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Monday, September 23, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Influencer Marketing: how improve your marketing and calculate the ROI

Buffer contributor Brian Peters has published a podcast to help marketers understand how to get started with influencer marketing. This guide also helps marketers easily calculate their influencer marketing ROI. Peters has shared the following facts about the influencer marketing. “Influencer marketing is here to stay. Beauty, business, and tech influencers, among others, can help businesses to reach what can be difficult demographics. Savvy brands recognize consumers want honesty and are using transparency and openness as a differentiator in influencer marketing campaigns. Great influencer... [...]

New rules for Gmail app developers: things you should know

Google has announced new changes in its Gmail API platform. HubSpot’s Amanda Zantal-Wiener has outlined the major updates in the company’s policy. Amanda says, “The new rules will take effect on January 9, 2019, leaving developers just under two months to make necessary changes. What Marketers and Business Should Know  To put these changes into context, one example of an app that could be impacted is the aforementioned aforementioned Gmail plug-in Originally designed to help automate the process of unsubscribing users from newsletters with which they weren’t... [...]

Improving influencer marketing with long-term partnerships

Influencer marketing has taken an important place in today’s marketing process. This form of marketing allows the brands to use the influencers’ popularity to market their products and services. Forbes contributor Barrett Wissman has shared an article on how you can establish strong influencer marketing with long-term partnerships. Wissman says, “Influencer marketing is paying off for brands. In fact, a Tomoson study found that for every dollar a brand spent on influencer marketing, it made $6.50. That’s no small chunk of change in an era when up to 24 percent of a company’s... [...]

Google discontinues Google+

Google has announced that it is closing the Google+ platform. The company has shared four challenges it faced and how it is tackling them. Google’s VP of Engineering Ben Smith says, “At the beginning of this year, we started an effort called Project Strobe—a root-and-branch review of third-party developer access to Google account and Android device data and of our philosophy around apps’ data access. This project looked at the operation of our privacy controls, platforms where users were not engaging with our APIs because of concerns around data privacy, areas where developers may... [...]

Seven steps to create great influencer content

Influencer marketing has become an integral part of the modern marketing approach. It offers the assured reach to your brand and allows you to get better ROI. Again content plays a pivotal role in making your influencer marketing campaigns successful. With right strategic planning you can build campaigns that get great results. Content Marketing Institute’s Cathy McPhillips has shared an useful article on creating great influencer content for your brand. McPhillips says, “While the Content Marketing Institute doesn’t have that Kardashian/soda brand relationship or actor/automobile... [...]

Get best influencer marketing results with these tips

To make any for of marketing you have to put in your best efforts and such is the case with influencer marketing. With right targeting strategies you can get most out of it. Entrepreneur contributor Deep Patel has shared twenty-one tips to help marketers get best results while using influencer marketing. Patel says, “Here is a collection of 25 strategies savvy marketers employ to ensure their influencer marketing campaigns are successful. 1. Give your influencers creative freedom. Never try to keep your influencers on too tight a leash. After all, many of them have earned their followings... [...]

Entrepreneur mag shares 6 steps to becoming an influencer

The concept of Influencer marketing has given rise to many and this form of marketing has also helped the brands and marketers to reach out their target markets quickly. Becoming a strong influencer is a challenge. The Entrepreneur magazine contributor Kelsey Humphreys has shared six steps to become an influencer. Humphreys  says, “If you want to become known as an influencer in a larger sense, spend the time and energy creating success in your smaller area first. It’s not enough to have a niche; you’ve got to dominate in that niche. I asked him what that looked like in an average... [...]

Calculated Fields in Google Data Studio [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Dana DiTomaso on ‘Calculated Fields in Google Data Studio’. The MOZ team says, “Google Data Studio is a powerful tool to have in your SEO kit. Knowing how to get the most out of its power begins with understanding how to use calculated fields to apply good old-fashioned math to your data. In this week’s Whiteboard Friday, we’re delighted to welcome guest host Dana DiTomaso as she takes us through how to use calculated fields in Google Data Studio to uncover more value in your data and improve your reports”. Calculated... [...]

Using the Flowchart Method for Diagnosing Ranking Drops [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Kameron Jenkins on ‘Using the Flowchart Method for Diagnosing Ranking Drops’. The MOZ team says, “Being able to pinpoint the reason for a ranking drop is one of our most perennial and potentially frustrating tasks as SEOs. There are an unknowable number of factors that go into ranking these days, but luckily the methodology for diagnosing those fluctuations is readily at hand. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, we welcome the wonderful Kameron Jenkins to show us a structured way to diagnose ranking drops using a flowchart... [...]

Google Chrome to mark HTTP as ‘not secure’

Google has announced that in the latest version of Chrome (68), the Internet users will see a new “not secure” notification when visiting HTTP pages. (Image source: Google Blog) Google’s Emily Schechter says, “Security has been one of Chrome’s core principles since the beginning—we’re constantly working to keep you safe as you browse the web. Nearly two years ago, we announcedthat Chrome would eventually mark all sites that are not encrypted with HTTPS as “not secure”. This makes it easier to know whether your personal information is safe as it travels across the web,... [...]

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