Your social media strategy needs to include Facebook. Regular posting there for your followers builds the relationship. Now, with these 101 pre-written posts, you can keep your followers engaged for months. The research is done; professional writing is complete. Just post them. The subject of these posts is Social Media. Of course, you aren’t limited to using them on Facebook. With your license, you can use them in your blog or website; even in an autoresponder sequence. But wait, there’s more. You also get 101 posts on SMS marketing and 101 more on SEO marketing. And the price is... [...]
Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category
If you want to build a list that knows, likes and trusts you, give them good content that helps them grow their business. These 29 pre-written emails are a good place to start. Writing emails, particularly for new marketers and new writers, isn’t easy. Now you can ease into it. Start with using these 29 emails while you work on your writing skills (or find a ghostwriter.) You can’t build a list of satisfied people sending nothing but ads. They already get plenty of ads; they want you to give them substance. In these 29 emails you get: – 5 on research and choose a niche –... [...]
Ralph Keno has released a fresh package of PLR for weight loss, containing: – 10 professionally written articles optimized for specific weight loss keywords – Monthly search volume and thoroughly researched competitive data for each of the 10 keywords – A list of 2598 keywords related to the 10 primary keywords, with search volume and competitive data for each – A list of 3238 available exact match dot com and dot net domain names All this information will save you a lot of time in coming up a good business plan. Get it for under $2 (but rising) here. [...]
* If you need to build a list, Liz can help. * If you want to enter the internet marketing niche, selling * Liz’s course if a good way to start. If you want to build a large business online, Liz’s product can be the first step along that road. This is a recorded workshop Liz presented that shows how to build a niche-related mailing list of interested followers, from choosing the niche, to finding what the needs are in that niche, to building a squeeze page, to getting traffic, to monetizing your list of subscribers. You also get a complete marketing system to sell this List Building... [...]
Of course, video is hot. Of course, you want to use YouTube. But Justin Stowe says most marketers (maybe you) have been using YouTube the wrong way. You can learn a lot from this course, and you can use it as a product of your own. Sell it or give it away to build your list. Get thw whole story here. [...]
In Gail Curran’s new healthy eating video package, you get 7 high-quality PLR videos about healthy eating that you can edit and use in almost any way you can imagine. Topics include: – 3 Easy Steps to a Healthier Diet – Healthy Eating Idea – Go Nuts! – Two Mouth-watering Fruits for Your Healthy Diet – Healthy Diet Tip – Unlock the Nutrients in Food – How to Make Chocolate Part of Your Healthy Diet If you’re in a health niche, you will find these videos helpful (and affordable.) Get all the facts here. [...]
20% of the US population went camping last year, according to the Travel Industry Association of America. In the last 5 years, 33% camped out. This is a niche that is filled with opportunity. Let’s Go Camping PLR includes: – a brand new e-book – a ready-to-go sales page and download page – banners in 4 sizes (including the PSDs) – license certificates you can give your buyers Sell as is, break it into articles, bundle it with other products, convert it to other formats. Most anything you can think of. Get the whole story here. [...]
Garry Sayer has put together a list of 92 ways to monetize your WordPress blog, most of them easy to implement. These aren’t fluffy, high-level ideas, but practical, actionable techniques that can bring in funding from your site. The price is about $3, but rising. Go now and get it here. [...]
Aurelius Tjin has released a new PLR product “Focus on One”, subtitled “Eliminate Poor Time use by Focusing on One Thing so You Can Get More Done.” This book is about 35 pages in length and comes in PDF format, along with MS Word format (so you can edit it.) He includes a professional Opt-in Page (in fact, a whole opt-in funnel) and sales page, both with complete graphics. You can use this content in dozens of ways, from selling it, using it as opt-in bait, breaking it into blog posts or articles. You’re only limited by your imagination. But this is one product where... [...]
New List Building On-Exit Plugin improves your site’s SEO by reducing the bounce rate. This plugin does two useful things for you: first, it capture visitor emails from visitors when theyexit your site. It does this by opening a popup that offers a free download of a product related to your niche. Second, it improves your bounce rate since those seconds that the visitor spends with the popup are counted as time toward their stay on your site in the bounce rate calculation by Google. The delay in asking for opt-in also improves your bounce rate, since you don’t scare off people whoo... [...]