The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Using scams for content and links”. David de Souza says, “If you are unlucky, like me, you’ll recieve hundreds of spam email’s every single day. This daily deluge of spam used to be a big annoyance for me. However, after some creative thinking, I started looking for ways to take advantage of these emails and use them as content and link building strategy”. Using scams for content and links ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Behold: A Digital Bill of Rights for the Internet, by the Internet”. Ryan Lytle says, “he digital rights conversation was thrust into the mainstream spotlight after news of ongoing, widespread mass surveillance programs leaked to the public. Always a hot topic, these revelations sparked a strong online debate among the Internet community. It also made us here at Mashable reflect on the digital freedoms and protections we feel each user should be guaranteed as a citizen of the Internet. To highlight some of the great conversations taking... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “When It Comes To Social Media Sharing, Mobile Rules”. Steve Olenski says, “Every person on the planet has a mobile phone — or at least it seems that way. Therefore, it should not be a big surprise that when it comes to social media sharing of content, more people do so via their mobile devices than their computers, according to a recent study done byShareThis. The research, which compared 4.9 billion social patterns across the desktop Web and 1.2 billion social patterns across the mobile Web, alsorevealed insights... [...]
The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Successful Brands on YouTube: Best-Practices and Metrics”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Top-performing brands on YouTube understand that consistent and frequent content production leads to increased views, according to recent report by Pixability. The study, which analyzed the YouTube channels of Interbrand’s Best Global 100 Brands, found that organizations in the top quartile in terms of views have produced 50% more videos than brands in the bottom quartile. Top performers also tend to publish on regular schedules that they maintain over... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Anatomy of a Perfectly Search Engine Optimized Web Page [INFOGRAPHIC]”. Ginny Soskey says, “SEO can be tricky. You’re optimizing your pages to be surfaced by robots, yet at the same time they must be engaging to humans. You also encounter constantly changing algorithms which means that some elements of your SEO strategy might be great one day … and then completely irrelevant (or even detrimental) the next”. The Anatomy of a Perfectly Search Engine Optimized Web Page [INFOGRAPHIC] HubSpot [...]
The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “4 AdWords Settings that Work Against You”. Melissa Mackey says, “In June, Google rolled out an interactive “local carousel” of images at the top of certain search results pages. Some local business categories have immediately received the new treatment, while others may see the carousel appear in the future. The display feature appears to have replaced the “7-pack” — the seven local search results that display business name, address, phone number, and map location — so optimizing for the local carousel may now be vital... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Kim Dotcom’s Mega to Launch Encrypted Email Service”. Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Kim Dotcom‘s Mega is working on a secure, encrypted email service that promises to include all the functionalities of modern cloud-based services while keeping messages safe from snooping. Just several days after encrypted email services Lavabit and Silent Circle shut down, citing concerns related to NSA surveillance and government requests for user data, Mega‘s CEO Vikram Kumar confirmed rumors that Mega is developing an encrypted... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Has Google really just killed the PR industry?”. David Moth says, “There are few companies or organisations that can come close to rivalling the power that Google wields over the internet and search in particular. So when the search engine updated its rules on unnatural link schemes recently, making specific reference to press releases, it triggered a rather alarmist article from ZDNet asking whether Google had killed PR agencies. The convergence of PR and SEO is something we’ve covered previously on the blog”. ... [...]
Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Where Most Got Social Business All Wrong, Including Me″. Baer says, “Regardless of how you define social business; it’s hard to argue that organizations today must change if they want to stay relevant and competitive. I have seen business change and lived through many of its ups and downs for many years. My first book, Smart Business, Social Business was my eyewitness account of living through”. Where Most Got Social Business All Wrong, Including Me Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “ComScore Reports Retail E-Commerce Sales Reached $49.8 Billion In 2Q”. Amy Gesenhues says, “According to comScore’s estimates for Q2 2013, last quarter saw a 16 percent year-over-year growth in desktop-based retail e-commerce sales with $49.8 billion in spending. The earnings mark 15 consecutive quarters of positive year-over-year growth and eleven consecutive quarters of double-digit growth. “Increased spending growth for the quarter not only reflects the long term share shift towards digital commerce,... [...]