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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Kindle Marketing' Category

Kindle Champion: High-octane training for creating and marketing on Kindle #ad

Mikey Lightning has built a good business creating and selling Kindle books. So good, in fact, that other Kindle marketers have turned to him for training. And he obliged them by creating a $2000 seminar where he shared all his secrets. Now, he has condensed that training into a streamlined home study course he calls Kindle Champion, in which he gives you, for a small fee, what other paid $2000 to understand. If you limit your Kindle marketing to the books you can personally write, you won’t get very far; you only have limited hours in a day. That’s why in this training, he shares a... [...]

Target Override: Autopilot income from Kindle books #ad

Ben Shaffer is no writer, but he makes $100/day from a Kindle book. He outsourced the writing, and he just focused on the marketing. By the end of two months in the Kindle store, his book was averaging $14/day in income. By the end of the 6th month, it was earning $100/day, and it continues to grow. Now, he can pump out book after book, knowing that each will also be successful. He got to this point by figuring out what it takes to make a successful book. He researched the Kindle store and all its processes. Eventually, he cracked the code. To help you get similar results, he has put his research... [...]

Kindle author’s toolkits: 10 Children’s Book Plots, 10 Sci-Fi plots #ad

Charity Cason is well-known for her own successful Kindle book publishing, but also for the plot outlines she produces for other authors. She has sold many collections of plots to writers who have trouble getting their book started. Her latest announcement contains two packages, each with 10 plots, one set of 10 plots for children’s books. And a set of 10 plots for science fiction books. In the children’s set, half of the plots are for younger kids and the other half for older kids. Sci-fi is always popular. TV and movies constantly are showing some sci-fi stories. Maybe you will write... [...]

Your book’s best sales agent is your cover #ad

We may say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but we don’t practice it. If you are a book author (or future author), your cover may doom you to failure, or may lead you to success. An attractive cover is critical if you are to have a best-seller. That’s true on Kindle, on Amazon, and on any other website. People can’t pick up your book to delve deeply into it, as they can in a physical book store. They have to rely on the cues they get from looking at its online ad. A cover that appeals to the target audience (along with a title that also appeals to them) gets... [...]

Kindle Bolt: Sell your fiction like lightning. #ad

Ryan Leonard and Lila Jade are creative Kindle authors. Between them they have a lot of Kindle success. Their success comes not just from the quality of their books, but the cleverness of their book promotion. In Kindle Bolt, they share their promotional strategies that they say will advertise your book to “millions” (that’s their word) of potential readers. And, they say, you can do it for free and without the techniques most authors turn to: • No submitting your book to hundreds of sites to get backlinks • No paid advertising • No blogging about your book •... [...]

Tink’s guide to writing popular fiction for Kindle #ad

Some of us would like to have fiction books earning us passive income (the Kindle platform has exploded the market for fiction), but we are hesitant, afraid that we don’t know enough to create a fiction book that would sell. Tink B.D. has a lot of experience in fiction writing and she has shown many less experienced writers how to be successful in this market. She is currently offering youTink’s guide to writing popular fiction, consisting of three recorded webinars to get you on the right track in your fiction career. 1. Tink’s Guide to Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy World... [...]

You, a published self-help author. Yes, really. #ad

Lina Trivedi is a published Kindle author and an expert in using the Kindle publishing process to get books published and marketed effectively. She has created several tools and courses to help people do well when publishing on Kindle. This week, as a special Christmas promotion, she is offering her Kindle author training she calls Kindle Holiday. In this 20 page printable training, Trivedi shows you how to write a book in the motivational/self-help/spiritual genre. She uses a step-by-step approach to her teaching, so you should have no trouble following her directions. Trivedi reports that using... [...]

The Inside Story on Kristen Eckstein’s Astounding Success with Kindle eBooks′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “The Inside Story on Kristen Eckstein’s Astounding Success with Kindle eBooks″. Denise Wakeman says, “Kindle has been a hot topic for the past couple of years, and for good reason! Business owners are finally beginning to realize how being published on Kindle can boost their credibility and skyrocket their profits. Ellen Britt and I invited publishing expert Kristen Eckstein to share her expertise and experience with Kindle ebook publishing. Kristen will demonstrate how you, as an online entrepreneur canbenefit from digital... [...]

Fantastic Fiction Decoded: write captivating fiction that sells #ad

Kindle author & marketer Kim Thomas and internationally bestselling author Joseph Nassise are both well-acquainted with selling fiction on the Kindle platform. They have “been there, done that.” In their new training, Fantastic Fiction Decoded, they are giving you an inside look at the process Nassise uses every day in his writing . Keep in mind that he has written twenty novels, multiple bestsellers, and earns a solid income from his Kindle sales. Inside Fantastic Fiction Decoded, you’ll discover the formula that well-known successful novelists for the Big 6 publishing houses... [...]

Even beginners can build a business publishing Kindle books #ad

Brad Callen has released new software (AK Elite) to help authors and publishers create books that will sell nicely on Kindle. Unlike offline bookstores with their hard copy books, Kindle is wide open for new authors and publishers. And don’t let the label “publisher” bother you. Hire someone to ghost write a book for you; that makes you a publisher. Many marketing consultants tell you that the first step to selling a lot of Kindle books is getting reviews. Reviews are certainly helpful, but Callen says they aren’t necessary to get top ranking. If you understand why the current... [...]

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