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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Google cracks down on phishing with new Chrome extension’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Google has unveiled a new Chrome extension aimed at thwarting phishing attacks. The free, open-source extension, called Password Alert, will send a warning whenever you type your Google password into a website outside of the Google domain. The service is designed to protect against unauthenticated emails and harmful websites that pose as real services in order to lure you into inadvertently turning over your password to hackers. The extension will store a scrambled version of your Google password that it will cross-check anytime you punch a password into an outside site,... [...]

‘Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ update came into effect recently and I have some early data showing the possible effects of the changes.  For example, Barclays’ mobile-optimised homepage ranks well, but its non-optimised pages have dropped in the search rankings. Here are a few other test cases… The data I have used charts from PI-Datametrics, which analyse the rankings of several high profile sites for a range of keywords“. Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Why The EU Hates Google: Its End Game Is Still A Single Search Result’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Gregory Ferenstein says, “Google’s entire multi-billion dollar software utopia is designed to find the perfect search result. Back in 2005, before U.S. and EU government regulators painted Google as a monopoly, now-Chairman Eric Schmidt was quite open about the search giant’s end game. He said that Google should ultimately only give one search result for each inquiry—the right one for you at that moment. “When you use Google, do you get more than one answer? Of course you do,”he told public television host Charlie Rose at the time. Schmidt continued: Well, that’s a bug. We should... [...]

‘The 4 Best Influencer Marketing Studies of 2015 (So Far)’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “I read influencer marketing blogs and newsletters every day. Don’t get me wrong—a good tips post has helped me greatly over the years. But I’m a sucker for posts containingfacts, strategies backed up with data, and most of all… charts! There is always good research coming out in the world of marketing, but in the past few weeks, the quantity and quality of data published has increased greatly. For this post, I’ve rounded up some of my favorites. Partnering With Influential Moms Yesterday, I published a case study on how Lake Tahoe worked with mom bloggers for a press... [...]

‘Google Posts Revs Of $17.3 Billion In Q1, Misses On Earnings And Revenue’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “This afternoon Google announced quarterly earnings of just under $17.3 billion, which was up 12 percent over Q1 2014. However both revenue and earnings missed financial analyst consensus expectations. Google is blaming the performance in part on currency issues and a strong dollar. Without currency issues revenue growth would have been 17 percent year over year. Total advertising revenues were roughly $15.51 billion, representing 11 percent year over year growth. However ad revenues were off 5 percent vs. Q4 2014″. Google Posts Revs Of $17.3 Billion In Q1, Misses... [...]

‘1 Day After Mobilegeddon: How Far Did the Sky Fall?’ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “Even clinging to the once towering bridge, the only thing Kayce could see was desert. Yesterday, San Francisco hummed with life, but now there was nothing but the hot hiss of the wind. Google’s Mobilegeddon blew out from Mountain View like Death’s last exhale, and for the first time since she regained consciousness, Kayce wondered if she was the last SEO left alive. We have a penchant for melodrama, and the blogosphere loves a conspiracy, but after weeks of speculation bordering on hysteria, it’s time to see what the data has to say about Google’s Mobile... [...]

‘Google to websites: Be mobile-friendly or get buried in search results’ – ‘Mashable’

JP Mangalindan says, “Google is introducing a new algorithm that affects how mobile search results appear — a significant change that will take anywhere from several days to a week to roll out. Moving forward, when you do a Google search on mobile, search results will prioritize websites that the search engine deems “mobile-friendly” — ones that avoid software like Flash and feature larger text, easy-to-click links and a responsive design. Sites that aren’t up to snuff will likely appear lower in search results. The change will impact millions of sites, more than Google’s... [...]

‘Google’s Mobile-Friendly Search Will Bury Your Mobile-Unfriendly Sites’ – Forrester

Ted Schadler says, “Customer are mobile first. Is your website? Are all your webpages? Google did something important for your customers today: it changed its ranking algorithm for searches on smartphones. If Google deems your web page mobile-unfriendly, then it will be devalued in the search rankings. Your page will be buried. My colleagues Mark Grannan, Jennifer Wise, Deanna Laufer, Peter Sheldon, and I capture the problem and how to fix it in a new Forrester report: Don’t let this good crisis go to waste — use it to convince your company to make the mobile mind shift and invest... [...]

‘Google updates mobile search snippets’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Today, Google began to use mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal, but the search giant isn’t stopping there in its push to promote good experiences for mobile users.   Last week, Google announced that it is changing the way URLs are presented in the SERPs. On the Google Webmaster Central Blog, Google’s Bartlomiej Niechwiej and Rob Ennals detailed how the algorithms that display URLs in search results on mobile will be updated to reflect sites names instead of domain names”. Google updates mobile search snippets ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Tomorrow Is Mobilegeddon: What You Need To Know Today About Google’s Mobile Friendly Update’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Whether you call it Mobilegeddon, Mopocalypse or something else, Google’s mobile-friendly update arrives tomorrow. The update will be significant and potentially impact a large number of websites that aren’t mobile-friendly. Remarkably, some estimates suggest that as much as 40 percent of the top sites aren’t mobile friendly today. The best and fastest way to tell if you’re site is ready is to use Google’s mobile friendly testing tool. Barry Schwartz has written a comprehensive Mobilegeddon FAQ post on Search Engine Land that answers almost every question... [...]

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