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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Kindle Marketing' Category

10 ready-made romance plots for your book #ad

Romance books have always been big sellers, at least ever since Jane Austen. On Kindle. they sell more than ever. Now, you can get a slice of that pie. You may think you’re not creative enough to think up a new plot for a book. But Charity Cason is, and she is now offering you 10 Complete Romance Plots. You can use these to give your writing a starting point and a path to follow from start to finish. Write the books yourself, or give them to a ghostwriter on Odesk or Fiverr. Before you use them, you will need to assign names to the characters, choose a location and a time (adapt them for... [...]

Great Kindle Titles bring more sales #ad

Ben Shaffer has found that choosing the right title for your book can increase sales significantly. Some title cause people to stop and click; others just bore them and send them on to browse something else. To help you create better titles for your books, Shaffer has created Killer Kindle Titles. It shows you how to choose the best title for your book so your chances of profit are much greater. As important as the rest of your cover may be, the title is even more important. This guide isn’t about all the aspects of Kindle marketing; it only focuses on this one crucial thing: getting your... [...]

Kindle Rockstar: Straight talk about successful Kindle marketing #ad

As far as I know, this is the only Kindle training course created by a “top 100” Kindle author. Brock specializes in writing fiction and publishing it on Kindle, and he is at the top of the game. He sold over 4000 books the week of August 17, 2013. He sold 200,000 in just two months. That’s a record anyone would be happy with. In Kindle Rockstar, he shows how he got to where he is. The techniques he shares are valid for fiction, and most work equally well for non-fiction. He shows you how he researches his niches to target and how to gather competitive information for the niche... [...]

Kindle Empire: How you can publish successful Kindle books #ad

The Kindle ecosystem makes a ton of money for Amazon. In fact, it makes so much on the e-books it sells that it can afford to lose money on the hardware. The Kindle books are so profitable because they offer the reader instant gratification. But Amazon isn’t the only one profiting from Kindle books. The authors are profiting, as well. All the marketing muscle of Amazon is available to promote the books on the Kindle platform. If you become a Kindle author, you can take advantage of all that Amazon does to promote the platform and the books on it. Even better, Kindle books produce recurring... [...]

KD Outsourcing: How to outsource your Kindle publishing business #ad

You don’t have to do all the work for your new Kindle book yourself. There are excellent workers available for all phases of producing your book. In today’s environment, you can do the work that you enjoy doing and outsource the rest. There are five stages of book production: • Research to determine the best topic (the one to most likely generate sales) in your niche and the outline for your book. • Write the book • Get the cover and other artistic elements designed • Get your book formatted according to the Kindle specifications • Promote your book There are... [...]

How to write romance novels for Kindle #ad

Amber Jalink is a novelist with 9 published novels who is also a systematic writer. One thing she has noticed is that outlining the plot in advance in detail speeds up the process dramatically, and helps avoid the dreaded writer’s block. So, she creates many plot outlines (over 155 and counting) and turns some of them into actual novels. She has created far more outlines than she will ever turn into novels. Now, she has decided to bundle some and offer them to other writers who have trouble knowing where to start or who get stuck trying to to think of interesting plots. Jalink intentionally... [...]

The Book Theme: Instantly look like a Six-figure Author #ad

Daniel Tan has created the perfect WordPress theme for Kindle authors or for any author who wants a website to promote a book (Kindle or otherwise) and doesn’t have a major book publisher doing their promotion. He calls it, simply, The Book Theme. This theme has features that are specific to this need: • Links to your book’s sample pages on Amazon • Customizable menu to highlight features of your book or background and reference material • Pull in reviews and testimonials • Social sharing is built in • “About the Author” section and author rich... [...]

How To Self-Publish Children’s Books on Kindle: Even if you cannot write or draw #ad

Children’s books are big sellers on Kindle. So there’s opportunity for a marketer to build a specialized publishing business in this niche. There’s an advantage to this niche. Children’s books are short, so the writing process isn’t as time-consuming as the typical book for adults. Richard Bullivant is a successful Kindle author and has been training new Kindle authors for about the last two years. Now he has turned his attention to publishing children’s books. His new training, How To Self-Publish Children’s Books on Kindle, is available on for... [...]

Create international Kindle bestsellers through translation #ad

Alessandro Zamboni‘s native lanuage is Italian, but when he creates Kindle books, he has them translated into other languages so he can sell books in other countries, too. His success in international marketing on Kindle led him to create International Kindle Profits to show us how it is done. The foundation of International Kindle Profits is a PDF guide, written in simple language so that even beginners can follow it. The information is written systematically so there is no doubt what to do and when. For example, the 3 core chapters are: 1. Things to do Before Launch, such as: • ... [...]

Kindle Day Job Killer: Create books that bring in income #ad

If you want to produce a Kindle book that gets good reviews and sells well, check out Martin Kerrigan’s Kindle Day Job Killer. This e-book of 63 pages will show you how to create your Kindle books without falling into the many traps the unwary often stumble over. Both the beginner and the more experienced will find some helpful new ideas. Wherever you are on the spectrum, parts of Kindle Day Job Killer will bring on a “light bulb” moment. For the best sales, you want a hot topic, and you will discover ways to find out what’s hot in Kindle Day Job Killer, as well as ways... [...]

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