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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Archive for the 'Search Engine Marketing' Category

‘A 4-Point Plan to Boost Your Website’s Authority for Search Engines’ – Content Marketing Institute

Arnie Kuenn says, “Search engines take a number of signals into consideration when serving results to provide the most relevant and useful content to searchers. Though many elements of a website affect where the site’s pages rank, a website’s authority – its digital reputation as a trusted, reliable source – is certainly something that contributes to how high or low it appears in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Because of this, improving your website’s authority can be beneficial to your search engine rankings. In addition to creating great content, consider the following... [...]

‘How to Choose Keywords in a Way That Makes Sense: 5 Easy Steps’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “Now that I’ve told you to forget keywords just a few weeks ago, and I’ve given you time to mull that over, it’s time to revisit them. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out the blog post here. It’ll make a lot of the following information a lot more straightforward. Yes, a unified content front is the most important thing, and yes there are many other ways of getting your content in front of your audience other than plain ol’ SEO. But if you want to get traffic from”. How to Choose Keywords in a Way That Makes Sense: 5 Easy Steps Mark... [...]

Google’s April 21 search results bombshell; are you ready? #ad

Google believes mobile users are being shortchanged by webmasters. Many websites treat mobile as an afterthought and do little to assure that mobile visitors can use the site easily. On April 21, Google will change its search algorithm to reward sites that are “mobile friendly”. If you don’t comply, your site ranking will decline. The sites that are mobile friendly will tend to rise toward the top. Google has a webpage where you can test your site: : When we tested IM NewsWatch, it scored high, although there are a few changes we... [...]

‘How Google Judges Quality and What You Should Do About It’ – Content Marketing Institute

Neil Patel says, “Every content marketing professional has something to say about “quality.” The word has become so used – or overused – that we’ve forgotten what it is, or even why it’s important. I think we need to press the reset button on the quality discussion. Why? Because many content marketers: Mistake what quality is Focus on the wrong kind of quality Misunderstand why they are producing quality content Do not produce quality content at all Much of today’s content has quality, but the quality is misguided or poorly aligned in a changing content marketing environment.... [...]

‘The Incredible Shrinking SERP – 2015 Edition’ – MOZ Blog

Simon Penson says, “In the beginning, there were 10 results, and it was good. Then, came expanded site-links and Google’s  7-result SERP. Around the middle of 2014, we started to hear reports of SERPs with odd numbers of organic results – 9, 8, 6, 5, and even 4 page-1 results. At first, these were sporadic and hard to replicate, but they quietly expanded. This is a recent 4-result SERP for “autism speaks”: By some counts, there are as many as 16 non-paid links on this page (not counting images), but by traditional SEO standards, there are only 4 true organic positions... [...]

‘The outreach imposters: SEO, content, digital and more’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Maximilian Tatton-Brown says, “Having previous talked about the important responsibility of influencers and journalists in helping PR evolve, this time I want to focus on a quite different (but quickly growing) group. In a sense, I’d describe them as “every other bloody agency type in the universe.” And it starts with a bubble. The marketing sweet spot We live in an age of marketing convergence. Whether you call yourself brand, content, influencer, communications, PR, digital marketing – it’s easier than ever to see the kind of work we should be doing. Great audience identification... [...]

Become a recognized SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It’s SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there’s new information. Every Webpage, eCommerce store, Blog, Forum, or other site needs the favor of search engines and webmasters are always on the lookout for new authoritative information on SEO. In their SEO PLR Fire Sale , Holmlund and Pareek are offering you 5 PLR video training courses on specific areas in... [...]

‘How to Kick Your SEM Campaign Into High Gear’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Bruce Gibbs says, “What do you do when your SEM campaign is not delivering the results you intended? You were hoping for more leads or conversions, yet it seems the campaign is spending its budget but not delivering a return on all that investment. It’s time for campaign optimization—when you determine what needs to be done to help your ailing campaign. You can begin by reviewing the various elements of your campaign, and then take steps that combat the downward spiral and give your campaign the lift it needs to perform”. How to Kick Your SEM Campaign Into High Gear MarketingProfs  [...]

‘Get Unbeatable Insights into Local SEO: Buy the LocalUp Advanced Video Bundle’ – MOZ Blog

Erica McGillivray says, “Missed LocalUp Advanced 2015? Forgot to take notes, or just want to relive the action? You can now  purchase the bundle of 13 videos in order to get all the knowledge our speakers shared about local SEO in. Dive deep and learn how to wrangle content, get reviews, overcome technical mobile challenges, and so much more from top industry leaders. Moz and Local U are offering a super-special $99 deal for everyone—an unbeatable value for anyone looking to level-up their local SEO skills“. Insights into Local SEO: Buy the LocalUp Advanced Video Bundle MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Why Capturing Ideas Is Essential to Your Content Strategy and Organic Search’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Content is everywhere — it’s happening in coffee shops, on phone calls, and in the workplace. But capturing and documenting these ideas is necessary so that the creator or owner of that content has the ability to capitalize on it. Without documentation, all is lost. Conversations without accurate documentation can lead to a Rashomon effect, where a conversation can have different meanings and takeaways”. Why Capturing Ideas Is Essential to Your Content Strategy and Organic Search ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

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