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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Google Launches Mobile Friendly Labels, Testing Tool & Possible Ranking Boost’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Barry Schwartz says, “Google has made a large mobile announcement today, showing new efforts to encourage webmasters to ensure their web sites are mobile-friendly. Google has officially gone live with the mobile friendly label today, they launched a brand-newmobile testing tool and told us they are experimenting with new mobile-friendly ranking factors in their search ranking algorithm. Mobile-Friendly Label As we explained on our sister-site, over the next few weeks, mobile searchers will soon be able to see a new label in the search results snippets for pages that are mobile-friendly”. Google... [...]

‘The Danger of Crossing Algorithms: Uncovering The Cloaked Panda Update During Penguin 3.0’ – MOZ Blog

Glenn Gabe says, “Penguin 3.0 was one of the most anticipated algorithm updates in recent years when it rolled out on October 17, 2014. Penguin hadn’t run for over a year at that point, and there were many webmasters sitting in Penguin limbo waiting for recovery. They had cleaned up their link profiles, disavowed what they could, and were simply waiting for the next update or refresh. Unfortunately, Google was wrestling with the algo internally and over twelve months passed without an update. So when Pierre Far finally announced Penguin 3.0 a few days later on October 21, a few things... [...]

‘Gmail Inbox review: does email need a reboot?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “A fresh approach to email or an unnecessary overhaul of something that doesn’t need fixing? Of course it’s attitudes such as the latter which means we’ve been stuck with the same boring old umbrella design since the 18th century. Gmail Inbox is a new email app that wants to hit the reset button in terms of what we expect from an email account. It’s a year zero if you will, or to use Gmail’s expression, ‘a fresh start’. Inbox is still in beta testing at the moment and you can only access it if you have an invitation. You can request one here. In the meantime... [...]

‘How to Quickly (and Correctly) Track Google Analytics Across Multiple Domains’ – MOZ Blog

Tom Capper says, “Out of the box, Google Analytics handles being deployed across multiple domains or subdomains extremely poorly. This is easily the most common critical problem in Google Analytics, despite its being relatively easy to fix. Depending on your situation, one or more of a few simple steps may be appropriate. Look for the entry in the left-hand column below that best describes your situation, and make sure you’ve taken the steps listed on the right”. How to Quickly (and Correctly) Track Google Analytics Across Multiple Domains MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Is Google UK giving too much preference to US sites?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Recently there seems to have been a greater proliferation of US results for searches which should return more localised listings.  One such example is supermarkets. If people search for this and related terms, they should be seeing retailers that actually trade in the UK. However, we’re seeing Walmart, kmart and others appearing in what should be localised search results”. Is Google UK giving too much preference to US sites? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Google Patent For Ads That Follow You Surfaces’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Imagine if after clicking on an ad, it expanded and then persisted as you navigated to additional web content linked to from the ad itself. That’s what’s laid out in a Google patent that recently popped up in the public records and has gone unnoticed. The patent, which dates back to 2003 with a continuation made in 2011 (US 8838479), is titled “System and method for enabling an advertisement to follow the user to additional web pages”. In a vision for moving beyond “garish” banners, the patent outlines a system for delivering ads that enable “a user to obtain... [...]

‘Google To Developers: Here’s How To Score Big On Google Play’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Android developers, you too can have break-out success in Google Play—and Google itself wants to show you the way. The creator of the mobile software and its related app store has put together a game plan to help app makers make it big using its resources. Perhaps anyone can write an app and push it into the store. But the company emphasizes that those are just the first steps. After all, it’s hard to stand out amid more than 1.3 million Google Play apps. According to the company’s blog, the tome is “a detailed playbook on the best practices and tools you... [...]

‘How does Google judge quality content?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Marcus Tober says, “Everybody talks about the need to provide quality content on your site if you want to rank well in searches. But how do search engines identify quality content? Successive Google algorithm updates (culminating in the recent Panda 4.1) aim to refine results so that they match the intent of the search query and deliver the most comprehensive, accessible and well-written answer. Put simply, Google (and other search engines) are always looking for genuine quality content, and are increasingly smart at finding (and dismissing) pages that try to game the system. For example, Google’s... [...]

‘Inbox Comes Close to Mastering Email’ – Re/code

Katherine Boehrat says, “We can now text, tweet, iMessage, Facebook message, Skype and even leave one another disappearing messages. But old-fashioned email isn’t going away. It’s still a vital part of how we communicate. That’s not to say email is flawless — far from it. We mark items as “unread” so we will remember to deal with them later, then forget. We receive too much meaningless email and don’t know how to sort it. We try different methods for organizing our email, then even those methods become work, so we give up on them. For the past week, I relied on a new app from... [...]

Google drops prices on cloud platform, data storage and transmission

Google is dropping prices on services where there is competitive pressure. At the same time it announced new features for its cloud platform. Cloud computing is becoming a “battle of the titans” and Google seems determined to step up its game to not lose any competitive advantage. The San Francisco Google Cloud Platform Live conference was the site of the new announcement for the Cloud Platform features. Many of the changes are of interest to application developers, but the free trial will be intriguing to anyone unhappy with their current hosting. just published a story... [...]

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