Brands and marketers have customer journey as one of the most important components on their list. With different tactics they try to make their customers’ buying experience smooth. Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared three ways marketers try to improve the customer journey. Rajeck says, “Econsultancy, in association with Magento, recently held moderated roundtable discussions in Bangkok with dozens of client-side marketers. There, brand marketers told us about some of the challenges they face when optimizing the customer journey and what they are doing to over come them.... [...]
Archive for the 'Customer Relationship Management' Category
Staying connected with the customers is a way to help your brand expand continuously. With multiple platforms it has become an easy task to communicate with them, the challenge is to create a valid reason. With right strategies and approaches you can set a path to stay connected with your customers. AdWeek contributor Deb Corrao has shared five way to humanize platforms and develop a deeper connection with your consumers. Corrao says, “Here are five basic principles to help marketers and technologists on their path to building a solid foundation with customers. Single view of the customer Today,... [...]
Staying connected with your prospects and customers is one of the prerequisites of achieving success in marketing and making more sales. Also, with a variety of mediums it has become easier to reach out to your customers quickly. Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared three common obstacles that different brands face in connecting with their customers and how they tackle with these obstables. Rajeck says, “Econsultancy, in association with Epsilon, recently held roundtable discussions with dozens of senior client-side marketers to discuss how they are creating customer connections,... [...]
HubSpot team has published a free guide to ‘Customer Loyalty’ to help brands and marketers make more by gaining their customer’s trust. Talking about customer loyalty, Sophia Bernazzani says, “According to The Loyalty Report 2017, the average consumer is involved in 14 loyalty programs, but have the capacity to engage with only seven. Companies lose money on time and effort, and customers get no more value from the businesses to which they are “loyal.” So how do you keep your business out of that segment? How do you convey enough additional value in your programs... [...]
Keeping your customers happy is the best way to grow your sales. Happy customers spread a positive word about your brand and help you expand your reach. Many a times it becomes difficult to manage customers when they have a bad experience with your product and services. Shopify columnist Sarah Chambers has shared seven ways to handle your customers when they are upset. Chambers says, “There might seem like there is nothing you can do. But great customer service isn’t just about fixing the problem—it’s also about making the customer feel understood and like you’re on their side. Here’s... [...]
Customer satisfaction lies at the core of our branding efforts as it is the way that leads to increased sales. Also customer can be retained only if they are happy with your products and services. Forbes contributor Micah Solomon has shared four secrets of achieving customer satisfaction. Solomon says, “Customer satisfaction is based on four predictable factors, originally laid out in my first book, a collaboration with Leonardo Inghilleri. Customers are satisfied whenever they consistently receive: A Perfect Product Customers want defect-free products and services. You need to design your... [...]
Winning your customers’ hearts should be the ultimate goal of any company. It is something that tells other people how your brand is proving valuable for others. Entrepreneur contributor Jim Joseph has shared four tips to help brands earn and keep your customers’ trust. Joseph says, “Your duty to prevent fake news and data infringement is even greater. You owe safety, privacy, and accuracy to your customers, just as much if not more than Facebook does. So, what do you do about it? Be careful about exaggerating what you do. It is so easy to get caught up in our own marketing messages... [...]
Customer generation and retention is the ultimate thing that we need to do to survive in any business. Today customer relationship management is seen as the most challenging tasks. Entrepreneur contributor Katie Lundin has shared five common reasons why businesses lose customers. Knowing these reasons might help you retain your own. Lundin says, “Here are five common reasons why customers leave small businesses … and effective tips you can use to start turning the tide. 1. You’re guilty of poor customer service experience. Few things can sour a customer experience more quickly... [...]
Econsultancy is hosting the ‘Customer Experience Management’ webinar for marketers on Wednesday, April 25. The Econsultancy team says, “Econsultancy’s Trends Webinar for April 2018 looks at the latest trends, data and best practice within customer experience Management. This insight comes from Econsultancy’s own research and recent report on Customer Experience Management along with collated third-party data and statistics. Key Points covered in this webinar: What is customer experience management (CXM)? Survey findings: How many businesses have a CXM strategy? Impact... [...]
Gaining and nurturing the customer trust is the ultimate success formula for any brand. It requires persistent efforts to keep the customers happy. Entrepreneur contributor Scott Oldford has shared five strategies that can help brands keep their customers satisfied. Oldford says, “Social proof marketing provides you a platform to speak to people you do not know yet. From there, you can build their trust, but until you capture their attention you have nothing to work with. So, how do you do this? It begins with these five types of social proof marketing you need to start using now. 1. Customer... [...]