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Monday, February 24, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘This Native Ad Network Uses Creative Tech To Help Content Go Viral’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “This Native Ad Network Uses Creative Tech To Help Content Go Viral”. Sanghamitra Mandal says, “Businesses in the digital age need to reach their targeted audience as fast as possible, but most advertising formats – digital or otherwise – don’t always scale that way and enterprises often miss out on fast and widespread reach-out. The key challenge on a thickly populated Internet is to get discovered in a relevant manner – so that the impact stays long enough to make its point. But to achieve that, one must... [...]

‘Eye Publishing: Google Glass Gets WordPress Plugin’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Eye Publishing: Google Glass Gets WordPress Plugin”. Samantha Murphy Kelly says, “The articles you read in the future could be published through voice command or even a pair of eyes.Google Glass users will now have access to a plugin app that works with the WordPress publishing platform, giving media organizations and bloggers a way to post and update stories, photos and videos directly through the high-tech eyewear. The wpForGlass plugin — developed by public relations agency Weber Shandwick and not officially launched from WordPress... [...]

Enhance your website with free Google fonts #ad

People do judge a book by its cover and a website by its appearance. The more professional your site looks, the money money it can make for you. Among the no-charge services Google offers is a set of 600 fonts that they make available to any website at no charge. No longer are you stuck with Arial or Tomes New Roman (and a few other Microsoft “safe” fonts that all browsers support.) Now you can design your site around the rich selection of professional fonts offered by Google. Google came out with their Web Fonts library to give website owners a choice of high-quality fonts that will... [...]

‘How marketers can build loyalty during a long purchase cycle’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How marketers can build loyalty during a long purchase cycle”. Matthew Kates says, “A key element for loyalty programs, especially in industries like retail and restaurants, is product purchase frequency. Frequently purchased products enable members to earn more reward currency and keep the product and the program top of mind. Does that mean that products without a high rate of purchase frequency can’t implement a successful loyalty program?”. How marketers can build loyalty during a long purchase cycle ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

‘Are Facebook Ads a Failure?’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Are Facebook Ads a Failure?″. Baer says, “Even though Facebook continues to maintain its impressive user growth and rack up advertising revenue, that growth is coming despite a major shift in the promise of advertising on that platform. Right now, Facebook is on track for $6 billion in ad revenues but it’s walked away from the fundamental premise of its ad platform”. Are Facebook Ads a Failure? Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog  [...]

‘The Future of Content: Upcoming Trends in 2014’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Future of Content: Upcoming Trends in 2014”. Stephanie Chang says, “2014 will be an exciting time for the future of content. As technology evolves and competition for user attention increases, marketers need to be agile and adapt to the growing needs and expectations of their customers. Here are four specific trends to watch”. The Future of Content: Upcoming Trends in 2014 MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Premise for WordPress is Going Away: Grab a Copy and Save Before it’s too Late’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Premise for WordPress is Going Away: Grab a Copy and Save Before it’s too Late”. Brian Clark says, “Yes, it’s true. Our Premise landing page and membership site solution for WordPress is gone at the end of this week. And that means exactly what it sounds like … we’re discontinuing sales of the product. Yes, this is the same software that we use at StudioPress to perform hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of digital transactions each month, and securely deliver the purchased products”. Premise for WordPress is Going... [...]

‘One Hot Lesson I’ve Learned Blogging For 2 Years’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “One Hot Lesson I’ve Learned Blogging For 2 Years”. Chow says, “Imagine waking up one morning and realized that you’re a 2-year old blogger. That was what happened to me. I started blogging in August 2011. So if you calculate it, I think I’m 2 years and 3 months old doing this thing called (blogging). It’s been a fun-filled adventure. I’ve failed countless times but that doesn’t make me a failure. I’ve come to realize that failure isn’t a person, but an event”. One Hot Lesson I’ve Learned Blogging For 2 Years John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Facebook Reveals the Biggest Trends of 2013’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Reveals the Biggest Trends of 2013”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Miley Cyrus and the Royal Baby may have been all over Facebook this year, but neither proved to be top conversation driver on the social network.Pope Francis was the most talked about topic on Facebook worldwide this year, according tonew data from the company, which measured the number of posts mentioning a particular person or event, including related hashtags. The word “election,” broadly, was the second-most talked about topic followed by the royal baby”. Facebook... [...]

‘Google’s Ad Rank update leads to improved performance of PPC ad extensions’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google’s Ad Rank update leads to improved performance of PPC ad extensions”. David Moth says, “A paid search algorithm update by Google has led to an improvement in the performance of PPC adverts that include an ad extension. But overall the new AdWords Ad Rank update actually caused a slight decline in ad performance. The update, which was announced back in October, altered the way that Google determines the order of paid search ads by adding in a third variable alongside the maximum bid and quality score”. Google’s... [...]

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