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Monday, October 7, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category

‘Facebook’s advertiser count surpasses 4 million brands, with 20% buying video ads’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Back in March 2016, you might remember Facebook announcing that three million businesses actively advertise on its social network. Well, now that number is four million. That’s one million advertisers added in less than seven months. For comparison, Facebook’s main current rival in the social advertising space, Twitter, claimed more than 130,000 advertisers in the fourth quarter of 2015 (Facebook’s real main rival, Google, no longer says how many advertisers it has). And Facebook-owned Instagram announced last week that more than 500,000 brands buy its ads each... [...]

‘Facebook acknowledges discrepancy that had overstated a video view metric’ – Marketing Land

Greg Finn says, “If you have been relying heavily on Facebook’s average duration of video viewed metric, you’ve likely been using some inaccurate stats. Facebook has officially announced that the metric has bee over-reported due to a miscalculation. Along with the announcement came an apology for the misinformation from David Fisher, VP of Advertising & Global operations at Facebook. In a lengthy Facebook post, Mr. Fischer chalked the error up to do an invalid equation that generated the metric. The metric should have been calculated by diving the total time spent watching a video... [...]

‘Facebook wants to show brands how its ads measure up against TV, others’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “On Wednesday, Facebook announced a wave of ad measurement news that even Facebook’s VP of measurement, Brad Smallwood, admitted were eyeball-glazing in their nitty-grittiness. But as boring or inside-baseball as they may seem, they’re important. So it’s important to explain them in a way that makes sense. To that end, I chose sports as an analogy. Facebook is trying to give advertising’s sabermetricians — the Moneyballers of Madison Avenue — a better way to evaluate its ads against those from other channels, including TV, competing to make their media rosters. Being... [...]

‘Facebook’s new retail ads show in-store product availability, can be aimed at likely visitors’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Facebook has been trying to help boost retailers’ online sales for years. But online remains the future of retail, and brick-and-mortar still the present, with in-store sales accounting for 92.5 percent of total US retail sales in the second quarter of 2016. So the social network has been putting a lot of attention toward how it can aid on the in-store front, pushing people from their phones to the checkstand. “For us solving for this mobile-to-store challenge is one of the biggest and most important opportunities for us to be spending our mindshare on,” said Facebook... [...]

‘4 Ways to Improve Personal Branding Using Facebook Live’ – Entrepreneur

Pratik Dholakiya says, “Andy Warhol was right when he speculated that everyone would have the opportunity to be famous. If you have any doubt, peruse YouTubeand check out one of the fastest growing incubators for digital celebrities and monetized self-made brands. Entrepreneurs like Michelle Phan who parlayed her talent for cosmetic design into co-founding the popular subscription brand Ipsy, and millions more around the world. While YouTube has maintained supremacy as the channel where personal branding creates Internet sensations and monetized income, there are an estimated 81 million... [...]

‘Why Marketers Need to Stay Current on Facebook Algorithm Changes’ –

Brandon Doyle says, “Marketing has entered a whole new space in recent years. Big-time marketers used to spend millions on campaigns that took up physical space on a billboard or in a magazine, effectively smothering any small-time competition. The digital space, however, has grown considerably with the shocking explosion of social media platforms. The king of social media, Facebook, has been in the marketing game for some time now, so if your business is not taking advantage of its resources it’s time to get on board. What Does Facebook Offer Marketers? Let’s start with some basic statistics: –... [...]

‘Brands too dependent on Facebook organic reach: study’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Facebook generated more than $17bn in revenue in 2015, primarily from its ad products. Despite this, brands active on Facebook are overly dependent on organic reach to distribute their content on the world’s largest social network. That’s according to a study published by BBDO Worldwide, which found that of the 100 brands with the most engagement on Facebook, only 3% were engaging in paid promotion of 80% or more of their Facebook posts. This is problematic according to Julian Cole, BBDO’s head of communications planning, because “organic... [...]

‘Words That Wow: 8 Copywriting Strategies to Skyrocket Your Facebook Engagement’ –

Puranjay Singh says, “Almost every company has a Facebook page these days. Most of them also have a good number of fans but a lot of them struggle in engaging their fans with their Facebook posts. If you have 100,000-page likes and on average your posts are getting one to 10 likes, something is clearly wrong. Your posts are not capturing user’s attention. In this post, we will have a look at what kind of copywriting tricks successful brands use to get millions of fans and great engagement rate. 1. Short and Catchy Writing Remember Apple’s “Think Different” tagline? Or perhaps Subway’s... [...]

‘Facebook Messenger adds buy button, native payments and links bots to Facebook ads’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Facebook Messenger bots can now serve as standalone storefronts. On Monday, Facebook Messenger made it easier for companies to sell products through their Messenger bots by adding a buy button, the ability to people to buy products from a bot without needing to leave Messenger and a way for brands to direct people from their Facebook ads to their Messenger bots. Previously, to buy something like a bouquet through 1-800-Flowers’ Messenger bot, you had to click a button that took you out of Messenger to a web page where you had to type in your credit card and shipping... [...]

’10 Things You Should Know About Facebook Ads’ – Small Business Trends

Matt Mansfield says, “If you want to break through all the noise on social media, it sometimes pays to advertise. And when it comes to social media advertising, Facebook is still the king. But while the social media giant has made strides in simplifying its advertising platform, it’s still robust enough for certain features to slip through the cracks. If you want to make the most of your Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) advertising efforts, then check out the 10 things you might not know about Facebook ads below. Facebook Advertising Tips 1. You Can Use Facebook Ads for Different Purposes Whether... [...]

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