The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Case For Content Automation”. Damon Ragusa says, “Recently, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) said it’s developing metrics and definitions for what used to be an intangible concept: engagement. It reminds me of the not too distant past when the once-intangible concept of marketing got the same scrutiny. Gone are the days when you knew half of your advertising worked, but not which half. We wanted accountability and consistency. The result was marketing automation, and you don’t have to go far into... [...]
Archive for the 'Content Marketing' Category
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “This Is The Usually Absent Secret Ingredient of Content Marketing″. Baer says, “I believe these things: – The best content is content that people cherish, not content that people tolerate. – The best content is content that people want, not content that companies think they need. – The best content is content so useful that people would pay for it if you asked them to do so”. This Is The Usually Absent Secret Ingredient of Content Marketing Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Hey, Bloggers! The 4 Spring 2014 Marketing Need-To-Knows”. Brandon Olson says, ““And if you don’t know, now you know…” Earlier this year, the 2014 marketing “predictions” and “resolutions” rolled out (including this 6-times-fabulous list). It’s March now. The dust has settled, and we’ve picked through it. Three of these trends, we wouldn’t have guessed a year ago, but all of them are absolutely making an impact”. Hey, Bloggers! The 4 Spring 2014 Marketing Need-To-Knows Aweber Blog [...]
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How to Find the Path to Useful Content That Works″. Baer says, ” 600,000 emails sent to 50,000 names and a trend has emerged. Your company is probably not unlike ours: You are trying to sell products and services to your target customers. Your solution is unique but there are many others out there with close enough replicas and their marketing can, and probably does, sound exactly the same as yours. There are many moving parts to your demand generation efforts: gathering names, building content, distributing content... [...]
This is a reminder for the Business 2 Community’s PR and content marketing webinar. Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with Vanessa Camones on Wednesday, March 19 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “The Future Of PR: Driving Growth With Relevant Content”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “The tech boom is transforming every business it touches, but it doesn’t seem to be helping a core part of the industry: Public relations for tech companies. Join the leading PR hackers and Startup Marketing Conference speakers in a candid conversation about... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Micro Content, Maxi Effect — How Shifts Toward Visual Content Will Impact Marketers”. Rebecca Lieb says, “The written word seems to be on the decline, at least in the online space. Articles and white papers have morphed into blog posts and status updates. Hashtags, acronyms and emoticons stand in for sentences. OTP, BRB, LMK, OK? How low can you go? In a year or two, 140 characters — a miserly allotment now — will seem a luxury, a vestige of an era marked by logorrheic verbosity. If you doubted it before,... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Introducing The Periodic Table of Content Marketing”. Chris Lake says, “I’ve written a lot about content strategy over the past decade. I’ve also highlighted various niche tactics that can help content creators to succeed, as well as plenty ofexamples of excellent content. But I haven’t created many visualisations, and recently I have been keen to do one. Surprisingly, nobody has yet created a periodic table for content marketing, so I thought I’d have a go. Before I introduce it, allow me to doff my hat... [...]
The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “How To Prepare For The New Facebook Page Design”. Brandon Olson says, “Facebook began rolling out a new design for Pages last week. The intention is to make it easier for people to find the information they want and to help Page owners access the tools they use most. With the new design, there are some great benefits as well as some drawbacks. We’re here to give you the low-down on what’s changing and what you can do to prepare. Change #1: Page Posts Get Better Placement Single-Column Timeline Format: A new single-column Timeline format... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Writing Content Your Audience Wants to Read”. Amanda Clark says, “Content, whether it’s social media, a press release, blogs, or Web copy, doesn’t have to be read. Most of the time and effort you put into writing it is wasted on skim-throughs and an overbearing amount of competition from other websites. But content doesn’t have to waste your time, not when you take the right approach. It boils down to writing content that is intriguing to a specific audience. The “generalized” content you write is hit-or-miss... [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Content Outliers: Learning from the Web’s Most Viral Content”. James Porter says, “Every now and then we are mesmerized by some incredible viral content hitting the web. And we all know how a viral can be an incredible source of backlinks, mention and social media visibility. Today on Moz, James Porter will present you 10 essential keys for thinking, planning and executing a viral success“. Content Outliers: Learning from the Web’s Most Viral Content MOZ Blog [...]