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Monday, September 23, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Forrester highlights impacts of Walmart and Google’s voice-assisted commerce partnership

Walmart and Google have recently announced a voice-assisted commerce partnership that will result into voice-assisted shopping and free expedited delivery. Talking about the partnership, Forrester’s Principal Analyst Brendan Witcher says, “This partnership pits the two giants of offline and online commerce, Walmart and Amazon respectively, squarely against each other. According to my colleague, Forrester VP and Principal Analyst James McQuivey, Amazon should keep on doing exactly what it’s doing. As he puts it, “It gives Amazon validation that the strategy is the one that everyone... [...]

Improve site’s Google ranking with these tips

It requires proper knowledge and continuous efforts to keep your sites ranked well in Google results. SEO plays a pivotal role in running an online business. writer Lucas Bikowski has shared five tips to improve your website’s Google rankings. Bikowski says, “SEO is all about ranking. Everyone wants to have their website listed in pole position in Google’s search results. This is the aim. It is human nature to start at the top and read downward, the way you were taught to read as a child. It is automatic. To get to No. 1, follow these basic yet crucial steps. Keywords Google... [...]

Google and Walmart to offer voice-based shopping

TechChrunch has reported about the new partnership between Google and Walmart to provide voice-based shopping. This partnership will enable the consumers to take advantage of Walmart’s “Easy Reorder” feature with Google’s ‘Google Express’ shopping service. Sarah Prez of TechChrunch says, “Prior to today, Walmart was not participating in Google Express at all, as the retailer is capable of handling its own e-commerce orders. It even this year launched its own 2-day shipping program, which unlike Amazon Prime, is free, provided the order is $35 or more. However, Google... [...]

Google’s Deep Learning AI: 3 questions answered

Deep learning is having a great focus as a part of the artificial intelligence initiatives taken by various companies including Google. Deep learning is used for building artificial neural networks. Forbes contributor Bernard Marr has answered three questions on how Google uses Deep learning for AI. Marr says, “Deep learning is already driving innovation at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence and it can be seen in many applications today. However, as data volumes continue to increase and processing technology becomes more affordable, many more sectors of society are likely to be... [...]

Read this if you are into influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is helping tons of marketers expand their business with lower investments. Econsultancy writer Patricio Robles has shared an article that hints Facebook’s plan to tax the influencer marketing. Robles says, “Influencer marketing is now a billion-dollar business. And despite challenges like disclosure rules and fraud, there’s no reason to believe that it won’t continue to be an important part of the way brands market their wares to consumers via social media. Currently, influencer marketing is one of the few digital channels in which brands don’t... [...]

Chrome to mark pages with forms as ‘not secure’

Google has informed webmasters that Google Chrome will mark HTTP pages with forms as ‘not secure’. Search EngineLand’s Barry Schwartz has published an email snapshot from Google stating this information. Schwartz says, ” Last night, Google sent email notifications via Google Search Console to site owners that have forms on web pages over HTTP. These pages will be marked as not secure in Chrome 62 starting in October 2017. This is not a new notification. Google warned us of this a few months ago. Google said, “Beginning in October 2017, Chrome will show the ‘Not secure’... [...]

Here’s what you need to know about Google’s ad blocking plan and its impact

Google is planning to have an ad blocker in the Chrome browser. It can affect the advertisers and they will have to rethink their ad strategies. Marketing Land columnist Blaise Lucey has published an article on Google’s ad blocking plan and what care should be taken by marketers. Lucey says, “Chrome dominates the browser field today, with 54 percent market share. Google will never actually block ads, but it’s clear that there’s a priority to clean up the biggest offenders when it comes to bounce rate and user experience. Like native ads, Chrome’s ad filter will become another... [...]

4 Tips to boost your influencer marketing

Influencer marketing offers a cost-effective way to the marketers for enhancing their marketing reach over social media. columnist Shine Barker has shared four ways to make your influencer marketing more effective. Braker says, “Influencer marketing is one of the most affordable channels to gain more customers. However, you still need to plan your campaign properly to make sure you get the most out of a small investment. But how can you spend your money wisely when you have a small budget and want to get optimum results out of influencer marketing? Here are some actionable... [...]

This HubSpot experiment details how to drive social engagement with influencers

Influencers are a part of several marketers and brands marketing policies nowadays. HubSpot columnist Ryan Bonnici has published an article on an experiment that helped HubSpot drive social media engagement using influencers. Bonnici says, “Social media algorithms are designed to serve audiences up the most relevant, interesting content possible — after all, social networks are about being social, and Instagram and Facebook want you spending more and more time within the apps interacting with friends — and content — you love. But recent algorithm changes on major social... [...]

Three ways to optimize your AdWords account

Google AdWords has been with Internet entrepreneurs for a long time now. Still there are a lot of things we can learn and implement to enhance the AdWords performance for your business. Search Engine Land’s Pauline Jakober has shared three techniques to optimize your AdWords account. Jakober says, “If you’re a PPC pro, it’s also a great time to catch up on some of the smaller, sometimes overlooked elements of your PPC campaigns. Naturally, this only applies if your business tends to slow down in the summer. If not, you’ll have to find another slow (read: less crazy) time of year... [...]

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