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Monday, September 16, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Analytics' Category

‘How to Treat Your Bloggers Like Rock Stars’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How to Treat Your Bloggers Like Rock Stars″. Baer says, “Yesterday, I discussed the power of blogger outreach and how Char-Broil does an exemplary job with mutually beneficial connections. In order to achieve and implement these crucial relationships like Char-Broil does, it’s important to understand exactly what makes for a successful relationship with the bloggers who move your brand forward. The writer in me loves”. How to Treat Your Bloggers Like Rock Stars Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘Customer-centric Marketing: Survey program turned 30% of unsatisfied software customers into brand advocates’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Customer-centric Marketing: Survey program turned 30% of unsatisfied software customers into brand advocates”. David Kirkpatrick says, “Eight years ago, software company Sage North America determined it needed to become more customer-centric. The company tracked customer satisfaction, but not loyalty. In a number of years, Sage created a customer survey program that measured sentiment and put internal programs in place to promote loyalty from its customer base. Discover the process and programs Sage developed that led to a 275%... [...]

‘When Analog Beats Digital Marketing’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “When Analog Beats Digital Marketing″. Baer says, “You would have thought that with the advent of the compact disc and the clarity and consistency digital music provides, turntables and needles would by now have disappeared, making all those record albums stored in your garage worthless. But, you may want to think twice before you pitch them in the trash or trade a”. When Analog Beats Digital Marketing Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘Why Content Marketers Need Better Statistics’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Why Content Marketers Need Better Statistics″. Baer says, “One recent morning, a client got in touch and asked me to find a widely cited statistic that supports the use of behavioral job interview techniques. The client needed to show that behavioral interviews resulted in lower overall hiring costs, lower turnover rates, or increased productivity. They needed the statistic within two hours for use”. Why Content Marketers Need Better Statistics Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘Copywriting: Call-to-action testing and optimization’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Copywriting: Call-to-action testing and optimization”. Erin Hogg says, “For Michael Aagaard, Copywriter,, optimizing call-to-action copy is one of the most fascinating aspects of improving conversion rates, and one of his favorite research areas. “In the last critical moment, call-to-action copy is what makes the prospect click,” Michael said. In his Email Summit 2013 presentation, “How to Optimize and Test Calls-to-action for Maximum Conversions,” Michael walked the audience through his own tests and results... [...]

Download: StrongView’s ‘A Practical Guide to Modern Marketing Analytics’

StrongView has released “A Practical Guide to Modern Marketing Analytics”. The StrongView team says, “Marketers are learning how the promise of big data for marketing can help them understand individual customer context and channel that context into highly targeted and relevant communications. Download this guide to simplify the future of Big Data Marketing Analytics and what you can do to prepare, today. Key Topics How the promise of big data cloud marketing will change the way your brand interacts with your customers The 3Vs of Big Data and how the future of marketing analytics... [...]

‘Less is More: Maximize conversion by removing website distractions’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Less is More: Maximize conversion by removing website distractions”. Jesse Kraker says, “The old adage “less is more” holds true when it comes to website optimization. To optimize your website, you need to remember to stick to the goal of your site and not distract your visitors with links and other elements that can stop them from reaching that goal. In this MarketingExperiments Blog post, we’ll review a recent test from one of MECLABS’ online retail Research Partners and how the team was able to achieve a 10% lift in checkout... [...]

‘How an Exhibit Manufacturer’s Product Launch Exceeded Aggressive Sales Forecasts by 38%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “How an Exhibit Manufacturer’s Product Launch Exceeded Aggressive Sales Forecasts by 38%”. Andrea Johnson says, “Skyline, a trade show exhibit manufacturer, managed to perfect the balance between secrecy and promotion in the launch of an industry-transforming product. The result? Sales so strong that production is scrambling to keep up; Skyline is exceeding even the most aggressive sales forecasts by 38%. This week’s B2B Marketing case study outlines the three critical steps that helped Skyline successfully walk the... [...]

‘Email Marketing: 133% ROI for B2B’s first-ever lead nurturing program’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Email Marketing: 133% ROI for B2B’s first-ever lead nurturing program”. Adam Sutton says, “Lead nurturing is a powerful strategy, but launching it can be daunting especially when you’re building from scratch. How should you get started? This case study featuring an accounting and consulting firm covers building a lead nurturing strategy from the ground up and hit 133% return on investment after only seven months. You’ll see how the team set topics, mapped content to the sales funnel, and navigated bumps in the road“. Email... [...]

‘A/B Testing: 3 steps to help you test smarter, not harder’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “A/B Testing: 3 steps to help you test smarter, not harder”. Amy Tulley says, “2014 is here and with it opens a new year full of many opportunities to test. We are presented with a clean slate. Any missed opportunities or “we should’ve tested that” are in the past. This post will help you with the basic steps to learn how to approach testing in order to test smarter, not harder, when setting up your tests in 2014. Step #1. Develop key performance indicators first Every test begins with an idea on how to make a webpage or email... [...]

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