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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Two different paths to influencer marketing: Which is best for you?’ – Econsultancy

Nicolas Chabot says, “Influencer marketing is a complex space. As the practice evolves, multiple propositions compete on the market ranging from talent management agencies and specialist influencer boutiques, to influencer marketplaces and dedicated influencer management platforms. There have been several high profile examples of influencer marketing going awry, which has led to increased pressure from authorities to bring clarity on paid publications from influencers. This has also contributed to the overall noise and confusion that can overwhelm any marketer wondering how best to approach... [...]

‘5 Reasons to Quickly Start Using Accelerated Mobile Pages’ – Entrepreneur

John Lincoln says, “So you’re thinking about adding Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to your website? Stop thinking and start doing! Of course, it is all about how you implement AMP, but we’ll get into that. If you’re unfamiliar with AMP, it’s an open-source technology that enables pages on your site to load quickly for users on a mobile device. This happens with the help of a JavaScript library and some additional HTML markup. Here are five reasons why you should add AMP technology to your website: 1. AMP is essential for good mobile SEO. By now, you already know that if... [...]

‘Google updates Penguin, says it now runs in real time within the core search algorithm’ – Search Engine Land

Jordan Kasteler says, “After a nearly two year wait, Google’s Penguin algorithm has finally been updated again. It’s the fourth major release, making this Penguin 4.0. It’s also the last release of this type, as Google nowsays Penguin is a real-time signal processed within its core search algorithm. Penguin goes real-time Penguin is a filter designed to capture sites that are spamming Google’s search results in ways that Google’s regular spamming systems might not detect. Introduced in 2012, it has operated on a periodic basis. In other words, the Penguin filter would run and... [...]

‘Google (finally) launches cross-device retargeting’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “Soon advertisers will be able to reach users across devices with Google remarketing campaigns. This is a significant development, as Google has not previously supported cross-device retargeting. For example, currently, if a user comes to an advertiser’s site on a mobile phone, the advertiser is not able to retarget that user later on a desktop, unless they also visit the site on desktop. If that happens, the user is effectively listed twice, and the frequency capping and negative list exclusion is set at the browser or mobile ID level on each device. That has been... [...]

‘Google expected to kill Nexus phones and replace them with Pixel phones on Oct. 4’ – ‘Mashable’

Raymond Wong says, “Now that you’re done lusting over jet black iPhones, it’s time to turn your attention toward Google. You know, the guys who make Android and Chrome. And what a bonanza the company reportedly has in store for Oct. 4. Traditionally, Google uses its I/O developer conference in the spring to talk developer-y things like frameworks, announce new versions of Android or skydive in to show off new moonshots like Google Glass. Then, in the fall, the company unveils new Nexus phones and sometimes new Nexus tablets, as well as Chromebooks either under its Pixel brand... [...]

‘Voice Search Strategy: What Marketers Need to Know Now’ – HubSpot

Amanda Zantal-Wiener says, “When you wear white, do you inevitably spill something all over yourself?  I do. So when I had sushi at work last week, it wasn’t long before I was frantically yelling, “Siri, how can I get soy sauce out of white pants?” Thank goodness for voice search, am I right? Although, here’s the thing about voice search: According to the 2016 State of Inbound report, a huge number of marketers are making SEO their #1 priority. That’s great. But how does voice search fit into that strategy? Are marketers even thinking about it yet? While it’s certainly... [...]

‘What’s the Google AdWords Health Score and how is it different from existing tools?’ – Search Engine Land

Larry Kim says, “Here’s a crazy new idea: Imagine a tool that analyzes your AdWords account and grades you based on your performance. OK, it’s not so crazy. Or new. My company, WordStream, has provided a free AdWords Performance Grader for over five years now. But here’s what is new: A feature is now available in some (not all) AdWords accounts called an AdWords Account Health Score. The new feature was first spotted by Chris Whyatt at Receptionaland subsequently written up by Ginny Marvin for Search Engine Land. A lot of people on Twitter have been asking me: How is AdWords’ own... [...]

‘Google My Business for SMEs: 4 Tips on How to Use it And Boost Sales’ –

Stavros Vichos says, “It’s absolutely vital that your business’ online presence is Search Engine Optimized to help generate new leads. However, achieving organic search success is an ongoing battle, and Google’s business listing tools have thus far not made it easy for SMEs. There have been many confusing name changes (Google Local, Google+ Local, Maps Listing, Google My Business) and new versions come with new sets of information requirements. The latest and greatest iteration is Google My Business (GMB), it’s free for any business to claim their listing. It’s more user-friendly... [...]

‘9 tools to help you succeed with Google SERP features’ – Search Engine Land

Jordan Kasteler says, “It’s no secret that Google is in a constant state of change. The “ten blue links” that used to comprise a search engine results page (SERP) are diminishing in importance, and new features are becoming more essential with every passing month. From image results and local packs to site links and knowledge panels, Google is reshaping search marketing. Clearly, focusing only on your website is no longer effective. Ranking higher than your competitor in Google’s organic rankings is less meaningful if that competitor is displayed in, say, an answer box. The current... [...]

‘Penguin 4.0: Was It Worth the Wait?’ – MOZ

Joe Robison says, “For almost two years (707 days, to be precise), one question has dominated the SEO conversation: “When will Google update Penguin?” Today, we finally have the answer. Google announced that a Penguin update is rolling out and that Penguin is now operating in real-time. In a normal month, a temperature of 82°F would be slightly interesting, but it’s hardly what many people were expecting, and September 2016 has been anything but a normal month. It takes time to refresh the entire index, though, so it’s likely Penguin volatility will continue for a few days.... [...]

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