The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “10 Common Mistakes Most Business Bloggers Make”. Nathan Yerian says, “Blogging is an excellent way to demonstrate your company’s value. It also enables you to give your brand a voice, allows you to differentiate your business from the competition, helps you attract customers, and increases your chances of generating qualified sales leads. If you find yourself thinking, “I haven’t seen those results” then there’s a good chance you’re not blogging effectively for your organization. Now, now–this isn’t a finger pointing... [...]
Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category
Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “How to be a Kickass Blogger – Adventures in Visibility with Lynne Knowlton”. Wakeman says, “In thisAdventure in Visibility, I hung out with Lynne Knowlton ofDesign the Life You Want to Live. We talked about how Lynne’s visibility skyrocketed when she made one simple decision about how she was going to approach her blog. Lynne’s secret to blogging success is simple. Lynne blogs exactly like she talks. And that’s not an exaggeration. Lynne is my sister-in-law and I’ve known her about 18 years. When I read her posts, it feels like I’m... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How to Measure the ROI of Your Blog Content”. Eric MacColl says, “ROI from blog content isn’t as obvious as a click to conversion, but its success can be traced in other ways. Return on investment measurements show the cost effectiveness of different marketing strategies. The usual equation is simple: revenue earned from the investment minus the cost of the investment, divided by the cost of the investment. However, for many of us in the content marketing space, focusing purely on a revenue to blog content ratio may... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “10 Chic Style Bloggers to Dress Up Your Instagram Feed”. Yohana Dosta says, “Your Instagram account needs a style awakening. Luckily, the photo-sharing site is buzzing with fabulous accounts from style bloggers all over the world, gleefully hashtagging their outfits of the day (#ootd).Blogs and fashion go hand-in-hand, introducing clothing-obsessed readers to style stars such as Leandra Medine of The Man Repeller and Kelly Framel of The Glamourai. Not only do they put together total sartorial eye candy, but they’re also influencing... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Finally … Site Analytics for Plain Folks”. Demian Farnworth says, “Analytics. It’s a strange, four-syllable word that causes some people strange fits. You can’t really turn around without running into it in some form (metrics, reports, data, dashboards) or someone telling you how insanely important it is. There’s no shortage of site analytics tools — starting with the most popular, Google Analytics (GA). These tools can measure the routine (traffic, clickthroughs, page views) to the complex (visitor flow, channel acquisition,... [...]
John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “#ASW14 – Secrets of Top Six-Figure Bloggers”. Chow says, “Affiliate Summit 2014 opened today with my panel session, Secret of Top Six-Figure Bloggers. This was a panel with some of the top bloggers in the game (including me), discussing everything from blogging, monetization, product creation and how to become an authority within your niche. I was the moderator, and joining me were three of the biggest bloggers in the business”. #ASW14 – Secrets of Top Six-Figure Bloggers John Chow’s Blog [...]
The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Dominate your Niche with a Book Blog″. Denise Wakeman says, “It goes without saying your book must be found online or it doesn’t exist. In order to break through the noise and attract the right audience for your book, you need to be incredibly visible on the Web since there’s so much competition for your readers’ time and attention. So, how do you dominate your niche and create that visibility without working 24-7 online? More than 2.5 billion people have access to the Internet worldwide (as of June 2012). You... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Bloggers and PRs: the 10 commandments”. Ben Davis says, “Monday next week I’m to appear on a webinar panel talking about journalist relationships. You can sign up for it here if you’ve always wondered whether I talk in dulcet tones or a high pitch falsetto. The Econsultancy blog has featured much on blogger relations, this article from Henry Elliss provides a rather good list of outreach don’ts. However I wanted to write a piece of my own, partly to draw attention to the upcoming webinar hosted by Vocus... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “8 Smart Ways to Combine Blogging with Email Marketing for Best-Selling Results”. Beth Hayden says, “Your blogging and email marketing efforts are like chocolate and peanut butter. The nutty crunch of peanut butter and the sweet bliss of chocolate are each great solo. But when combined, you get Reese’s Peanut Butter cups — the #1 selling candy in the United States. You can get that same kind of best-selling synergy with a content marketing strategy that smartly combines blogging and email marketing“. 8 Smart Ways to... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Writing A Killer Blog Post That Wins You Customers”. Matt Brennan says, “You’ve all seen it done. Sometimes you catch the notification of a new blog post in your Facebook feed or Twitter stream, and you just have to check it out. It’s magnetic. There’s something that draws you to it, and then as you read through, you realize that the author hit a home run. Maybe it causes you to subscribe. Maybe you comment. Maybe you even buy. Well…it’s not a secret. It’s something that anybody can do. Writing the kind of... [...]