of engagement it had been missing in years prior. While this is a clear demonstration of the power of personalization, Exact Target’s 2014... [...]

‘7 Reasons You’re Not Getting ROI From Your Content’ – HubSpot

Diona Kidd says, “Content as a marketing strategy is reliable and cost-effective, but only if it generates high-quality leads. To succeed, you must not only create and promote content, but also analyze and optimize the content. If your content marketing results are falling flat, here are 7 reasons why it might be happening and what you can do about it. 1) You Don’t Know Your Content’s ROI If you do not understand how many people access your content, where your content is shared, or the new contacts it generates, chances are your marketing efforts are not nearly as effective as they... [...]

‘Content Marketing for “Boring” Industries: 10 Tips for Creating Interesting Content’ – HubSpot

Corey Eridon says, “Ever start writing a piece and wonder if anyone’s even gonna read it? Not to make you paranoid, but … you should be paranoid. Chartbeat conducted a study in 2013 that indicates most readers are only getting about 60% of the way through a piece of content. The other 40% of the stuff you wrote? Well, you could’ve gone home early that day. (You can read more about that study here.) So why are people only reading a little more than half of the content they click on? If I was a betting woman, I’d probably lay some money on short attention spans —... [...]

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