Jessica Plunket says, “Optimizing your web presence for mobile is a digital marketing no-brainer. With more than 60% of U.S. adults owning a smartphone and more than half of consumers saying they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t work right on mobile (Business2Community 2014), it’s not a question of when to establish a mobile presence, it’s a matter of how best to execute it. Here is a 10-point mobile-preparedness checklist to get you on the fast-track to mobile success.AS consumers 1) Answer the question – what information do mobile visitors need from my website? Do they... [...]
Archive for the 'Website Design' Category
Chirag Leuva says, “Never underestimate the importance of an attractive and personalized website. The attention span of Web users has been waning day by day. One needs to take advantage of various elements for keeping their interest in every possible way. The first step to preserving the interest is the appealing design and some useful and informative content. Here are some important steps for making the website more engaging to visitors and for boosting your online presence. STICK WITH A MODERN WEBSITE DESIGN A professional looking website goes a long way in attracting visitors. Make it... [...]
Scott Meyer says, “Encrypting your website improves not only strengthens its security– it can also help improves SEO and conversions. Here’s why It might be time to consider encrypting your entire site. Last month, our digital marketing firm 9 Clouds made the decision to encrypt our entire site. We originally made the decision because we were asking visitors to enter private usernames and passwords to join My 9 Clouds for free digital marketing resources and to purchase digital marketing consulting in 9 Clouds Academy. We knew we needed an SSL certificate to accept credit card... [...]
Marc Herschberger says, “Your website might be sick (and not in a good way). Don’t take it personal, most websites on the Internet today are suffering from something that’s holding them back from being in tip-top shape. Now, you may be saying, “Well, hold on! If you’re saying my website is sick, how come I don’t know about it?” Good question. When we think of “sick” or broken websites, we often revert back to images of entire sites down or pages that have completely lost their formatting”. 4 Subtle Symptoms of a Poor Performing Website HubSpot [...]
Online marketers need to learn that appearance matters. If your site or your product doesn’t look good, people will believe the content is not good. On the other hand, attractive sites and products are perceived to have valuable content. That’s why “covers” are added to e-books. On a physical book, the cover serves a practical function of protecting the pages inside. On an e-book, there’s no practical function, only an aesthetic one. They are there to make the product look good. This lesson applies to all aspects of your marketing communication. For example, how do... [...]
Ran Oelgiesser says, “A website is a necessity for any business. It introduces a product or service to a wide audience, extends the brand and authenticates its legitimacy. But, for the 25 million small businesses nationwide – it means even more. With the rise of Internet search, online reviews, social networks and online advertising, a small business’ website is its lifeblood. According to a study from Verisign, 89 percent of small businesses leveraging a website would recommend investing in a website to others within their industry to drive business success. Why? For most potential... [...]
Amberly Dressler says, “mobile and omnichannel features to advanced on-site search and filtering. Web designers – and even everyday shoppers – however, know this isn’t always the case. In honor of the upcoming holiday shopping season, Website Magazine put together a quick list of some winners and losers of big brand Web design“. 2 Winners & 2 Losers of Big Brand Web Design Website Magazine [...]
Darren Megarry & Evelyn Toro say, “Some 60% of global marketers have no strategy for multilingual content marketing, according to a recent survey by Cloudwords. That’s a dangerous oversight, because not thinking about translation until after the content is produced tends to complicate the process and increase costs. And it increases the chance of missing out on opportunities in emerging markets. Localization is important The economic potential of non-English-speaking markets, both online and offline, is staggering: By 2025, the number of global consumers in emerging economies... [...]
Bonny Clayton says, “Navigating the Web for photos to populate your website, company newsletter, or other marketing tools can be like tip-toeing through a minefield. You might emerge on the other side completely unscathed, but one wrong step can blow up into a legal morass. Just about everyone has, shall we say, appropriated an image from another website at one time or another. If you’re illustrating a report or PowerPoint presentation, there’s no problem. But if you use that photo for external marketing – in other words, put it out there as your own, without permission of the website... [...]
Brad Shorr says, “What happens when a Web design firm redesigns its own website? I polled the key players – project manager, lead designer, lead developer, production manager and content manager (me) to gather whatever insights I could. Here are key takeaways – information that should be useful to agencies and perhaps other businesses as well. FOLLOW YOUR OWN RULES We have a very well-organized and detailed process for website design projects – one which we tended to ignore at every turn on our project. If nothing else, the inefficiencies this caused validated the virtues of our process”. What... [...]