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Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Forbes’ influencer marketing predictions for 2019

The influencer marketing domain has been growing and now reaching the micro-influencers too. This new concept has provided the brands with an opportunity to reach out the people having specific are of interest and need. With the rise of social media, the influencer marketing is surely going to have a better future in the coming year. With a view to help marketers learn about the status of influencer marketing in 2019, Forbes contributor Jason Pampell has shared four predictions. Talking about the focus on partnerships in the new year, Pampell says,  “While it may have been acceptable in... [...]

Create strong influencer marketing campaigns with these case studies

Learning from what has done an extraordinary job is a way to achieve the success for sure. In marketing too we need to stay open to learn and apply. HubSpot contributor Carla Cook has shared 13 influencer marketing campaigns to help marketers create their own campaigns. Cook says, “To give you an idea of how brands — both big and small — are leveraging the power of influencers in their marketing efforts, we’ve put together a list of ten influencer-driven campaigns. Check them out below and decide for yourself: Is influencer marketing worth the hype? 1. Sprint: #LiveUnlimited Influencers:... [...]

Five ways Google is influencing businesses

“Google is becoming the new homepage for local businesses” – is one of the statements a new MOZ survey has revealed. With the expansion of Internet connected mobile phones it has become easier than ever to reach thousands of people easily. MOZ contributor Miriam Ellis has shared the findings from a survey on how Google has impacted the businesses and how it will continue to do so in the coming year. Ellis says, “As local brands and their marketers watch Google play Trojan horse, shifting from top benefactor to top competitor by replacing former “free” publicity with... [...]

Have you noticed these influencer marketing trends?

As we know it well, the influencer marketing techniques focuses on utilizing the power of influential people who have a significant following on social media. Influencer marketing allows us to cope with the budgetary issues and enhance sales. With an aim of keeping the marketers abreast of what is happening in the influencer marketing domain, Entrepreneur contributor Deep Patel has shared 10 trends that are taking place in this field. Patel says, “Influencer marketing is a hybrid of old and new marketing tools. It takes the idea of the celebrity endorsement and reconfigures it to fit with... [...]

‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ on Thursday, December 13 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Influencer marketing isn’t just a trendy marketing tactic. It’s a sound business strategy. But it’s important to understand that influencer marketing is a lot more than simply driving third-party recommendations from social media users with large audiences. It is actually a crucial way to seed your queue of leads and referrals. After all, Engagement Labs research found that as much as... [...]

‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ Webinar December 13

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ on Thursday, December 13 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Influencer marketing isn’t just a trendy marketing tactic. It’s a sound business strategy. But it’s important to understand that influencer marketing is a lot more than simply driving third-party recommendations from social media users with large audiences. It is actually a crucial way to seed your queue of leads and referrals. After all, Engagement Labs research found that as much as... [...]

Free guide to influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become one of the most used alternatives for the brands to reach out the targeted customers. It helps you to manage with your marketing efforts in a variety of budget options. quintly has published a comprehensive guide to influencer marketing. It covers from the basic insights to advanced influencer marketing tricks. On getting right influencers, the quintly team says, “When selecting influencers to work with on a new marketing campaign, it’s important that you choose the right influencers as they can make or break your campaign. One of the first mistakes made... [...]

Everything you need to know about Google Home Hub

The Artificial Intelligence is on the rise. Smart devices are put in the market to get the maximum number of customers. Googl ehas launched Home Hub, a hardware product which is called a smart device. It is controlled by AI and works with voice commands that are spoken to it by users. HubSpot’s Amanda Zantal-Wiener has tried out the Google Home Hub and shared a comprehensive review in her latest post. Amanda says, “The Google Home Hub is one such video smart speaker — and the one that this piece will focus on. What the Google Home Hub Can Do A (Home) Chef’s Life Once... [...]

Google introduces four new search ad position metrics

The Google Ads team has introduced four new search ad position metrics to better help advertisers get most out of their online ads. These metrics are going to help advertisers learn where their ads appear in the search results. Talking about the metrics, Julien Jacquet, Product Manager at Google Ads says,  “The first two metrics, “Impression (Absolute Top) %” and “Impression (Top) %” are specific indicators of page location. Use these metrics to determine when and where your impressions are showing above the organic search results. The other two metrics, “Search... [...]

Fake followers is a greatest influencer marketing concern [report]

Influencer marketing has come out as one of the best ways to reach out to the masses but it has also brought in new challenges. A new report from Influencer Intelligence and Econsultancy has presented some of the biggest concerns of marketers about influencer marketing. Here’re the findings: 31% marketers say that influencer marketing is peripheral to digital marketing calculations 22% find it difficult to include influencer marketing withing overall ROI 22% state that it is a challenge to prove the ROI of individual influencers 42% marketers say that fake followers are the biggest concern. Only... [...]

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