The new year is just a few days away and its high time we prepare to get more business in it through different channels. Search engines stand as one of the strongest sources to drive more sales so we need to keep in tune with them. The Forbes contributor John Hall has shared five SEO trends that can help the marketers to get more done in 2019. Talking about the future of voice, Hall says, “Increased voice capabilities from devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo allow users to engage with content in new ways. Smart homes are getting smarter, and many smartphone users now rely on their phones... [...]
Archive for the 'SEO Tips' Category
HubSpot has published a free guide titled ’22 SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2019′. This guide would be useful to brands in building an effective SEO strategy for 2019. More about the guide: To say SEO has “changed a lot” would be the understatement of the decade. We’ll often see multiple updates per year from Google – including the Chrome security warnings rolled out to non-HTTPS sites in July and the core “Medic Update” in August. As a result, marketers are faced with the challenge of educating themselves about each update, adapting their SEO strategy accordingly,... [...]
Search Engine Marketing is the best way to promote your product to the Internet users. And when you want a great flow of traffic and leads you have to pursue Google. By keeping a pace with the algorithms with the help of unique content you can get most out of your SEO efforts. Entrepreneur contributor Imran Tariq has shared six tips to help marketers stand out on Google during the holiday season. Tariq says, “I asked several digital marketing experts for their tips on holiday advertising on Google, combined their responses with some lessons from personal experience, and excerpts from thought... [...]
MOZ columnist Will Critchlow has published a video of an interview with John Mueller at SearchLove London. In this video Muller has shared some useful tips on domain authority. Critchlow says, “When you’ve got one of Google’s most helpful and empathetic voices willing to answer your most pressing SEO questions, what do you ask? Will Critchlow recently had the honor of interviewing Google’s John Mueller at SearchLove London, and in this week’s edition of Whiteboard Friday he shares his best lessons from that session, covering the concept of Domain Authority, the... [...]
User generated content works as an asset for the brands. Not necessarily it should come in the forms of articles, even the comments submitted by people also work well when it comes to getting the SEO benefits. Small Business Trends contributor Shane Barker has shared three SEO benefits of the user generated content. Barker says, “UGC can help you get a lot of exposure and engagement. It can also help you build strong relationships with your followers. For brands, UGC is a source of unique and fresh content to enhance their search engine rankings. It also increases the credibility of your... [...]
The big shopping days are gone but the Christmas is waiting for us. If you haven’t utilized the SEO arsenal rightly during the holidays that are gone, don’t worry, you are not late for the Christmas preparation. Econsultacy columnist Manish Dudharejia has shared two strategies to help brands work on their SEO for upcoming holidays. Dudharejia says, “Let’s talk about what holiday SEO opportunities are still possible this late into the season. Trending keywords One simple quick fix you can make for the holidays is to identify keywords that trend for your business, and others... [...]
To win more at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) we need to optimize the tags. Among these the Alt tags are one of the most important ones. But with changing algorithms and search trends there exist the myths on utilizing the Alt tags. To help marketers better optimize these tags, Practical Ecommerce contributor Jill Kocher Brown has shared six SEO myths about the Alt tags. Kocher says, “Alt tags are a frequent to-do item for search engine optimization. But there’s much confusion surrounding the importance of optimizing alt tags. So it’s time for some myth-busting around this oft-misunderstood... [...]
Search engines are one of the biggest sources of web traffic today. With dynamic algorithms they continue to validate and index everything that you publish online. Right SEO techniques are mandatory to get your content indexed quickly in the leading spots. ReadWrite contributor Richard Parker has shared four tips to help businesses improve their SEO performance and get more traffic online. Parker says, “The experts you engage should help you improve your SEO rankings. These tips will help in your site ranking by attracting a huge traffic to your site. The tips will be able to generate leads... [...]
Search Engine Optimization is one of the most important elements that plays a vital role in getting more customers by offering a wide exposure to your brand. Search Engine Land columnist Jeremy Knauff has shared some critical tasks that can help you strengthen your SEO efforts. Knauff says, “In this article, I’m going to dig into the tasks that we typically handle on a quarterly or yearly basis, because frankly, they often get ignored until there is a crisis. Proactively handling them will give you a powerful advantage over competitors. Crawl for broken links Pages get moved or deleted.... [...]
Search Engine Optimization plays a pivotal role in helping you build an online credibility in the eyes of the search engines. Today local SEO also has a significant role to play in brand building. MOZ contributor Miriam Ellis has shared a short guide to help webmasters build linked unstructured citations for enhancing local SEO. Ellis says, “Link building is as old as organic SEO. Structured citation building is as old as local SEO. Both practices have long sought to influence Google rankings. But a close read of the local search marketing community these days points up an increasing emphasis... [...]