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Friday, March 7, 2025

Archive for the 'YouTube Marketing' Category

‘What You Need to Do Now to Grow Your List on YouTube’ – AWeber

Jason Moore says, “What does YouTube have to do helping you grow your email list? Well, a lot actually. By creating video content, you give yourself another place for people to discover you and your business. And the more people see your content and learn about your business, the more people will have the opportunity to sign up to your email list. So how can you get started? In this post, I’m going to go over two of the main steps to growing your email list on this popular social channel. The first will be about setting up your YouTube channel so that you can add a link to your sign... [...]

‘Making Money on YouTube: The Creator’s Guide to Turning Content into Cash’ – Shopify Blog

Braveen Kumar says, “YouTubers are the self-made celebrities of today: People who have earned an audience by creating content geared toward teaching, entertaining, reviewing, and being awesome on the internet. And most do it just to do it—to scratch the itch of creating things and being in front of an audience. Making money from a YouTube channel probably isn’t the reason you’ll start one, but the opportunities to earn are a pleasant surprise once you realize how many of them there are. In fact, New Media Rockstars estimates that top YouTubers earn in the millions, some even in the... [...]

‘YouTube Film School for Marketers: The Scrappy Upstart’s Cheat Sheet for High-Quality Video Marketing’ – MarketingProfs

Lena Brooks says, “In 2016, video is an important part of the content marketing mix, and it’s here to stay. Video has an uncanny ability to quickly warm up potential customers and connect them to you and your product. YouTube, the largest repository of videos, offers you the opportunity to create a dedicated audience of subscribers; and as the second largest search engine after Google, it’s not to be ignored. All that sounds very tempting, but if you don’t have video experience, it can also be very intimidating. When Magoosh, the company I work for, started making branded... [...]

‘Here’s How You Can Actually Make Money With YouTube’ – Entrepreneur

Anna Johansson says, “The convenience and far reach of the internet has given millions of people the ability to make a living by monetizing just about any skill, talent or opportunity. But, as is the case with any moneymaking venture, a lot of misconceptions surround certain strategies. Think: YouTube. Specifically, you’ll consistently see that platform’s name rise to the top in articles about making money from home. Yet, while you can certainly make money with YouTube, that objective is not usually achieved in the traditional manner everyone wants you to believe. In fact,... [...]

‘How to Turn YouTube Subscribers Into Customers’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “In this video from the Entrepreneur live stream, YouTube personality Evan Carmichael talks about how to convert subscribers to loyal customers. A couple of tricks include using the “click now to subscribe icon” in place of your YouTube channel logo and using your best video as your channel trailer. “But the boring answer — but also very true — is the content,” he says. “Is your stuff that good that I want to come back?””. How to Turn YouTube Subscribers Into Customers Entrepreneur Blog  [...]

‘Lights, Camera, YouTube: 10 Standout Video Metrics for 2016’ –

Matt Byrom says, “We’re three months into the New Year already. Can you believe it? A new year always brings new challenges, particularly for marketers. We all want to keep up with the hottest trends, making sure engagement and conversion rates stay high, and spend stays low. Video marketing is continuing to rise, becoming more and more of a sure bet for marketers. But hearsay is not enough to base your entire strategy on. You need facts. You need figures. Well, you’re in luck. Take a look at these 10 standout video metrics for 2016: Increased Organic Traffic Sixty-two percent... [...]

First, it was other people’s money; now, other people’s videos #ad

There are a lot of resources you can use to build a business, without having to come up with them yourself. Crowdfunding let’s you use other people’s money to build your business. Now there’s a way to use other people’s videos, too. Brett Ingram put together two keys facts of online life: 1. Every marketer needs traffic 2. YouTube has an unimaginable amount of traffic He thought, “What if I could use some of the attraction of YouTube’s popular videos as a way of bringing traffic to my own site?” After some work and a lot of experimentation, he created... [...]

‘How to Create Blockbuster YouTube Channel Success in Any Niche’ – MarketingProfs

Ayelet Weisz says, “”My niche is so boring,” complained a mortgage and family-finance consultant at a conference. I looked at him at disbelief, and not just because he was the business owner. After all, not everyone gets to be in a business where emotions run high and decisions affect the rest of your life. Some people sell bus tickets. Or toilet paper. Yet, even those of us who get to talk about A/B tests for button colors, case study marketing, and blog post headlines all day, every day… even we sometimes worry we’d come off as boring: How can a “boring”... [...]

Create Youtube Channel Art with Youtube Channel Art Creator #ad

Your YouTube channel doesn’t need to be bland. You can add a professional appearance to it with YouTube Channel Graphics Creator by LaughingBird Software Use this software to create Youtube banners, video thumbnails, “intro” graphics and “end bumper” screens. And that’s just the beginning. It’s easy because it comes with professional graphic components that you can use “as is” or edit. You can also start from scratch to create something completely original. Whichever you decide, once your graphic is ready, click a button and upload it to YouTube... [...]

Photoshop is expensive; this isn’t #ad

If you want infinite flexibility in designing graphics, Photoshop can’t be beat. On the other hand, if you need a simple tool for creating graphics quickly, Photoshop is expensive and hard to learn. For example, if you want to create a YouTube channel and want to make it stand out by using good graphics, there’s a tool that doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars. It’s called YouTube Channel Graphics Creator, created by Marc Sylvester‘s LaughingBird Software. You want your YouTube channel to look professional. Good graphics can make that a reality. There are several graphic... [...]

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