Rand Fishkin says, “This question, posed by Alex Moravek in our Q&A section, has a somewhat complicated answer. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses how organizations might perform well in search rankings without doing any link building at all, relying instead on the strength of their content to be deemed relevant and important by Google”. Is It Possible to Have Good SEO Simply by Having Great Content MOZ Blog [...]
Archive for the 'Content Marketing' Category
Ben Davis says, “Social media plays such an important role in publishing that sharable and fun interactive content is now the way to elevate a piece from ‘buzzy’ to ‘viral’. Buzzfeed and The Guardian have proved masterful at this (for different reasons) but there are plenty of other publishers and organisations getting in on the act. Here’s just a few of them”. Nine examples of interactive web content ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
Baer says, “Content marketing strategy isn’t a nice to have, it’s a requirement.Recent research from the Content Marketing Institute found that more than 80% of B2B marketers say they have a content marketing strategy, but only a third have documented that very same content marketing strategy. Let’s fix that. This presentation is drawn from our work here at Convince & Convert, where we create content marketing strategy for some of the best-known brands in the world. (if we can help you, please let us know). In practice, of course, creating a fully functional content marketing plan requires... [...]
Ben Davis says, “BBC Earth showcases some of the content trends the Beeb has been championing in the revamp of its site. I’ve taken a quick shufty through these lovely webpages in an attempt to find exactly what these design trends are. See if you agree. Looser style guide Look at the article titles. Here’s a comparison of some from 2013 with 2014. Whilst the BBC hasn’t stooped to BuzzFeed clickbait levels (who am I to talk?), it’s clearly trying to be a bit more of a tease”. BBC Earth: seven web content trends to notice ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
Marcus Tober says, “There are major differences between the results that search engines deliver on phones and computers. How can marketers structure their search strategy to maximise results? Figures from 2013 found that nearly 20% of the average adult American’s daily media consumption was on mobile devices, a trend that is only accelerating. Echoing this, search queries on mobile devices grew five-fold in the last two years, according to Google”. How can marketers benefit from mobile search? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
David Kirkpatrick says, “Every company has potentially untapped resources in its employees. This MarketingSherpa case study takes a look at how one B2B business was able to leverage its internal resources and grow its organic website traffic and social audience, and generate new leads. Read on to find out how the director of marketing of YouEarnedIt was able to engage this internal audience“. Content Marketing: Engaging internal resources helps grow organic traffic 380% MarketingSherpa [...]
Derek S. says, “For information publishers there are two objectives that sit above all others: create excellent content and continuously expand your reach. To help publishers achieve their objective of expanding their reach, AddThis offers many tools designed to help publishers garner as much visibility as possible. AddThis, a content sharing and social insights platform, has announced the release of a new WordPress plug-in designed to complement the latest enhancements to the AddThis Pro content engagement platform. Through the new WordPress plug-in publishers will be able to access and... [...]
Baer says, “Content marketing strategy isn’t a nice to have, it’s a requirement.Recent research from the Content Marketing Institute found that more than 80% of B2B marketers say they have a content marketing strategy, but only a third have documented that very same content marketing strategy. Let’s fix that. This presentation is drawn from our work here at Convince & Convert, where we create content marketing strategy for some of the best-known brands in the world. (if we can help you, please let us know). In practice, of course, creating a fully functional content marketing plan requires... [...]
Ben Davis says, “How do you create content that gets heard from within the maelstrom of online media? Well, consumers are looking for trusted and credible sources of information. Partnering with influencers who already have the ear of a community can be a way to create trusted content and get it shared by the right people. The latest in the Econsultancy Masters of CX series is called ‘Influence the Influencers – The Magic of Co-Created Content’, authored by Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank. Do download the report to read in full, but first I thought I’d pick out my favourite... [...]
Ben Davis says, “I’ve kept this list simple and it’s a fairly accurate idea of what I use day-to-day. I didn’t use any of these tools when I started working on the Econsultancy blog. I’m still not an advanced content creator but I do have some small tricks up my sleeve. Take a look at this list of tools to aid you in your image, video and text travails”. The SME content creation toolkit for images, video and text ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]