Eamon Amett says, “Understanding the risks to your personal reputation is the first step in reputation management. Once the risks are understood, the next step is to proactively manage your reputation online. Social media is one of the easiest places to make mistakes with regard to managing an online reputation, but it is also one of the most effective places to proactively manage reputation as well. It is important to remember that anything posted on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are out there forever. Even if you immediately delete a status update on Facebook or a Tweet... [...]
Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category
Karissa Bell says, “Facebook might soon offer the option for users to share with one another completely anonymously. The social network is preparing to launch a standalone app that will allow users to anonymously interact with each other, according to a report in the New York Times. SEE ALSO: 20 Things Your Most Annoying Friends Do on Facebook According to the report, the app will launch in the coming weeks and allow people to use pseudonyms so they can have discussions about topics “which they may not be comfortable connecting to their real names.””. Report: Facebook Readying... [...]
Jimmy Reilly just released this new training. He says that you can avoid expensive Facebook ads and still earn a living on Facebook. The process is simple in concept, and, based on the experience of Katrina Mayors, Reilly’s partner, requires only a couple of hours a day doing “cut and paste” work. They found a way to get lots of fans, keep them interested by pasting fun content into their Facebook page, and then monetize the huge fan base by reviewing relevant products with an affiliate link. That’s the simple concept, but there are plenty of specific optimizations to the... [...]
Martin Beck says, “Touting its efforts to cut down on spam, Facebook revealed some of its fraud-fighting tactics today — including that it has won nearly $2 billion in legal judgements against spammers — and offered advice to businesses to avoid being fooled by fake-like scams. Fake likes are a particular target for Facebook, and much of the post by Facebook site integrity engineer Matt Jones focused on the company’s battle against them. Sold by so-called like farms that promise to deliver large numbers of likes to Pages, they are marketed to unwitting Page administrators trying to... [...]
Shelly Kramer says, “Facebook recently announced updates to business pages and added competitive intelligence analytics. And now, yet another round of changes focuses on cracking down on spam. I love the competitive intel feature, but I’ll admit, this is another change that makes me giddy. You know all those ploys by companies large and small that feature cute pictures of cats that say “If you like cats, like and share this” [stupid photo]? Well if that’s what you’re doing to game your Facebook page views and reach, cut it out. Facebook announced several improvements to the News Feed,... [...]
British marketer, Michael Chaney, has released two complimentary videos on how to market your products using Facebook. The videos introduce you to the promise and perils of Facebook marketing. They may whet your appetite once you see how profitable it can be. If so, he has prepared follow-on training that will get you well-prepared for using your Fan Pages, called Fan Page Money Method. This course goes into detail about how to find Facebook users who have money and want to spend their money on Facebook and how you can place your offer in front of the best prospects. In this training, Cheney shows... [...]
Ashwin Ramesh says, “As a local business owner, Facebook should be a key part of your promotion strategy. But there are definitely ways to get it wrong; before we go into how to build your Facebook fanbase, let’s discuss one of the most common Like-building mistakes: buying Facebook Likes. In a nutshell: not every action on Facebook is shown to everyone. EdgeRank determines how many people actually see your activity on their News Feeds; this is based on engagement. So suppose you have 50 organic likes and you bought 50 likes – anything you share on the page will only show up to a percentage... [...]
Todd Wasserman says, “Good news for advertisers, but maybe not-so-great news for users concerned about their personal data: Starting Monday, Facebook will use data it gleans from users for its new ad network, Atlas, which it will serve up ads on non-Facebook sites based on what Facebook knows about you. Atlas is a former Microsoft property that Facebook bought last year for around $100 millionthat Facebook has now rebuilt from the ground up. Atlas is distinct from Audience Network, a mobile ad network Facebook introduced in April that was aimed at app developers”. Facebook Ads Will Follow... [...]
Selena Larson says, “The news business is increasingly dependent on social media to reach an audience, and it’s changed a great deal as a result—not always in good ways, either. That’s what led the Pew Research Center to take a deeper look at how social platforms shape the way people get their news. To no one’s big surprise, Facebook is the big kahuna for driving traffic to news sites. According to the Pew study, almost half of U.S. adults that use Facebook—that is, roughly 30% of the general population—also find news there”. Facebook Delivers News To 30% Of U.S.... [...]
If people actually pay attention to what you post on Facebook, it can be a good marketing platform. But Facebook is such a busy place, your content really has to stand out to win a following. if you don’t get these audience attention deficit issues resolved, you’re not going to move your business forward and your frustration will grow. But there is content that does consistently get attention on Facebook. Funny or thought-provoking pictures catch the eye, especially if they also have a quotation to match printed on them. If you make these captioned pictures related to your niche, you have a... [...]