Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “How to Become a #1 Expert with a Blog”. Krackoff says, “Are you #1? If you’re a doctor, lawyer, author, or consultant, you’d like your clients to believe they’ve come to the best professional around. It may be hard to make that claim. Unless, of course, you can stake out a niche online, and show that you’re a number one expert in your field with a blog. Dr. Charles Parker, for example, is an excellent psychiatrist and certainly not the only one with years of experience treating people with ADHD – attention deficit disorders. But he... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Researcher: Advertise Your Facebook Post Within 24 Hours or Don’t Bother”. Todd Wasserman says, “If your brand just posted a status on Facebook, don’t waste time waiting to amplify it with an ad buy. If you don’t do so within 24 hours, you will lose a great deal of the engagement and viral impressions that would have been generated by posting earlier. This is the gist of new research from the cloud marketing technology firmUnified Social. Jeff Widman, the director of research there, recently crunched some numbers and... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How misusing Tumblr might hinder your connection to the teen demographic”. David Olshanetsky says, “Back in June 2012 Tumblr creator David Karp and his team publicly announced a more focused attempt at getting advertising on people’s dashboards. One of the first brands to trial the paid service was Adidas, however it is definitely not the best as proven by the low amount of ‘re-posts’ it receives”. How misusing Tumblr might hinder your connection to the teen demographic ‘Econsultancy’ Blog [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Nail Down the Perfect Website Navigation”. Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “It takes up just a few pixels, but your main navigation is arguably the most essential and ever-present aspect of your website. What to include as part of your main navigation can be a hotly contested topic inside your organization, and it could mean the difference between a website conversion and a bounce”. How to Nail Down the Perfect Website Navigation HubSpot [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Fundamentals of Building and Managing Your Community”. Mackenzie Fogelson says, “When it comes down to it, your job is to get stuff done. If you’re in marketing, it doesn’t matter if you work in-house, out-of-house, for a tiny company, or for the largest brand in the world. Your job is to get results. I may be biased, but building community sure does seem like one of the best ways to not only keep pace with thecontinuous change we’re experiencing in the web marketing industry, but also to achieve big goals for your business”. ... [...]
John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Hot Deal – HostGator’s $4.95 Domain Sale”. Chow says, “Right now, you can register any new .com / .net / .org / .info / .biz domain for only$4.95 per year, for up to three years. This offer will expire August 15th at 11:59PM Central. Grab your domains before they are gone! Now is the time to purchase those domains you’ve been thinking about, or otherwise expand your existing brand by registering additional TLDs (Top Level Domains) for your existing websites”. Hot Deal – HostGator’s $4.95 Domain Sale John Chow’s Blog [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “43% of Global Web Surfers Choose Google Chrome”. Zoe Fox says, “Google Chrome is the world’s most popular Internet browser, claiming 43% of the global market. Only 36% of Internet users in North America are Chrome users, one of the world’s lowest rates. Oceania is the only continent where an even smaller percentage of users opt for Chrome”. 43% of Global Web Surfers Choose Google Chrome [...]
Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “You Business Blog: Should You Make Money with Sponsored Posts?”. Krackoff says, “Want to make money with your business blog? There are a lot of different ways to use your blog to make money. One of the most common is soliciting blog sponsors who pay a set dollar amount monthly or yearly to write sponsored posts. A sponsored blog post can be a paid opportunity for a guest author; sometimes a company will sponsor a post written by the blog author about their product or service. Your business blog can use these sponsored posts to provide a... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “12 things Google Glass will destroy (with 13 apps)”. Ben Davis says, “Google Glass for the majority is a long way off. In fact, if you go to the ‘MyGlass’ app page on Google Play, you’ll see, for those without Glass: ..there’s a picture of a puppy in pyjamas. So not a total waste of time after all. Puppies aside, Google professes Glass (like all G products) was built to break down barriers. The idea is to make things easier and more seamless; to free up hands and time. Here at Econsultancy, the high-falutin’... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Debunking Viewability Myths As Display Moves Toward This New Metric”. James Green says, “Once your brand strategy is in place, there is nothing more critical and basic than making sure that potential customers see your ads. This is why the viewability debate has created such a furor among marketers, agencies, and the industry as a whole. There has been a massive increase in display advertising over the past few”. Debunking Viewability Myths As Display Moves Toward This New Metric Marketing Land [...]