The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Optimize Your Emails for Gmail’s New Image-Heavy Inbox”. Pamela Vaughan says, “A few weeks ago, we reported that Gmail was experimenting with a brand new, Pinterest-like design for its Promotions tab. Because the image-heavy design was so new and none of us had access to it yet, there was little more for us to say about it other than “it’s coming.” Well a few days ago I was luckyenough to be granted beta access (boy did I feel special)! (If you missed the initial announcement or you just need to jog... [...]
Archive for the 'email marketing' Category
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “12 useful tips for optimising email deliverability”. Graham Charlton says, “More than 20% of all commercial email does not make it to the inbox. This is not the spam, it’s the legtimiate stuff. The sole responsibility for catching and sorting out the good from the bad and the downright ugly lies with the ISPs. So how do they make these judgements, and how can you ensure that your emails will reach potential customers? Here are 12 valuable tips for monitoring and improving email deliverability, taken from our... [...]
The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Do-it-yourself SEO Starts with On-page Optimization”. Andy Curry says, “In “How to Get Traffic to your Website (via Google),” my article last month, I addressed basic search engine optimization and what you need to know to either hire a consultant or do it yourself. In this post, I’m going to expand on doing it yourself. SEO seems mystical, but it’s really not. You’ll hear people touting different strategies that may be unfounded. The problem is most people are only repeating what they learned from someone else, who they... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View”. Tom Sather says, “Google just transformed the inbox again with Gmail Grid View that turns the Promotions tab into a visual shopping mall of marketing emails. For marketers, the question is: how do I get it to work, and what will my emails look like if I don’t do anything at all? I did some testing and noticed some interesting things. For grid view, Gmail is using “Actions in the Inbox,” which it announced in early 2013. Actions in the... [...]
The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “5 Ways to Take Privacy Seriously with Your Email Marketing”. The VR team says, “Information is power. This phrase is especially true when it comes to marketing. The more information you have about your customers, the more targeted and effective your email marketing can be.According to the Direct Marketing Association, 90 percent of executives depend on customer information for effective marketing campaigns and 79 percent said they would benefit from more sophisticated means to collect information. As it stands now, there’s a variety... [...]
The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Recycled email addresses may threaten consumer trust”. Monique Robbins says, “Both Microsoft and Yahoo! announced new procedures for recycling inactive email addresses. Usernames that have been inactive for 360 days will be deactivated and reoffered to new users. From a consumer’s perspective, these policies will allow for more new users to claim usernames they may prefer (such as johndoe) as opposed to more awkward alternatives (like johndoe1983.) However, the recycling of these old addresses brings up a host of security... [...]
This is a reminder for the Business 2 Community’s email marketing webinar. Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with DJ Waldow on Thursday, April 3 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “On Being Human: The Importance of Writing More Engaging Emails”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “We are all human* and yet hundreds of thousands of emails are sent every single day that sound like they were written by robots for robots. Emails sent from “noreply@” that start with “Dear Valued Customer,” include corporate-speak copy and are signed by “Customer... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Email Marketers Aren’t Ready For Gmail’s Grid View, Yet: What You Need To Know To Stand Out”. Ginny Marvin says, “Google is very good at forcing an issue. The company knows visuals are increasingly important for user engagement, so last week, it began testing a new image-rich grid view in the Gmail Promotions tab. The move to make images a key part of the email open rate equation should in turn compel marketers to pay more attention to the images they use in their campaigns. I described the new view as Pinterest... [...]
The latest article on Return Path blog is titled “Return Path’s New Email Diagnostic Solution Helps Brands Reach Gmail Inboxes”. Return Path team says, “Return Path, the global leader in email intelligence, today announced a new analytical solution that helps email marketers combat declining inbox placement at major mailbox providers, including Gmail. Now part of its Inbox Monitor product, Return Path’s diagnostic technology addresses the evolving deliverability challenges posed by individual major mailbox providers. The new solution was developed to help marketers understand... [...]
The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “7 Ways to Improve Email Subject Lines (and a Sneaky Way to Test)”. Pamella Neely says, “Subject lines are powerful elements of email campaigns. But that’s not really surprising. Subject lines are basically the headlines of an email message. Headlines are something writers and editors agonize over, and for good reason. Copywriter coach Chris Marlow writes “tests have proven many times that the headline is responsible for at least 50 percent and as much as 75 percent of an ad’s success.” Some sources report that 35 percent of... [...]