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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘New Google Program Changes Requirements for Ad Agencies’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “New Google Program Changes Requirements for Ad Agencies”. Kurt Wagner says, “Ad agencies help bring Google business, and for that, they are now getting some extra love from the search giant. Google on Wednesday announced Google Partners, an umbrella program meant to consolidate all of the company’s other agency programs under one roof. Google already supported ad agencies with a number of programs like Agency Edge, Google Engage, and its agency certification program, and those aren’t going away. They are simply rebranded... [...]

Offer free services to local businesses, upsell them to major contract #ad

Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain have known the frustration of local business owners not seeing the value of online services and not being willing to invest. So they met this problem head-on. They set up a mobile splash page for the business at no charge. Sometimes, when the business owners saw the site, they realized how useful it could be to their business, and bought a full site implementation. The problem was that it took quite a while to build the splash page, and if the business didn’t buy, it was time wasted. So they decided to automate, and they created a tool that is now known... [...]

‘Google announces 14 new analytics features’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google announces 14 new analytics features”. Graham Charlton says, “Yesterday’s Google Analytics Summit contained 14 new product releases, with perhaps the most interesting being the ability to view demographic data.  The Google Analytics blog has a rundown of all the new features, but here are a few of the most significant”. Google announces 14 new analytics features ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Emails Not Getting Into Your Lists’ Inboxes? Try Focusing on Engagement’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Emails Not Getting Into Your Lists’ Inboxes? Try Focusing on Engagement”. Sara Davidson says, “Let’s face it: The way in which email now makes it to the inbox is different than it was a couple of years ago. The big dogs of the ISP world (Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo) have changed the way they look at and value emails, from a content-identification system to an engagement/behavioral model”. Emails Not Getting Into Your Lists’ Inboxes? Try Focusing on Engagement HubSpot  [...]

Engagematic: Keep your visitors on your site longer #ad

People who come to your site and immediately click away are bad for your sales. Obviously, they don’t buy anything, but it’s worse than that. When Google sees that quick departure, its algorithm downgrades your site, so you drift lower in the search results and as a result, get fewer clicks in the future. So, for multiple reasons, you want people to stay longer on your site. Marc Renaud has created a new WordPress plugin that will help you increase your site’s “stickiness”, its ability to hold people’s attention and prolong their visit. He calls it Engagematic.... [...]

‘Report: Facebook Still The King Of Social Logins, But Google+ Is Nipping At Their Heels’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Report: Facebook Still The King Of Social Logins, But Google+ Is Nipping At Their Heels”. Greg Finn says, “As social logins continue to grow, the login space has gotten much more competitive. Janrainhas released a study on social login usage and the results were rather surprising. Facebook has been, and still is, the leading social login service — it’s no longer a runaway leader in the space. Facebook had 54% of usage in Q3 of 2013, but has now dropped below the 50% mark, with a 46% usage rate. Leading the pack... [...]

‘Which are the most significant new Google Analytics features?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Which are the most significant new Google Analytics features?”. Graham Charlton says, “As reported earlier, Google announced some shiny new analytics features yesterday, with 36 more to come over the course of the week.  I asked a few analytics experts for their views on the new features, which are most significant, and how they could be put to use by online businesses”. Which are the most significant new Google Analytics features? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘What the Heck Is Blogging? A Sneak Peek Into Marketing’s Newest Pastime’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “What the Heck Is Blogging? A Sneak Peek Into Marketing’s Newest Pastime”. Ginny Soskey says, “I’m still not entirely convinced people know what I do. I get questions all the time like, “Wait … so you just write all day?” Or, “Is that a full-time job?” Or, my personal favorite, “Is that even areal job?” I get lots of questions because the reality is most people really aren’t sure what the heck a blogger does in this wide world of”. What the Heck Is Blogging? A Sneak... [...]

‘7 Ways to Take the Media World by Storm′ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “7 Ways to Take the Media World by Storm″. Baer says, “These seven tips will create a powerful concoction that will be hard for any company, including media companies and your direct competitors, to compete with. 1. Make Mobile Your Top Channel Strategy Remember when eBay was the online auctions king? Well, today, online auctions are just 10 percent of its total business — its payment and mobile business is half the company. eBay is betting its entire future on mobile, and it’s winning. And heck, right now, 32... [...]

‘2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors Released’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Future of Search: 2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors Released”. Cyrus Shepard says, “Every 2 years, Moz surveys over 100 top industry professionals to compile our biennial Search Engine Ranking Factors. For 2013 we’ve supplemented the survey with real-world correlation data from scientifically examining of over 17,000 keyword search results. We’ve released some of the 2013 data previously, but not the full set until now. So with great pleasure, I present the complete results of this year’s survey and correlation data”. The Future... [...]

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