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Archive for the 'Internet Sales Tips' Category

‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ Webinar January 16 [Webinar]

By synchronizing your sales and marketing teams you can improve your business. According to MarketingProfs, 80% of content created by marketing goes unused by sales. This shows in-congruence between the sales and marketing departments. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. MarketingProfs team says, “The age-old questions still persist: how do you ensure the members of your sales team have the right content when they need it? And that marketing has the insights they need to create... [...]

‘Build Brand Humanity by Mastering Empathy at Scale ’ Webinar January 30 [Webinar]

To acquire more customers and retain them for longer, you need to win their trust. Empathizing with them by communicating effectively is the best way you could create better relationships with them. Digital Marketing Depot team is hosting a webinar on ‘Build Brand Humanity by Mastering Empathy at Scale’ on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 12.00 pm EST. DMD team says, “Join guest speaker Dipanjan Chatterjee, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester, and Sara Spivey, CMO at Braze, as they discuss the latest Brand Humanity research findings: The consumer study tracks year-over-year... [...]

‘From Search to Transaction: How to Master the Customer Experience’ Webinar January 15 [Webinar]

To grow your business it is extremely important to drive more audience to your website and prompt them to take a purchase decision. Satisfying customer experience can play vital role in this process. Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘From Search to Transaction: How to Master the Customer Experience’ on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. SEJ team says, “In this joint webinar with the search engine optimization experts at Botify and the customer experience optimization experts at AB Tasty, you’ll learn how to create the most relevant, optimized journey... [...]

Magical Words That Sell: How to Build Trust in Your Marketing [Podcast]

An effective copy plays important role in your marketing. It helps you to persuade your prospects and convert them into customers. According to Neil Patel, strong copywriting skills can help you to improve your conversion rate by 113%. Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner has published a new podcast episode ‘Magical Words That Sell: How to Build Trust in Your Marketing’ featuring Marcus Sheridan. Stelzner says, “Do your marketing messages make you trustworthy? Are you using the right words and phrases? To explore how words can build trust with customers, I interview... [...]

Create More Sales with These Online Listing Tips

To continue growing your business it is very important to get new customers and make more sales. For this purpose you cannot confine to a single tactic but need to utilize all possible tools and tactics to sell more products. MarketingProfs contributor Vahe Habeshian has shared an infographic highlighting some useful tips to use online listings to create more sales. Habeshian says, “Online shopping is as accessible and popular as it’s ever been. And though that means there is greater opportunity for online retailers, there is also greater competition. Consumers are bombarded... [...]

HubSpot’s 5-Step Guide to Sales Automation

In your sales process, there are many tasks which are repetitive, but you you need to do them to keep the sales cycle running. All of sales team members have to perform a certain set of tasks. Sales automation helps you to stay free from these time-consuming tasks which are to be performed every day, week, or month. HubSpot’s Aja Frost has published ‘Sales Automation: The Ultimate Guide’ to help you understand and implement sales automation process. Frost says, “Your team’s sales process is an important asset. You’ve established it so that you have an iterative... [...]

How to Get to Your First 20k of Sales through Your Website [Podcast]

When a visitor takes action and submits a contact form – a lead is born. Your website plays a very important role in generating more leads which can be converted into customers. According to Andy Crestodinna, lead generation website has a specific set of pages, each with specific elements that align with the expectations and psychology of the visitor and the marketing program of the business. Exposure Ninja contributor Stacey Overton has published a new podcast episode featuring Tim Cameron. The episode is titled ‘How to Get to Your First 20k of Sales through Your Website’. Overton... [...]

HubSpot Shares 15 Strategies to Speed Up Your Sales Cycle

Converting an inquiry into a sale takes a lot of time. A well-planned sales-cycle can help you to be more clear about the whole process and reach your goals. HubSpot contributor Claire Murdough has shared fifteen strategies to speed up your sales cycle and increase revenue. Murdough says, “As a sales professional, you want to enter each stage of the sales cycle making best use of you and your prospect’s time. Let’s review a few smart strategies that will help you land the sale even faster. 1. Automate repetitive tasks Consider this: The average SDR spends 21% of their time writing... [...]

Tactics to improve your online sales

Your copywriting skills can help you to win more customers and improve your sales. Along with the brand information your content should also have the persuasive elements that help you to stand out. The Copyblogger’s Brian Clark has published an article highlighting five types of online prospects and ways to sell them. Clark says, “If you’re producing content to promote your services, physical products, or digital offerings, obviously you want a return on investment for the time and effort you put in. On the other hand, you’ve probably noticed that if you spend all of... [...]

HubSpot Shares 75 Use Sales Stats

The HubSpot contributor Aja Frost has compiled 2019 sales statistics from different sources. The 75 stats cover the categories such as sales prospecting, sales follow-up, sales emailing, sales call and more. Frost says, “Luckily, not all sales-related data will bum you out. This list of sales statistics has invaluable nuggets of wisdom on everything from which words to avoid in your email subject line to the optimal number of questions to ask during a discovery call. Sales Prospecting Statistics 1. More than 40% of salespeople say this is the most challenging part of the sales... [...]

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