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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘Sprite scores big win thanks to Tumblr’s potential for long-term engagement’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Sprite scores big win thanks to Tumblr’s potential for long-term engagement”. David Moth says, “Drinks brand Sprite managed to outperform its rivals and achieve the greatest exposure on Tumblr in July. This is despite the fact that it only blogged three updates, while second-placed MTV posted a massive 114 times. The findings, which come from a report by Simply Measured, show the high potential for long-term amplification on Tumblr compared to other social networks, as nearly all of Sprite’s 85,000 reblogs were... [...]

‘The #INBOUND13 Experience: Inspiring Insights From Exceptional Keynotes [SlideShare]’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The #INBOUND13 Experience: Inspiring Insights From Exceptional Keynotes [SlideShare]”. Katie Burke says, “INBOUND just wrapped up — with over 5,550 registered attendees, and four jam-packed days of inspiration, education, entertainment, and collaboration. It would be impossible to distill the insights from the entire conference into one blog post, so we’ll”. The #INBOUND13 Experience: Inspiring Insights From Exceptional Keynotes [SlideShare] HubSpot  [...]

‘How To Create Authority Blogs and Passive Monthly Income’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Create Authority Blogs and Passive Monthly Income”. Chow says, “I had the pleasure of the starting the first round of sessions at the 2013 Affiliate Summit East. Myself, Zac Johnson, John Rampton, and Syed Balkhi showed the assembled crowd exactly what it takes to create an authority blog and make massive passive income. Syed was the moderator and asked the questions for the first 40 minutes. Then he turned the mic over to the floor so the people in the audience can get answers to questions specific to them”. How To Create Authority Blogs... [...]

‘7 Fun Ways To Harness Social Media In Your Business’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “7 Fun Ways To Harness Social Media In Your Business”. The YEC team says, “If your company hasn’t learned to harness the power of the social media world yet, here’s one reason you should: according to Google, nearly 60 percent of people talk more online than they do in real life. So where do you begin? There are plenty of avenues to take. Here are some ideas for putting your business into the spotlight, gleaned from a recent Ragan Conference in Orlando, Florida”. 7 Fun Ways To Harness Social Media In Your Business ... [...]

‘40+ Tools to Advance Your International SEO Process’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “40+ Tools to Advance Your International SEO Process”. Aleyda Solis says, “When expanding your web presence to include international audiences, you’re faced with a new set of challenges. In this post, MozCon 2013 speaker Aleyda Solis offers 40+ tools to help your marketing reach farther than it ever has before”. 40+ Tools to Advance Your International SEO Process MOZ Blog  [...]

‘The Secret Source Of Power For Future Marketers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Secret Source Of Power For Future Marketers”. Brian Massey says, “I was recently asked, “What do you think the landscape for targeted conversion optimization will look like in five years?” A number of things came to mind, including: Automated personalization technologies that essentially eliminate the need for conversion optimization The end of the website due to the rise of apps The end of the website due to the rise of mobile devices The end of the website due to the collapse of civilization These all... [...]

‘Can Facebook Rewrite the Industry Standard For User Engagement?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Can Facebook Rewrite the Industry Standard For User Engagement?”. Kurt Wagner says, “The “monthly active users” figure has long been the industry standard for user engagement insocial media. It’s easy to digest, but more importantly, it’s a benchmark capable of comparing the most social of social networks to the new kids on the block. When it comes to Facebook, however, monthly active users have become a mere side dish to the more relevant main course that is “daily active users.” During the company’s... [...]

‘The battle for identity on the web’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The battle for identity on the web”. Ashley Friedlein says, “As marketers we are clearly interested in who are customers are. We care about who owns, and has control over, our customer data. The rise of digital channels offers new opportunities to capture customer data and, indeed, different kinds of data such as behavioural, or social, signals.  But there is a battle for identity, and customer data, already under way that looks set to escalate. As the gods of the internet tear the firmament asunder we must consider... [...]

‘How to Embed a Facebook Post [Quick Tip]’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Embed a Facebook Post [Quick Tip]”. Corey Eridon says, “About a year ago, we asked marketers for the primary motivation behind their most recent website redesign. The top response was … well, it was boredom. A third of marketers said they redesigned because it was time for a change. Another third were undergoing a corporate rebranding. Some had seen a change in”. How to Embed a Facebook Post [Quick Tip] HubSpot  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Training: Develop a Stable of Offline Businesses Clamoring for Your Services’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Training: Develop a Stable of Offline Businesses Clamoring for Your Services”. Gail says, “Diversification. Multiple streams of income. Multiplicity.  It’s all the same thing – protection against a shriveling river of traffic. Here are 10 ways to find new offline clients and do for them what you do in your own business every day”. Internet Marketing Training: Develop a Stable of Offline Businesses Clamoring for Your Services PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail... [...]

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