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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

‘Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network”. Graham Charlton says, “Earlier this year, Matt Cutts announced the ‘death’ of guest blogging for SEO, declaring it finished as a link building tactic.  Now, following a tweet by Cutts announcing that action has been taken on a ‘large guest blog network’, it seems that, though Google hasn’t confirmed it, MyBlogGuest is the ‘victim’. It no longer ranks for its own brand name, a classic sign of a Google penalty,... [...]

‘5 Pitfalls Commonly Seen in Google Analytics Implementations’ Website Magazine Webinar April 8

Website Magazine is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 8 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “5 Pitfalls Commonly Seen in Google Analytics Implementations”. The WM team says, “Website Analytics data has changed the game for marketers, designers, and CMO’s alike. But there is a downside – a shoddy analytics implementation could be misguiding your decisions and costing your company money. In a recent audit of 150 Google Analytics accounts, more than half of all accounts had been improperly implemented. And to make matters worse, poor implementation caused bad decision... [...]

‘Google Releases New Tools For AdMob Including Full Google Analytics Integration’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Advertisers Brace As Google Revisits “Google Releases New Tools For AdMob Including Full Google Analytics Integration”. Ginny Marvin says, “Today, Google will announce new features for its mobile ad platform AdMob at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The new features are powered by Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Rather than having to access AdMob and Analytics from separate interfaces, app developers can now get performance reporting from the AdMob home screen and a new Analyze tab right... [...]

‘When to Use Real-Time Google Analytics’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “When to Use Real-Time Google Analytics”. Kevin Webster says, “Web analytics exist to provide data about traffic and visitors to a website, to facilitate business decisions. It’s important to look at historical trends and how changes to site functionality and content affect long-term performance. But instant, real-time analytics are important, too. Google Analytics Real-Time (Analytics > Real-Time) monitors visitor activity as it occurs. But don’t get bogged down in watching it. The key is to know when real-time analytics should... [...]

‘Small Google+ Design Change Looks More Like Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Small Google+ Design Change Looks More Like Facebook”. Kurt Wagner says, “If you share links on Google+, you may have noticed a small, yet positive change this week. That’s because link posts have been redesigned to include larger images, and cleaner titles. Links posted to Google+ used to include a small thumbnail photo and a blue, underlined link. Now the images span the entire post and the titles are black, not blue, and don’t have any underline at all“. Small Google+ Design Change Looks More Like Facebook  [...]

‘Google’s 2014 Redesign: Before and After’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Google’s 2014 Redesign: Before and After”. Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “Over the past few months, Google has been testing a redesign of both their overall SERP format and their AdWords blocks. In the past day or two, it appears that they’ve rolled these changes out to a large part of their audience. While we still have a chance to grab before and after versions of the SERPs, I thought it would be worth a quick stroll down memory lane and a look at the future of Google“. Google’s 2014 Redesign: Before and After MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Celebrates The Web’s 25th Birthday With Plea To Keep It Free”. Amy Gesenhues says, “Today’s Google homepage includes a small birthday cake image with a “25″ candle on top to celebrate the web’s 25th birthday. The image links to a post on Google’s blog penned by the inventor of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee, asking that everyone “fight to keep it free and open.” Berners-Lee writes: On the 25th birthday of the web, I ask you to join in—to help us imagine and build the future standards for the... [...]

‘Google’s Sundar Pichai On Wearable Tech: ‘We Are Just Scratching The Surface’’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Google’s Sundar Pichai On Wearable Tech: ‘We Are Just Scratching The Surface'”. Dan Rowinski says, “Google may be commonly associated with Google Glass, one of the most striking, and perhaps strangest, wearable devices out there. But where development of new wearable technology is concerned, the fun is just beginning, a top Google executive said Sunday. Wearable gadgets aren’t just smart versions of glasses or watches, but also anything that embeds sensors that can collect data and deliver it to devices that can then... [...]

‘You’re Not Crazy: Google Search Results Look a Little Different’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “You’re Not Crazy: Google Search Results Look a Little Different”. Karissa Bell says, “Google is rolling out a new design of search to desktop users that includes changes to both organic search results and ads to desktop users. The new design removes underlines, increases the font size and, most important, changes the way ads are labeled in search results. The changes appear to be part of a broader redesign of search results Google has been experimenting with since last fall, when it first began rolling out similar changes to search... [...]

‘How to Set Up Meaningful (Non-Arbitrary) Custom Attribution in Google Analytics’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “How to Set Up Meaningful (Non-Arbitrary) Custom Attribution in Google Analytics”. Tom Capper says, “Attribution modeling in Google Analytics (GA) is potentially very powerful in the results it can give us, yet few people use it, and those that do often get misleading results. The built-in models are all fairly useless, and creating your own custom model can easily dissolve into random guesswork. If you’re lucky enough to have access to GA Premium, you can use Data-Driven Attribution, and that’s great—but if you haven’t got the budget to take... [...]

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