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Archive for the 'Google News' Category

SEJ Features 20 GA4 Migration Resources

The Google Analytics 4 analytics service enables you to measure traffic and engagement across your websites and apps. Search Engine Journal contributor Kristi Hines has published an article featuring 20 resources for Google Analytics 4 migration. She says, “The following GA4 resources should help ease the forced migration from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. How To Properly Set Up, Read & Utilize Google Analytics 4 In this upcoming webinar on July 12, Drew Blumenthal, Founder & CEO of Digital Drew SEM, will teach you how to: Set up GA4 correctly so you don’t miss... [...]

Mastering GA4: How To Use The New Google Analytics Like A Pro, July 12 [Webinar]

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the next generation of Google Analytics. It’s a more powerful and flexible analytics platform that’s designed to help you understand your customers better and make more informed decisions about your business. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Mastering GA4: How To Use The New Google Analytics Like A Pro’ on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “With Universal Analytics (UA) shutting down on July 1, 2023, it’s time to shift gears and get up to speed with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Join this webinar to make... [...]

Utilizing The New GA4, July 12 [Webinar]

With Universal Analytics (UA) shutting down on July 1, 2023, it’s time to shift gears and get up to speed with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Utilizing The New GA4’ on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join this webinar to make sure your business has GA4 set up with conversion tracking working, and learn how to utilize the new interface, event data types, and more to keep your campaigns on track. You’ll learn: How to read reports in Google Analytics 4. How to analyze and utilize the data in GA4. How to make... [...]

GA4 Strategy & Setup for SEO [On Demand Webinar]

Conductor has made available the ‘GA4 Strategy & Setup for SEO’ webinar on demand. The conductor team says, “Calling all marketers! Google’s recent shift from Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4 is a game-changer for site analytics tracking. With UA being sunset on July 1st, it’s time to level up your marketing strategy with GA4. Still trying to figure out where to start with migrating to GA4 or looking for validation on your analytics and migration strategy? We’ve got you covered. Join Conductor’s Pat Reinhart for a webinar on Tuesday, April 4th, at 2:00 PM... [...]

The Influencer Identification Guide: Going beyond likes & views to secure quality partnerships [Guide]

Content Marketing Institute has published ‘The Influencer Identification Guide: Going beyond likes & views to secure quality partnerships’. The CMI team says, “Likes & followers are often inflated and inaccurate portrayals of a creator’s true influence over audiences. But what if you could base your decisions on more meaningful measurements like the number of active shoppers in their audience, how long viewers spend with their content, or what else their audience watches across platforms? From upper funnel activations to lower-level conversions, Tubular Labs helps you... [...]

A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Segments And Audiences In GA4 [Guide]

Search Engine Journal contributor Vahan Petrosyan has published ‘A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Segments And Audiences In GA4 With Examples’. He says, “What wasn’t possible with UA is now possible with GA4. Separate specific groups of users and compare their behavior to the rest of the data with this guide. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) comes with a more flexible audience builder and offers more advanced audience creation capabilities than Universal Analytics (UA). GA4 also takes a different approach to measuring screen views compared to Universal Analytics. Instead of measuring... [...]

GA4 Audiences: Not Just for Ads! [Video]

MOZ has published a new episode of the Whiteboard Friday video ‘GA4 Audiences: Not Just for Ads!’ featuring Dana DiTomaso. The MOZ team says, “There are many interesting features in GA4 — some that were sort of in Universal Analytics, but now they’re better. One of those features is Audiences, which many people may only be using for their ads. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Dana shows you why Audiences can be useful for reporting on other areas of your marketing efforts as well.” MOZ  [...]

Everything You Need to Know about Google PageRank

Google PageRank helps a website rank higher, and the algorithm is based on the concept that a page is deemed to be important if other important pages link to it. Search Engine Journal contributor Dixon Jones has published an article explaining Google PageRank for SEO beginners. He says, “PageRank was once at the very core of search – and was what made Google the empire it is today. Even if you believe that search has moved on from PageRank, there’s no denying that it has long been a pervasive concept in the industry. Every SEO pro should have a good grasp of what PageRank was – and... [...]

Power Up Your B2B Marketing Efforts With Influencer Marketing and Private Communities [Podcast]

MarketingProfs has published a new episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast ‘Power Up Your B2B Marketing Efforts With Influencer Marketing and Private Communities’ featuring Justin Levy. George B. Thomas says, “It’s time to let go of your egos, marketers, because this is not about you. That’s a common thing to say, for sure, but it’s particularly important to keep in mind when getting into B2B influencer marketing and communities. In the latest episode of Marketing Smarts, Demandbase’s Justin Levy emphasizes the importance of partnerships over transactions—an... [...]

Creating an Influencer Marketing Program [Video]

Influencer marketing is a way brands can promote their products through endorsements or recommendations from influencers and content creators on the internet. Hootsuite has published a new video ‘Creating an Influencer Marketing Program’ featuring information on how to create an Influencer Marketing Program. The Hootsuite team says, “Working with influencers isn’t just hiring them to post about your content. You’ll need to create a program that outlines agreements and expectations between yourself and the influencer. A successful influencer program should include: platforms... [...]

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