The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five valuable tips for using marketing attribution”. Amy Rodgers says, “In late 2012, Econsultancy published the latest edition of its Marketing Attribution Management Buyer’s Guide, at a time when attribution was a particularly hot topic for marketers. Vendors were furiously marketing their attribution platforms, and there were blog posts galore on the subject. Since then, talking about attribution, particularly in the same breath as the dreaded term ‘big data’, appears to have gone somewhat off the boil. Or so... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “Why You Should Write Quality Blog Content”. Krackoff says, “Quality blog posts are key to your business getting found on the Web. While that may sound obvious – (“Of course, why would I write something ho-hum boring?”) it’s harder than you might think. Not everyone agrees on whatquality content is. Quality content scores high with readers, your target clients, and with search engines. If you want to get found, get known and get clientsonline, you need to write and publish quality blog posts that resonate with your readers“. Why... [...]
Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Hootsuite Tips and Tricks – Adventures in Visibility”. Wakeman says, “In this episode ofAdventures in Visibility, Mike Allton ofThe Social Media Hat, and I discussed the powerful social media management tool,Hootsuite. Mike Allton is the “Hootsuite Helper” as dubbed byMark Vangduring the Hangout. He is a Hootsuite Solutions Pro and a Social Media Manager in St. Louis, Missouri. Mike has been working with websites and the Internet since the early ’90′s. He is active on all of the major social networks and enjoys writing and teaching... [...]
Simple Spencer has worked with Ankur S to create this new plugin, WP Freshstart. It lets your refresh a part of your site, or all of it. Here’s what WP Freshstart can do for you: • Creates all of the pages that Google and other search engines love to see (about page, contact page, legal pages, etc).: • Deletes all comments (including spam comments) on your WordPress blog with the click of a button.: • Let’s you “start fresh” by deleting all posts and pages on your site with the click of a button.: • Selects and deselects which “grunt work tasks” you want... [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Are Your Social Marketing Efforts Competitive in China?”. Xiaofeng Wang says, “Too often, marketers wonder whether their social marketing efforts are keeping pace with those of their peers. Marketers in China are no exception. My most recent report, Benchmarking Social Marketing Efforts In China, will help them find the answer and optimize their social marketing strategies. Overall, marketers in China show lots of faith in social media. Thirteen of 22 marketers we surveyed say they will increase their social media budget more... [...]
The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “5 Tips for Affiliate Marketing Beginners”. Diana says, “So you’ve heard you can make money from affiliate marketing. You’ve even heard you can make lots of money. Just like any other big goal, the first steps are usually the hardest. Should you blog and review products that earn you commission? Will running search engine ads get you out of your day job? What traits will you need to make a career from this industry? There are different ways to get your feet wet with affiliate marketing and”. 5 Tips for Affiliate... [...]
The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Why Snapchat Would Face A User Revolt If It Tries To Sell Advertising”. Richard Feloni says, “Facebook shocked the tech world Wednesday when it offered to buy Snapchat for $3 billion (that’s three Instagrams), and Snapchat shocked even more when it refused. Then Google was rumored to have considered a $4 billion offer. This suggests Snapchat, the app that allows users to send photos that are deleted after viewing, believes everyone is underestimating its ability to create value out of its fast-growing user base”. Why... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How to Build an ROI Case for Video Marketing”. Neil Davidson says, “Frame of reference is important to consider in any discussion or debate. The frame of reference simply means that different people view the same thing in different ways based on their past experiences. Most marketers will know well the scenario where you research and put together a water-tight business case for your new strategy only for the boss to take the seemingly irrational stance of throwing it out the window. You go home scratching your head with... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Pinterest Pins Drive 25% More Sales Than a Year Ago”. Ginny Soskey says, “Do you know how much one pin on Pinterest — yep, one measly pin — is worth to your company’s bottom line? I’d place a bet that most marketers don’t. Most marketers (especially those in the B2B sector) are worried more about the overall growth and success of their Pinterest strategy — not the unit economics of each pin.And even if marketers did want to track success back to individual pins, Pinterest has notoriously... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google’s Broken Promises & Who’s Running The Search Engine?”. Danny Sullivan says, “For two years in a row now, Google has gone back on major promises it made about search. The about-faces are easy fodder for anyone who wants to poke fun at Google for not keeping to its word. However, the bigger picture is that as Google has entered its fifteenth year, it faces new challenges on how to deliver search products that are radically different from when it started. In the past, Google might have explained such... [...]