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Monday, October 7, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category

Here’s HubSpot’s guide to Facebook Pixel

HubSpot has published a guide to Facebook Pixel, an analytics tool that measures the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising. Clifford Chi says, “The Facebook pixel gives you deep insight into your marketing strategy because it measures your ad’s conversion rate, not just its click-through rate. This adds another layer of analytics that paint a clear picture of your buyer’s journey from ad to purchase. For instance, if one of your ads’ click through-rate is high, but the conversion rate is low, then your ad creative and landing page probably aren’t aligned. You can also use... [...]

Facebook: Verification compulsory for creators of Pages with large following

Facebook has announced further requirements to avoid misuse of its services. The company has made verification compulsory for creators and managers of Facebook Pages with large following. They will not be able to post on their pages until verification is done. The company has announced that the political ads will be clearly labelled as “Political Ad”. Talking about more changes in the Facebook ads, Rob Goldman, VP, Ads and Alex Himel, VP, Local & Pages say, “We’re also investing in artificial intelligence and adding more people to help find advertisers that should have gone... [...]

Facebook updates News Fee content policy

Facebook has made addition to the News Feed its users see. The new feed will show two additional pieces along with the present content. The site will show the following: More From This Publisher, which will give people a quick snapshot of the other recent stories posted by the publisher Shared By Friends, which will show people any of their friends who have shared the article. Talking about other improvement efforts, Facebook’s Taylor Hughes says, “We’re also starting a test to see whether people find it easier to evaluate the credibility of an article when we provide more information... [...]

Tips to improve your Facebook ad performance

Advertising on Facebook is one of the most affordable and successful tactics that marketers opt for today. With right planning and publishing it is possible to get good results with these ads. Entrepreneur contributor Eric Christopher has shared Facebook advertising tips from four experts. says, “Remember before the Cambridge Analytica scandal when brands and publishers were worried about Facebook’s News Feed changes? Here’s a refresher from Facebook’s official post back in January, “Because space in News Feed is limited, showing more posts from friends and family and... [...]

How to improve your marketing with Facebook Live

  Facebook has more than two billion users and Facebook Live is getting the clear advantage of this. This platform helps businesses connect with their customers and enhance their business. Entrepreneur contributor Kim Walsh Phillips has published an article to help marketers improve their marketing using Facebook Live. On using Facebook Live to attract more customers, Kim says, “Pick a topic your prospects are interested in. Here are a few places you might find inspiration in what you and your company are already doing: Do you have an upcoming webinar or seminar? If so, break apart... [...]

Increase your Facebook audience with these tips

Facebook gets 1.4 billion daily visitors. From this huge visitor base, it is not impossible to get your share of audience provided you have a strategy to follow. Entrepreneur contributor Manish Dudhrejia has shared seven strategies to help marketers grow their Facebook audience. Dudhrejia says, “Truth be told, it’s going to change the game quite a bit. Simply put, your content will no longer appear in News Feeds like you are accustomed to. The strategies that worked well in previous years are going to need a makeover. The good news is, it’s not impossible. There are a number of useful... [...]

Four steps to create an effective Facebook Messenger copy

The Facebook Messenger has 1.2 billion monthly users worldwide. With this reach, it can be a versatile tool for the marketers to reach out a huge mass. HubSpot columnist Connor Cirillo has shared a four step guide to create an effective Facebook Messenger  copy that can help marketers convert more prospects into customers. Cirillo says, “Before you do anything — step away from the keyboard! You need to figure out what might go wrong before you decide how to make it better. Grab a whiteboard or pen and paper — it’s mapping time. Write out every point where the user needs to... [...]

Facebook updates ad metrics

Facebook has announced the updates to its ad metrics. By doing this, Facebook intends to bring more transparency in the advertising process. The company is also removing some unhelpful metrics. says, “Starting today, we’ll begin labeling some metrics in Ads Manager as estimated or in development, to provide more clarity on how they are calculated and how you should consider using them. These labels will appear in tool tips within the Ads Manager reporting table and in the customize column selector for ads running across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. Estimated metrics are calculated... [...]

Facebook Likes: Two things you should know

When it comes to social and especially Facebook marketing, the success of your campaign is measured on the basis of the ‘likes’ you get. Entrepreneur contributor Scott Oldford in his recent post advises marketers to stop worrying about the Facebook likes in 2018. Oldford says, “Engagement is the worst way to judge the success of your content. This may surprise you to hear, because most people base success on the amount of traffic you get, how many “likes” a Facebook posts has and how many shares an article creates. Look, these metrics matter to an extent. They... [...]

Design a strong Facebook advertising strategy with this tips

When it comes to online advertising, Facebook is the leader in attracting the most advertisers with its easy to advertise programs. In April 2017, more than five million businesses were advertising on it each month. Econsultancy columnist Nikki Gilliland has shared five tips to plan a successful Facebook advertising strategy. Gilliland says, “Here’s a few tips on optimising your Facebook ad strategy for the year ahead. Target people in consideration phase One of the main benefits of Facebook advertising is being able to target users based on a wide range of variables, ranging from age... [...]

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