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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘What Google Hummingbird Means for Content Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “What Google Hummingbird Means for Content Marketing”. Paul Sanders says, “It’s been a busy few weeks for SEO, content marketing, and digital marketers. Google delivered a one-two punch, announcing that organic keyword data will no longer be available and that it has released the Hummingbird update. The two announcements are important for content marketing, and they illuminate the continuing transition from keyword-based search to semantic search. The consensus among SEOs and content marketers is that relevant, useful content remains... [...]

‘Lies, Damned Lies & Email Best Practices’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Lies, Damned Lies & Email Best Practices”. Tom Sather says, “It isn’t often that one challenges best practices. They are called best practices because they are apparently the best. In 2008, Return Path conducted a subscriber experience study to see which businesses were following the best practices at the time, like personalizing messages and honoring unsubscribe requests within a reasonable timeframe. Flash forward five years, and we looked at the same businesses to spot any trends with best practices”. ... [...]

‘Here’s A Glimpse Inside Amazon’s Secretive $800 Million Ad Business’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Here’s A Glimpse Inside Amazon’s Secretive $800 Million Ad Business”. Aaron Taube says, “Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos One of the big stories in advertising this past year has been the emergence of Amazon’s real-time bidding ad exchange as both an important source of revenue for the company and a major player in the online advertising ecosystem. But while Amazon is estimated to make $835 million in advertising revenuesthis year, the notoriously secretivecompany has kept a lid on many of the details surrounding... [...]

WP AutoLead: Capture leads through questions #ad

People enjoy giving their opinions. Ask them: • What’s the weather like? • Who’s going to win the World Series? • When is the government shutdown going to end? etc., and they will tell you. This interest in sharing an opinion works in your favor. After all, one of the most important factors in your marketing success is understanding your target market. When you know how they think, you can tailor your message to them. And what better way to understand what they think than to ask them? Now, you can places a simple survey on your WordPress site and use it to gather... [...]

‘How to Turn Your Website into a Profit Center’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How to Turn Your Website into a Profit Center”. Krista Magidson says, “So often, small business owners come across this issue…they build the website, optimize the content and wonder why they don’t have droves of clients visiting the site. Or worse, they build a website knowing that the only traffic they’re likely to attract is from current clients who refer their friends; making their website nothing more than a very expensive business card”. How to Turn Your Website into a Profit Center  [...]

‘Common Mistakes Made by Beginning Bloggers …and 5 Tips to Fix Them’ by Patsi Krackoff

Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “Common Mistakes Made by Beginning Bloggers  …and 5 Tips to Fix Them”. Krackoff says, “When you first start a business blog, it’s easy to make a few blogging mistakes. While it seems like nearly every business already has a blog, new blogs are popping up every day. If you’re just getting your blog up and running, here are a few common mistakes that can be detrimental before it gets off of the ground. Seasoned bloggers are wise to take note of these tips as well; even the most professional of us can use a reminder every now and then!“. ... [...]

‘Facebook Tweaks Privacy: You Can No Longer Hide From Search’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Tweaks Privacy: You Can No Longer Hide From Search”. Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook tweaked its privacy settings Thursday and will no longer allow users to completely hide from others searching for them on the site. In other words, with few exceptions, we’re all now searchable on Facebook.The company is officially retiring the “Who can look up your Timeline by name?” setting over the next few weeks, completing a process the social network started last December when it first announced it would slowly eliminate the feature“. ... [...]

‘Google Trusted Stores: the good, the bad, the inevitable’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google Trusted Stores: the good, the bad, the inevitable”. Charity Stebbins says, “Setting your brand apart from the rest is practically the definition of marketing. Given the strict parameters of advertising on Google, the gatekeeper of the vast digital market, it can be a struggle. It’s no wonder, then, that on my last Econsultancy post discussing niche site strategy, a commenter wanted to know how to get that attractive, Google-branded check mark that distinguishes one PLA (Product Listing Ad) from the lineup”. ... [...]

’51 Ridiculous Keywords Google Won’t Let Me Track Anymore’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “51 Ridiculous Keywords Google Won’t Let Me Track Anymore”. Sam Mallikarjunan says, “It’s been a busy month for Google, the 50 billion pound gorilla of the search world. Even my dog, Zoe, got in on the analysis. She wrote an article for her blog (that’s right, she has a blog … and aTwitter account …) summarizing her opinions on the changes from Google. If you’re not sure what changes I’m talking about, earlier this month, Google decided to encryptall keyword data — except for... [...]

‘Should You Be Worried About Google’s Hummingbird Update?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Should You Be Worried About Google’s Hummingbird Update?”. Chris Laub says, “Over the last few months Google has secretly rolled out an algorithmic update called “Hummingbird.” Upon hearing of it, many in the SEO community panicked, fearing they were at the mercy of another animal that would wreak havoc on their search engine rankings and income. Unlike Panda and Penguin, however, the Hummingbird updates were rolled out without an announcement to the webmaster community. That’s because they were not targeted at... [...]

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