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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Kindle Marketing' Category

“KD Suite” on sale till 4 PM EDT, your Kindle author success kit #ad

Dave Guindon and Bobbie Walker have created a suite of 3 tools to assist creators of Kindle books, called KD Suite. (And read about the special IM NewsWatch bonuses, to help you even more,below.) Some people are doing well on Kindle, making thousands per month, with simple little eBooks that require practically zero technical skills or costs to publish. With the help of Guindon and Walker, you can join them. Winning in Kindle marketing starts with knowing what the public is looking for. Don’t write a book that no one will buy; create one that people are searching for. The KD Suite KD Bestseller... [...]

LilaJade’s Kindle Edge: Closes at noon EDT #ad

LilaJade has been working with Kindle book marketing for a long time and now averages $10,000 each month in sales. for the first time, she is sharing her insights in her Kindle Edge e-book. In this Kindle marketing guide she shows you: • How to find niches with hungry buyers, so you can start selling as soon as you publish • How to get your book linked to popular books in Amazon’s “People who bought this also bought” listing • How to create high-quality covers in 5 minutes • How to market your book so it gets shown high up in Amazon’s search results. LilaJade... [...]

Instantly Capture Kindle Buyer Email Signups #ad

Many times, you Kindle customers for their own reasons don’t sign up for your email list, even if you include a link in your book. In Instantly Drive Hundreds Of Email Signups, Ben Shaffer shows you how to either get them to sign up for the original offer or show them a totally new squeeze page that may be be more relevant to them. In this 19 page report, you will discover: • What to do if you are not currently including an option for your readers to sign up for your list • How you can contact every buyer who has ever bought any of your books and remind them to sign up for your... [...]

How to write good Kindle fiction fast #ad

There are plenty of training opportunities for Kindle authors. Most of them, though, either deal with the technical aspects of formatting and publishing a Kindle book or the techniques needed to create a non-fiction book. In reality, fiction is where the biggest opportunities are. Fiction is the biggest seller on Kindle- by far. Michelle Spiva has created an authoring system she calls Good Fiction Fast, that will help all authors (and would-be authors) create their fiction quickly, but more importantly, with the right qualities that will help it to sell when it is published. (And the same should... [...]

How to Publish a Kindle eBook Today that Sells like Gangbusters #ad

Daniel Hall is holding a free webinar called Publish an Amazon Kindle eBook Today that Sells like Gangbusters tonight at 8 PM EDT, showing fresh techniques for improving sales of Kindle books. In this webinar event Hall will show you everything you need to get international distribution for your content as an ebook on Amazon’s Kindle. And what’s more, you can publish on Kindle without spending a dime to do it. Hall will show you how. Don’t forget that Amazon sells more Kindle books than all other books (softcover/hardcover) combined. So the market is huge and can bring in a good... [...]

The Kindle Authority: Let Amazon sell books for you #ad

Amazon wants to sell your Kindle book for you. And they are set up to do it well. They run a huge marketing machine. If your book gets their attention, they can sell it day in and day out. You just need to know how to write a book that will stand out and then position it in the Kindle marketplace so it continues to stand out. The Kindle Authority training course intends to show you everything you need to know to be a high-selling Kindle author. Ask yourself these questions: • Do you know what kinds of books sell best on Kindle? • Do you know how to structure a book so that it will be... [...]

25 Gorgeous Designer eCovers for your Kindle (or other) e-books #ad

Kate Luella, Australian designer and marketer, has created an attractive set of 25 Designer eCovers for your books. These can be customized with your title and your author name and uploaded to the Kindle marketplace, the Nook marketplace or sold through any other channel you choose. There are covers for novels and for many kinds of non-fiction, all with the look of a professionally designed book. You get the covers both in PSD format and in JPG format, so you can edit them to add your information with any tools you find convenient. If you add or replace graphics, you can make these designs even... [...]

Kindle NanoNiche Goldmine: Small niches, low competition #ad

Rob Howard has scoured the Kindle marketplace, looking for what he calls “nanoniches”. The example he gives is “Weight loss for women over 50”, which has over 2000 searches on Google monthly, but only has 9 books in Kindle. When he finds niches like this, he considers it an opportunity for a new Kindle book. Howard just released Kindle NanoNiche Goldmine, in which he explains a step by step rational process to find other niches like this one that have a lot of attraction for the public, but so far have not attracted many book authors. Once you understand this research process,... [...]

Kindle Traffic Sniper: why isn’t your Kindle book selling? #ad

If you ever posted a Kindle book on amazon you know that the most frustrating part is not being able to know for sure what kind of traffic you are getting. Without this kind of feedback, * You can’t split test your title, your graphics, your description. and * You can’t calculate an accurate conversion rate for your ads. So even if you’re making some sales, you could be missing a lot more and there’s no way you can tell. It’s like trying to run you business blindfolded. And until today, there was nothing you could do about it. Today, Reach One Media has released Kindle Traffic... [...]

Smashing Kindle Book Cover Templates for better sales #ad

If you are planning to create a Kindle book, you should know that how a book looks in the Kindle sales pages has a big effect on how many sales it gets. You need a professional book cover for best results. But hiring a professional can be expensive. For a good cover, you can expect to pay at least $50. For 12 high-quality covers, bought in bulk, you would probably pay at least $500. Anthony Fesalbon has created 12 Smashing Kindle Book Cover Templates that look professional in every way, but are available for well under $10, although the price is rising. These 12 covers come with editable PSDs... [...]

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