The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Foursquare Ads: Worth It For Your Business?”. Rebekah Henson says, “Foursquare, the popular check-in app for smartphones, recently started rolling out ad placements for small local establishments. The new ads display in the app’s “Explore” tab and in the results when users search for similar local venues. The good news is, you don’t pay unless someone visits your business’s Foursquare page through the ad or actually checks into your business – visiting in person. But is it worth for your business spending money on?“. Foursquare... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Provides Context With Related Headlines Feature”. Kurt Wagner says, “Twitter is great for breaking news or for grabbing a public comment from a celebrity. It’s not always as thorough in providing context. The micro-blogging network is trying to change that with an update it rolled out on Monday. The new feature shares “related headlines” for a tweet; a list of web stories that provide additional context from various media outlets. Open up a tweet by clicking the ‘details’ button or miniature time... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Just 11% of people expect to receive customer service via social media”. David Moth says, “An inevitable consequence of the push to achieve sales through multiple channels is that businesses must also be prepared to deliver multichannel customer service. Poor levels of service can ruin the overall shopping experience and mean that the customer is lost forever, so online, in-store, mobile and all other channels must work together to deliver an excellent overall customer experience. New research form eDigitalResearch examined... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Save Up to 50% on Your PPC With Quality Score”. Larry Kim says, “In PPC, there are lots of metrics to track, so it can quickly get confusing and then overwhelming. Marketers often ask me, “What’s the one metric I should optimize for? I just want to know the top one or two levers I can pull to make a difference!” In my experience, looking at thousands of Google AdWords accounts and billions in”. How to Save Up to 50% on Your PPC With Quality Score/ HubSpot [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Are You Argo-izing Your Content?”. Sue Duris says, “I participated in a recent tweet chat, and the topic for the week was storytelling, which seems to be the latest marketing buzzword, although corporate storytelling isn’t anything new. Keep in mind that storytelling is less about creating a mini-episode on your website or broadcast commercial, and more about communicating the story of your brand in a meaningful way so that your audience gets what you are about, remembers you, and advocates you and your cause. You... [...]
The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “New Data Insights On Pinterest’s Potential”. Bob Gilbreath says, “Just a few months ago, Pinterest took a big step forward in its utility for businesses by providing free access to its own suite of analytics tools. I’ve excitedly dug in to understand the new data and am now even more convinced that Pinterest is the first social media channel made for marketing. After studying the performance data for the ten most active brands across Ahalogy’s (my company’s) network, the possibilities to brands if they commit to the platform... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Cool Apps To Save You From Social Media Overload”. Elliot Morrow says, “Do you need a break from social media overload? Your friends and colleagues are constantly learning about something new, and it’s hard to keep up. The only way to stay connected was to waste time going through piles of social media websites, blogs and news feeds”. 5 Cool Apps To Save You From Social Media Overload [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Automatically Encrypts Cloud Storage Data”. Vignesh Ramachandran says, “Google will now auto-encrypt data for its paid cloud storage service, possibly in response to public wariness over NSA snooping. Before data is even written to disk, Google Cloud Storage will automaticallyprotect data using 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-128). Google Cloud Service is a paid storage infrastructure targeted towards robust users and companies, including Ubisoft and DNAnexus. Users can still manage their own encryption keys before... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “A noisy newcomer: SoundCloud now embeds in Google Plus”. Ben Davis says, “Google+ continues to enrich its offering with embedded SoundCloud widgets now enabled. Here at Econsultancy, and across the web, many predict that G+ will gradually become more and more prominent. Google+ Sign-In integration was launched on SoundCloud in May, and a week or so ago, embedding was brought to G+. All you need to do is share any SoundCloud URL to your Google+ circles and the widget will appear, automatically in the post. It will be... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “What Google’s ‘In-Depth Articles’ Algorithm Update Means For Your Content Strategy”. Rebecca Churt says, “Just a couple weeks ago, Google released a new feature — “in-depth” articles. The idea was to bring quality content to surface. According toresearch,10% of people’s daily search needs are for more in-depth content. So this new feature is intended to help unearth more of that in-depth content”. What Google’s ‘In-Depth Articles’ Algorithm Update Means For Your Content Strategy [...]