Neil Patel says, “Once upon a time, you wrote an article. It was a good one. It took you four and a half hours, required a ton of research, and maybe cost you a very late night. After you wrote the article, proofread it, edited it, added images, and published it, you felt good about yourself. Clicking the “publish” button gave you a huge sense of satisfaction. Then, you sat back to wait for the accolades, the reads, the shares, the engagement, the fame”. How to Get People to Read Your Entire Blog Post HubSpot [...]
Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category
Henneke says, “Are your blog posts helping you win clients? Blogging helps boost your authority, drive relevant traffic, and generate leads. But are your blog posts working for your business? Although business blogging is a longterm strategy, you can employ a few smart tactics to one single post in order to generate meaningful leads. Not just one lead. But a handful or more of quality leads”. An Internet Marketing Education in 16 Ebooks and 20 Emails. No Charge ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Neil Patel says, “Back in 2012, Max Nisen wrote, “Content marketing is one of the biggest new trends.” He reported NewsCred’s CEO Shafqat Islam as saying, “Every Fortune 2000 company today is a candidate for content marketing. If they’re not doing it, they will be.” Two years later, Nisen and Islam’s prophecies have come to pass. We are in the age of content marketing — and it’s showing no signs of going away. The content marketing arena is now so vast and so complex that people are starting to get lost. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at this hodgepodge... [...]
Henneke says, “Are your blog posts helping you win clients? Blogging helps boost your authority, drive relevant traffic, and generate leads. But are your blog posts working for your business? Although business blogging is a longterm strategy, you can employ a few smart tactics to one single post in order to generate meaningful leads. Not just one lead. But a handful or more of quality leads”. 4 Simple Steps to Writing a Blog Post That Floods Your Inbox with Inquiries ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Carly Stec says, “Allow me to make an assumption about you: At one time or another, you’ve done something because your friends were doing it. Sometimes, following others can be harmless — the worst thing that’ll happen is you’ll end up with a bad haircut or a hilarious 10th grade class photo. But on your blog, following others could be stunting your growth. Success rarely occurs by simply doing what everyone else is doing. As a content marketer who has a experimented with conversion optimization, I’ve seen first-hand how breaking the mold can help a blog grow.... [...]
Pamela Vaughan says, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Not all of the content you create has to be 100% original. I know. Mind-blowing, right? And for those of you inbound marketers plagued by the incessant demands of content creation, maybe also a little comforting? Now before some of you get all “But content curation is lazy!” and “Content curation is why there is so much crap on the internet,” hear me out. Sure, curated content is a collection of other people’s content and resources from around the web. But that doesn’t mean it can’t... [...]
Pete Prestipino says, “WordPress version 3.9.2 was released this week and it is recommended that you install the security update now as your site may be vulnerable to DOS attacks. According to WordPress, this release fixes a possible denial of service issue in PHP’s XML processing, reported by Nir Goldshlager of the Product Security Team. It was fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress security team and David Rothstein of the Drupal security team. This is the first time the two projects have coordinated joint security releases“. Critical WordPress... [...]
John Bonini says, “I said I wouldn’t have ice cream this week. Yet there I was, leaning over the freezer door surveying my options like the indecisive person in front of you at Starbucks. It wasn’t until I was two spoonfuls into a mint chocolate chip sundae that I realized my oversight. I tried to justify it. It’s Sunday. I always have ice cream before Game of Thrones. Old habits die hard. Unfortunately, so can your goals if those habits aren’t identified and corrected. I often hear the question, “how can I generate more interest and traffic to my blog?” Good question, but... [...]
Matthew Stibbe says, “For the past year, we at Articulate have been constructing an efficient and repeatable process for producing and promoting remarkable content for our blogs and for our clients. The key point here is “efficient and repeatable.” Our blogs, Bad Language and Turbine, have been around for a long time, but we updated them only sporadically. We found it easier to recommend marketing and copywriting techniques to clients than to do it for ourselves (we were, in a sense, like a doctor who smokes). The following hard-won tips are derived from a lot of trial and... [...]
Ginny Soskey says, “Raise your hand if you are maniacal about monitoring your blog traffic. Is your hand raised? Mine is, too. I check out our traffic every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Most of the time, it’s great to be so in-the-weeds — if I notice a sudden dip, I can quickly react. Other times, it’s much more helpful to zoom out. With a bird’s eye view, you can see patterns that are really important, like how fast your blog has been growing. Depending on that answer, you can better staff your team, fight for budget, and allocate resources. One way to figure... [...]