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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Search Engine Marketing' Category

‘A Scientific Approach to Hitting Your Lead Gen Goals With Content’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Scientific Approach to Hitting Your Lead Gen Goals With Content”. Corey Eridon says, “Do you have a lead gen goal? Probably. I certainly do — we’ve had an SLA established with Sales for years, and part of the blog team’s SLA is delivering a certain amount of net new organic leads to Sales each month. The only time goals like this give me a major panic is when it feels like a guessing game“. A Scientific Approach to Hitting Your Lead Gen Goals With Content HubSpot  [...]

‘A Creative Way to Write a Month’s Worth of Blog Content in a Day’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Creative Way to Write a Month’s Worth of Blog Content in a Day”. Matthew Bushery says, “To my fellow bloggers out there who struggle to find the time to produce a lot of premium blog content: I feel your pain. The secret to blogging success is … well … that there is no one secret to blogging success. It takes a considerable amount of hard work, dedication, resources, and creativity to develop high-quality posts. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try to accumulate a nice backlog of blog posts to make... [...]

‘Should You Optimize for Yahoo and Bing?’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Should You Optimize for Yahoo and Bing?”. Katie Redmond says, “When you hear the term “search engine”, I’ll bet the first company you think of is Google. It makes sense if you do – with nearly 6 billion searches every single day and over 2 trillion searches in 2013 alone, Google is pretty much a powerhouse. So when the term “search engine optimization” is mentioned, it would make sense that most people assume that simply means optimizing one’s site for Google. While SEO is certainly about improving your site’s search... [...]

‘Local SEO best practice: dos and don’ts’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Local SEO best practice: dos and don’ts”. Graham Charlton says, “The growth and ubiquity of the smartphone means that local SEO is more important than ever, and some of the techniques for improving rankings are very simple, and free.  Our new Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Best Practice Guide contains detailed advice on improving your local search visibility. Here are some dos and don’ts for local SEO, taken from the new guide“. Local SEO best practice: dos and don’ts ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

‘Google’s Chris DiBona On Search Ecosystem Diversity’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Google’s Chris DiBona On Search Ecosystem Diversity”. Aaron Wall says, “It’s hard to deny that some folks working at Google are geniuses. It’s also hard to deny the disconnect in their messaging. As Google locked down their “open” ecosystem (compatibility as a club,abandonware, deleting privacy settings, extensions required to be installed from store, extensions required to be single-purpose, forced Google+ integration, knowledge graph scrape-n-displace, “We could either sue him or hire him,” etc.),... [...]

‘PPC 101: Getting the Most Out of a Small Paid Search’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “PPC 101: Getting the Most Out of a Small Paid Search”. Brock Clauser says, “Many of us know PPC can be a great advertising tool for direct response – increasing clicks and conversions on your website. But many times, marketing teams are limited with a tight budget within their PPC accounts (i.e. you don’t have enough money on a daily basis to keep up with available search demand). To overcome this limitation, I have identified a few ways business owners can make the most of a small budget so you can get the most bang... [...]

SEO Dragon uncovers errors on your site that reduce your ranking and traffic #ad

Most webmasters rely on a high search engine placement to bring in traffic to their site. Even if you are buying PPC or PPV ads, you don’t want to ignore Google and Bing completely. They still can bring you considerable traffic. So either way, it is smart to know what problems the search engines find in your site. Fix these problems and they will lift your ranking. That means more traffic, and more traffic means more sales. New York marketer, Luther Landro discovered his traffic dropped in November on two of his sites. He sifted through all the data he could find and uncovered several relatively... [...]

SEO 301 Method: white-hat SEO can build traffic and improve rank #ad

There are many features built into HTTP and HTML that are used by webmasters to handle various special situations on their site. You are probably familiar with the HTTP 404 message, “page not found.” Another one, that the users never see is the 301 message. The 301 redirect is one of them. It is used to tell browsers looking for a particular web address to go to another location instead. The browser is redirected from the original location to the alternate one. By the way, there is also a 302 redirect, which tells the browser the same thing, except that 301 says this redirection is... [...]

‘Global paid search spend increased in 2013: stats’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Global paid search spend increased in 2013: stats”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “Covario has just issued its Global Paid Search Spend Analysis for Q4 2013, revealing that global spend on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has increased by 13% from Q3 and 7% year-on-year. Paid search on mobile also had an incredible 2013, with impressive numbers recorded for Android, iPhone and iPad activations. Total advertising spend on mobile grew 23% in Q4 2013 from Q3. This is 55% up from the same period in 2012. Keyword pricing wise,... [...]

‘First Google, Now Bing? Encrypted Search Plague Spreads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “First Google, Now Bing? Encrypted Search Plague Spreads”. Pete Prestipino says, “SEOs probably don’t have much hair left to pull out, but if they did, that’s exactly what they would probably do with an important discovery over the weekend.  Apparently, Bing is now enabling searchers to conduct queries over Bing SSL search – that’s right; just like Google, they too are now supporting “encrypted search” – spreading the plague of “keyword not provided” even further. What that... [...]

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