The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Gamification for marketers: what old school games can teach us about engagement”. Matthew Kates says, “You’ve most likely heard or even uttered the latest ‘it’ term out there for marketers: Gamification. But what does it truly mean? Is it a fad or is it here to stay? Defined as the “process of using game concepts and mechanics to engage users and change behavior,” gamification is, at its core, a simple concept with huge potential for business. In fact according to Gartner, 70% of Global 2000 organizations... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Page Speed Matters! Why You Need to Improve Yours Today”. Benjamin Spiegel says, “Pizza! My three-year-old daughter loves it — which is why the delivery guy knows exactly where our house is. But… if it takes too long to arrive, she’ll quickly move on to something else more readily accessible. Speed clearly plays an important role in her user experience — much as it does for the digital user experience”. Page Speed Matters! Why You Need to Improve Yours Today Marketing Land [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “What Is an Email Workflow?”. Ginny Soskey says, “So you’ve got a marketing problem — one that happens to the best of us. It’s not that you’re not attracting visitors to your website and converting them into leads — you’ve got your business blog, social media, landing pages, and marketing offers down pat. But once you get your leads in the door, they getstuck in your marketing funnel. They aren’t ready”. What Is an Email Workflow? HubSpot [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “KISS: Keep It Significant and Shareable”. Frederic Gonzalo says, “It used to be that the KISS principle related to an age-old acronym, meaning Keep it Simple, Stupid! Since its origin in 1960, there have been slight variations, of course, from “Keep it short and simple” to “Keep it super simple” or “Keep it simple and straightforward”. All good. But in this day and age of content marketing, big data and shrinking attention span for ever-increasing amounts of shared information, the KISS principle is perhaps... [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Microsoft: Return Of The Jedi”. George Colony says, “Every ten years or so, a company in the technology industry that appears to be dead, dying, or stagnant, makes an amazing turn-around. In 1980 it was Intel — buried by the Japanese in the dynamic memory business, it re-invented as a microprocessor company. In the 1990’s it was IBM — saved from breakup-hungry investment bankers by LewGerstner to be re-born as a services company. In the 2000’s it was Apple. It’s the 2010’s — who is poised... [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “5 Lessons Learned from 100,000 Usability Studies”. Phil Sharp says, “As helpful as analytics can be, they simply can’t give as complete a picture as usability studies. This post walks through five of the most important lessons we’ve learned after performing hundreds of thousands of those studies”. 5 Lessons Learned from 100,000 Usability Studies MOZ Blog [...]
John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “One POWERFUL Idea To Earn Consistent Income Online”. Chow says, “In 2012, my earnings online were not consistent! In August, I earned $754.22 from affiliate offers I was promoting and in September, I earned less than $450. Then in October, I was lucky enough to earn a little about $500. As you can see, I was doing something wrong. If I had known the basic rules at the time, instead of my income going down – it should have increased. What do you think?”. One POWERFUL Idea To Earn Consistent Income Online John Chow’s Blog [...]
The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Three Easy Ways to Write Your Client-Attracting Ebook″. Nina Amir says, “Many entrepreneurs struggle to findthe right contentfor their ebooks. However, it’s really not that hard to find the right content if you simply focus on one thing: your costumers’ or clients’ needs. With this in mind, you can produce a client-attracting ebookeasily and quickly. Here arethree sure-fire ways to write an ebookthat pin-points the concerns of your ideal costumers and clients“. Three Easy Ways to Write Your Client-Attracting Ebook ‘The... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook’s Global Mobile Ad Market Share to Triple This Year”. Todd Wasserman says, “Google claimed more than half of the $16.65 billion global ad market in 2012, but Facebook made some big gains as well, according to a new eMarketer report. The search giant went from a 38.1% share in 2011 to 52.4% in 2012, eMarketer estimates. This year, Google’s share will increase slightly to 53.2%. Meanwhile, Facebook’s slice of the mobile ad market went from zero in 2011 to 5.3% in 2012. This year, the company will nearly triple... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Facebook promotion rules update: Could this devalue fans?”. Matt Owen says, “Facebook announced the latest in its never-ending series of updates last night, with some significant changes to competition and promotion rules. While these announcements are ten-a-penny, this latest tweak could have a fundamental effect on the way many pages are run”. Facebook promotion rules update: Could this devalue fans? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]