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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category

WordPress LockTight Plugin keeps the bad guys out #ad

This solution to keeping hackers at bay is created by a certified security specialist. It includes training in how and why WordPress sites are at risk, as well as the plugin that locks your site up tighter than a drum. It’s sad, but the large majority of WordPress users have no idea how vulnerable the platform actually is. You’ll understand it when you get this, but more important, you’ll be able to avoid the risks by installing the plugin. This is a re-release of his plugin earlier this year. Now he is offering PLR rights along with the plugin and training. Get them all here.  [...]

Self-Improvment is a multi-Billion Dollar Industry. Now, you can be a Part of it #ad

Self-Improvement is a multi-Billion Dollar Industry. Now, you can be a Part of it #ad Most people want to improve their lives. Only, they get discouraged and give up before they make the progress they long for. Now you can sell Motivational Audios to keep them on track toward their goal. This package of 10 motivational lessons shows people how to rise above their challenges, by introducing them to lessons like: * Claim your Self-Confidence * 4 Ways to Chill Out * Measure your Way to Success * and seven more. You get PLR rights to these 10 audios, so you can package them and sell them any way... [...]

The Hypno Man releases Hypnosis PLR for another embarrassing niche #ad

This time he releases PLR for the Erectile Dysfunction niche. The PLR includes: * A 57 page ebook * A hypnosis audio track * A minisite with complete graphics (including PSDs),HTML files, banners and more. Get this PLR for this remarkably profitable niche here.  [...]

Speedy Profit Creator being withdrawn #ad

Omar Martin has been selling Speedy Profit Creator on the Warrior forum for a discount price for three weeks, but he is pulling it from the market May 5 at midnight. Speedy Profit Creator is a combination of 10 audios, an e-book, and a video, showing how to quickly create a digital information product and then sell it. In this package, you’ll discover all the tools, techniques and the free resources Martin uses to create and market his own products. And you can use them for yours. He is offering two upgrades: First, the “Pro” level adds 10 video modules for the training, bonus... [...]

Michael McKay releases Amazon Affiliate PLR in Coffee Niche #ad

As you know, McKay’s review videos for Amazon niches are available for many popular subjects. These video reviews help affiliates earn more Amazon commissions because they increase click-throughs. Now he explores the coffee niche. As in the past, he provides: * Hundreds of exact match keywords for coffee and hundreds more for coffee makers * Hundreds of exact match domain names for coffee and coffee makers so you can get a domain that help your business become noticed * Most important, 50 high quality product video reviews for these coffee niches * Hundreds of bonus articles, WordPress theme... [...]

YouTube Optimizer Pro helps rank your videos #ad

This “straight from the trenches” report shows how Robert Brown got his videos to rank. If you use (or want to use) YouTube in your marketing, you naturally want the best SEO for your videos so they will rank and bring you traffic. Robert shows you how it’s done. This training comes as videos, audios and printed guides to help you grow your skills however it’s most convenient. Get YouTube Optimizer Pro here.  [...]

Get the fresh Teeth Whitening PLR Article pack #ad

Your health, fitness or family site can be enhanced with this new PLR article pack. Five articles for just $2. These are some well-written, informative articles, just what you’re looking for if you are in need of quality content. They are great for blog posts or even creating a giveaway to lure opt-ins. Most importantly, the price is right. Find out more here.  [...]

How to Compete With The Super Affiliates for Super Commissions #ad

New $5 IM Gold Miner software helps you pick up top commissions through affiliate marketing by automating a lot of your work. IM Gold Miner does all this: * Centralizes all your IM management and record keeping * Works with WarriorPlus, Clickbank (and with upcoming free upgrade, JV Zoo.) * Searches forums to get latest product information * Builds sales pages in minutes * Builds opt-in pages in minutes * Tracks your earnings from all your campaigns so you know which are working for you. *Lot more good benefits Get the details about IM Gold Miner here.  [...]

PLR Package on Weight Loss for your fitness site #ad

Jennifer Brister has released a mega package of PLR, including: * 5 Premium Fitness Machine Reviews * 10 Premium Healthy Cooking Articles * 10 Premium Fat Burn Articles * 5 Premium Weight Loss Articles These are substantial articles and reviews, not thin, hastily thrown together cut and past jobs. Ms Brister says, “All of these well written articles are at least 400 words long and are perfect for either blog posts, product creation or emails.” Find out all the products reviewed and article titles here.  [...]

Get Private Label Rights to 5 Major Internet Marketing Training Programs #ad

These programs teach affiliate marketing, using videos and printed tutorials. You get sales letters for these products, as well as source files for videos as well as printed materials These are huge courses loaded with hours of high quality training videos just waiting for you to brand as your own on and start cashing in. Video training products have proven to sell for a higher price, and you have the opportunity to cash in more per sale with these products than just a standard eBook product that you may get rights to. With this PLR, you can increase your income, enhance your crediblity, and be... [...]

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