David Nield says, “Since it launched to the public at the end of 2005 (the very first video is still online), YouTube has come to dominate online video in a way that few businesses manage to dominate anything on the Web. Today, it boasts more than a billion users, who are uploading more than 300 hours of video every minute and generating billions of views every single day. So far, so rosy—but YouTube isn’t exactly the home run that these figures might suggest it is, and it’s facing increasing pressure from all sides. Last month the Wall Street Journal reported that YouTube was... [...]
Archive for the 'YouTube Marketing' Category
Amy Gesenhues says, “Turns out videos are not only winning all the buzz in digital lately, but are also directly impacting online sales according to a new report from video marketing platform Invodo. Based on video data from Invodo’s more than 100 retail clients, spanning a variety of industries, the Video Commerce Benchmarks Report found online shoppers who viewed a video were, on average, 1.6x more like to make a purchase compared to shoppers who did not view a video”. Online Shoppers 1.6X More Likely To Make Purchase After Viewing Video Marketing Land [...]
Lisa Furgison says, “Are you creating videos to promote your business’s image, product or service? You’re not alone. A lot of businesses are creating videos to share online, and statistics show it’s a smart move. According to a study by ReelSEO, 82% of people using video as a promotional tool believe that it has a positive impact on their business. Here are a few other impressive statistics, complied byVideoBrewery, that show just how valuable video can be to your brand: 90% of online shoppers said they found video helpful when making a purchase 45.5% of internet users say they view at... [...]
Amy Gesenhues says, “YouTube made its official announcement today that it now supports 360-degree video uploads. According to YouTube, they have already heard from a number of brands who are looking into ways to use this as a storytelling format. You could let viewers see the stage and the crowd of your concert, the sky and the ground as you wingsuit glide, or you could even have a choose-your-own-adventure video. The 360-degree videos can be watched via the YouTube app for Android, and YouTube.com, but Google said it is still working to make the new video format viewable on iPhones and... [...]
Dane Atkinson says, “As a savvy online marketing expert, you know exactly how important YouTube is to your company’s relevance. Once the playground of giant brands with multi-million dollar TV budgets, video-based marketing is now a much more level playing field, allowing even the smallest companies to compete. But there’s still a bottom line and to prove that your company’s YouTube content is worth the investment, you need to be able to show real results. Thankfully, YouTube has made your job easier by providing a powerful range of reporting and analysis tools for every channel. YouTube’s... [...]
David Moth says, “To people of my age, the idea of someone being famous for having a YouTube channel is faintly ridiculous. And the fact that some of them have gained millions of fans and earned millions of dollars just by posting videos of themselves playing computer games… well, it makes me very sad. But though I can’t personally fathom the attraction of these YouTube celebs, that doesn’t mean I underestimate their enormous appeal to younger demographics. And neither do brand marketers, who have been eager to team up with YouTube stars to gain access to their audiences”. 11 examples... [...]
Martin Beck says, “Online video is so hot right now, but YouTube, the grandfather of the industry, isn’t worried about being pushed aside. In fact, Robert Kyncl, YouTube’s head of content, said the competition from Facebook and Twitter — “in the last 12 months every platform has decided that they want to add video” — is actually helpful to YouTube. “I think you are seeing tremendous validation of the market,” Kyncl said during an on-stage interview Wednesday at the Code/Media conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel, Calif., “and we are just happy to be part of it.” Kyncl... [...]
It’s been about 2 years since Joshua Zamora announced the first version of Tube Sniper Pro. Since then, he and his partners, Andrew Naser and Aravindh Sridhar released version 2. Together these two versions sold over 1600 copies. Today, they release Tube Sniper Pro, Version 3, the enhanced version of their two prior versions of this software. Important note: Earlybirds get 75% off. Go and take a look now, while the price is the lowest. This new video marketing technology exposes your competitors weaknesses and reveals profitable niches. And it does it in 90 seconds or less. Tube Sniper Pro builds... [...]
This new system, called the VidNeos Marketing System, can help you create videos that will attract viewers. It has a proprietary rating system (based on analyzing what worked for thousands of other most-watched videos that went viral). Find out what works so you can make videos people just can’t stop watching. With a lot of work and a lot of time and patience, you could come up with the same results, but VidNeos Marketing System has done all the work and put together all of those insights into one easy to use application. Keyword research is good, but it’s not always enough. This new... [...]
Ryan Chester says, “Imagine if the Amazon River was filled with gold and you could divert it to your backyard. Well that is what YouTube has recently become, a goldmine of traffic. It offers a great opportunity to quickly attract tons of traffic to your website. That’s why corporations worldwide are trying to figure out the magic of optimizing for YouTube. Using this list you can make your video stand out in the crowded searches of YouTube and divert traffic to your website. GET YOUR VIDEO’S KEYWORDS First thing you should go attack is your competitors’ videos. Find out what keywords... [...]