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Monday, February 3, 2025

Archive for the 'e-mail marketing' Category

‘How to Embed a Google+ Post’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Embed a Google+ Post [Quick Tip]”. Pamela Vaughan says, “First, there were embedded tweets. Then we had embeddable Pinterest content. And recently, we caught wind of embedded Facebook posts. Well guess what we have now, folks … Google+ Embedded Posts! That’s right! Yesterday, Google announced the ability to embed posts from Google+ to your”. How to Embed a Google+ Post [Quick Tip] HubSpot  [...]

‘Social video: you don’t have to ‘go viral’ to make an impact’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Social video: you don’t have to ‘go viral’ to make an impact”. Luke Gaydon says, “When it comes to talking social video, the buzzword on most people’s lips is usually ‘viral.’ But viral and social video are two different breeds and naturally, so are viral and social marketing. While a viral approach is about making a quick hit with content designed to become hugely popular over a short period, social video is about building an audience and establishing trust with that audience via word-of-mouth recommendations”. Social... [...]

’10 useful custom Google Analytics reports and dashboards for publishers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 useful custom Google Analytics reports and dashboards for publishers”. Graham Charlton says, “This post presents 10 shortcuts to Google Analytics reports and dashboards for publishers, bloggers and content marketers. I’ve compiled these from various sources, but I’m sure there’ll be some more useful reports out there, so please share them in the comments… If you are logged into your Google Analytics, just click the download links, and the reports and dashboards can be saved to your acount”. 10... [...]

‘Instagram: nine different ways to market your brand’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Instagram: nine different ways to market your brand”. David Moth says, “Photo-sharing app Instagram has long since left its hipster roots behind and is now a social network for the masses, which inevitably means that marketers are looking at ways to exploit its popularity. According to the platform’s own statistics, Instagram’s 130 million active users share 45 million photos every day so there’s plenty of opportunity to gain brand exposure. We’ve previously looked at nine brands making good use of Instagram and four... [...]

‘How to Build a Perfect B2B Product Page’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Build a Perfect B2B Product Page”. Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “There are a number of good resources out there on how to build effective ecommerce product pages. These product pages tend to be short, highly visual, and optimized for quick purchases — a style that matches the typical behavior of a B2C consumer. B2B purchase decisions, on the other hand”. How to Build a Perfect B2B Product Page HubSpot  [...]

‘Thin content: how to identify and fix it using Google Analytics’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Thin content: how to identify and fix it using Google Analytics”. Marcus Taylor says, “In my experience, severe panda-related hits tend to boil down to a root cause of either duplicate content, thin content, or extremely poor user experience. As I’ve already covered many of the other areas involved in recovering from panda this month, I wanted to focus on thin content – what it is, how to spot it, and most importantly, how to fix it using Google Analytics“. Thin content: how to identify and fix it using Google... [...]

‘The Complete Guide to Updating and Republishing Outdated Blog Content’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Complete Guide to Updating and Republishing Outdated Blog Content”. Pamela Vaughan says, “Every once in a while, things need to be updated. Your mailing address, your wardrobe, your hairstyle, your media collection. Things get outdated, stale, and irrelevant — it’s just the way of our constantly changing world. Unfortunately, your marketing content is no exception”. The Complete Guide to Updating and Republishing Outdated Blog Content HubSpot  [...]

‘Kenneth Cole: is a tagline of ‘views my own’ inoculation against scandal?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Kenneth Cole: is a tagline of ‘views my own’ inoculation against scandal?”. Ben Davis says, “Kenneth Cole’s ‘personal’ Twitter account has a bio that states ‘My tweets are not representative of the corporate @kennethcoleprd feed’.  This poses some questions about governance. Is a tagline of ‘views my own’ inoculation against scandal? The answer is ‘you’re missing the point’, as is Kenneth”. Kenneth Cole: is a tagline of ‘views my own’ inoculation against scandal? ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

‘The secret to productive, happy and creative digital workers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The secret to productive, happy and creative digital workers”. Paul Boag says, “With the explosion of the digital economy, the best digital professionals are much in demand and expensive. How then do you retain good staff and ensure you get the best return on investment?”. The secret to productive, happy and creative digital workers ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘How to recognise a content marketing agency’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to recognise a content marketing agency”. Robin Barnes says, “Content marketing is now a £1bn industry, so say the CMA.  But what exactly is it that marks a good content agency out from the growing crowds? Is it any more than being able to create something cool that cuts through the clutter? The other day I was talking with some of my industry peers about how ‘content marketing’ has become a magnet for all kinds of different marketing outfits: PR, video production, digital, SEO and social media”. How... [...]

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