The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “9 Data Sets Every Ecommerce Company Should Measure”. Scott Gerber says, “To see big wins in e-commerce today, entrepreneurs need to cover all of their bases, from organic SEO to mobile advertising. Analytics tools can create a pretty detailed snapshot of where your business stands — too detailed, in some cases. Curious about which metrics really matter, we asked a panel of successful e-commerce entrepreneurs which pieces of data they measure regularly and what it tells them about their overall strategy“. 9 Data Sets Every Ecommerce... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
‘Why You Should Incorporate Storytelling Into Your Email Campaigns’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Why You Should Incorporate Storytelling Into Your Email Campaigns”. Karen Frasca says, “Traditionally, marketing has been about making noise, in one way or another, to stand out, get attention, and drive sales. And today’s marketplace is arguably the noisiest it’s ever been. People have information, messages and ads coming at them from everywhere – even at the gas pump and in line at the grocery store – every waking hour of the day. As a result, standing out amidst the clamor is becoming more and more challenging”. ... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The worst content marketer in the world?”. Doug Kessler says, “Everyone thinks content marketing is the only way to win a market. Here’s a little story that might disprove that. I hate naming names, but there’s a company out there which just doesn’t get content marketing. It’s a big tech company with excellent products. But it hasn’t yet figured out that people really don’t care about products”. The worst content marketer in the world? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The 7 Personalities Every Successful Social Media Manager Has”. John Bohini says, “There aren’t many instances in our professional lives where having multiple personalities is seen as a positive trait. After all, it spawns dishonesty, deceit, and fosters a tense environment often filled with animosity”. The 7 Personalities Every Successful Social Media Manager Has HubSpot [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook’s Market Cap Tops $100 Billion”. Seth Fiegerman says, “The social networks’s market cap topped $100 billion Monday, peaking at around $101 billion in early trading, according to data provided to Mashable by FactSet. Facebook had been valued at $100 billion on the second market in the month prior to going public in May 2012. The company initially raised $16 billion from its IPO, valuing it at just more than $104 billion. However, its market cap declined rapidly in the following months“. Facebook’s Market... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Eight physical product landing pages to inspire you in your next project”. Peter Meinertzhagen says, “I was recently trying to put together some examples of good landing page design and found there was a lack of blog posts looking at physical products in particular. There are lots of blog posts about designing effective landing pages, and case studies of websites that are doing it right, but nearly all of the examples given were of landing pages for software or service products. Yes, you can apply many of the same principles... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Brilliant Little Hacks to Make Your Blog Way More Personal”. Pamela Vaughan says, “The age of context is among us, folks. If you haven’t been beaten over the head with this message yet, context marketing is all about providing the right content to the right visitors at the right time. But according to a survey report from Yesmail Interactive and Infogroup Targeting”. Brilliant Little Hacks to Make Your Blog Way More Personal HubSpot [...]
The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How Two Successful Bloggers Make Money In Very Different Ways”. Yaro Starak says, “Last weekend I spent Sunday writing Action Plan 3for my EJ Insider Interviews Club members, featuringDaniel Scocco and Joe Gilder. The action plans are short reports I write that come out once per month to members. I re-listen to the two new exclusive interviews I release that month and write down what I believe are the key”. How Two Successful Bloggers Make Money In Very Different Ways Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Introducing The Search Marketing Playbook”. Elizabeth Komar says, “The ways consumers find information about companies or brands is changing. Where natural search results once were the primary way users discovered content or Websites,, now non-search engine media such as mobile apps, social networking sites, and consumer review hubs, are veritable contenders in your users path to discovery. Users have become so comfortable searching and discovering online that they employ their own methods and weave together personal paths of... [...]
The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Build SEO with an eBook? Digital Publishing Roundup″. Denise Wakeman says, “Welcome to The Future of Ink’s weekly Digital Publishing Roundup. Every week, we read and share dozens of articles about digital publishing, self-publishing, book marketing, content marketing and news from the world of digital publishing. The links are shared on our Facebook page, Pinterest board, Twitter, and the TFOI Google+ Community. Realizing you may not be following us everywhere, we’ve pick 10 articles each week that will educate, entertain,... [...]