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Monday, September 23, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Google’s Jerry Dischler on Google & SEM (Video)

The SMX Advanced 2017 team has uploaded a video of Google’s VP of Product Management, AdWords, Jerry Dischler, talking about future developments and opportunities for advertisers. Jerry’s talk focuses on AMP, machine learning, online-to-offline attribution, new AdWords interface etc. Here is the full video.  [...]

7-Step Guide to Set-up AMP for WordPress

Whether it is desktop or mobile, speed of your site matters. That is what has driven marketers towards the adaptation of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Most of the content providers use WordPress as their content management solution. According to a MediaPost research, Google AMPs can load websites 15-80% faster than standard mobile pages without compromising functionality. Search Engine Land’s Stephanie LeVonne has put together a handy guide for WordPress users to help them set-up AMP. LeVonne says, “In today’s mobile-centric world, having pages that load quickly is essential... [...]

Micro-influencers: Are They a Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

Micro-influencer concept of marketing is quite popular among social media. In Micro-influencer programs, brands target individuals with smaller social media followings on to promote products with authentic, visual posts instead of sponsored ads. What Is a Micro-Influencer? HubSpot states: “Micro-influencers are social media users unlike typical celebrities, experts, or public figures. They’re individuals who work or specialize in a particular vertical and frequently share social media content about their interests. Unlike traditional “influencers,” micro-influencers have... [...]

Influencer Marketing: 4 Experiments and 3 Tips

According to an eMarketer report, 86% of marketers have used influencer marketing in the past year. This form of marketing in which focus is placed on specific key individuals rather than the target market as a whole is quite popular among the marketers nowadays. HubSpot columnist Aja Frost has shared a blog experiment focused on influencer marketing and has also given three tips to improve it. Frost says, “If you’re trying to drive traffic, use your time and energy to get one major influencer on board rather than five to 10 mid-level ones. An influencer’s impact depends on... [...]

Influencer Marketing – Five Things You Should Know Now

94% marketers agreed that Influencer marketing has worked for them. According to an eMarketer report, 86% of marketers have used influencer marketing in the past year. columnist Kim Westwood has shared five trends that are taking place in the influencer marketing domain. Here are the trends Westwood has focused: Micro-influencers will still be important, but brands will become mindful of the resources required to manage them Brands will recognize the value of long-term influencer relationships Multi-brand collaborations will become more prevalent. Multi-brand collaborations will... [...]

MOZ Tutorial: Measuring Performance with Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps marketers analyze the performance of their websites by enabling them to measure ROI of marketing activities, impact of content engagement and understanding audience behavior. In an in-depth article, MOZ columnist Tom Bennet has shared how Custom dimensions feature can be used to supercharge your Google Analytics reporting setup. Bennet has explained Custom dimensions in terms of analyzing user engagement and user demographics. Bennet says, “A deeper understanding of your target audience is never a bad thing. Custom dimensions are just one of the many ways in which... [...]

Are You Worry About New Google Updates?

Google keeps rolling new algorithm changes every now and then. The algorithm changes affect sites in terms of the web rank rise or drop. Marketing Land columnist Kristine Schachinger has shared an in-depth article on how marketers and webmasters should react to the Google algorithm updates. Schachinger says, “You get to your computer in the morning. Ready to start work, you take a quick look at Facebook to check what you have missed. You run across someone asking if anyone saw changes last night. They’ll typically also note that there was “a lot of activity.” “Activity” means... [...]

Google: Conversions May Fall by 20% for Small Mobile Page Load Delay

Google’s Director of Marketing for Performance Ads, Matt Lawson has published an article address the four things marketers should know about the future of marketing. The article states that 20% of searches on Google app are now by voice and “for every second delay in mobile page load, conversions can fall by up to 20%”. In February 2017, Google established industry benchmarks for mobile page speed. On web users’ expectations from the advertisers, Lawson says, “Today, consumers believe they should receive marketing messages that are tailored to their unique needs.... [...]

Google Warns Webmasters Against Spammy Links in Large-scale Article Campaigns

The Google Webmasters blog has warned content publishers against increasing spammy links in “articles referred to as contributor posts, guest posts, partner posts, or syndicated posts”. According to Google, the articles should be posted online for informing people and not just get backlinks and make money. Google has encouraged Internet users to fill up spam report form when they find an article that exists only for link building. What happens when Google detects such links? Google Webmasters team says, “When Google detects that a website is publishing articles that contain... [...]

Eight Things You Should Know About Google Attribution

Last week Google launched Google Attribution to help marketers measure the impact of their marketing across devices and across channels. It is integrated with AdWords, Google Analytics and DoubleClick Search. Econsultancy’s Patricio Robles has shared some facts about Google Attribution to help marketers understand and utilize this new service. Patricio says, “Despite the fact that it has been a priority for years, attribution remains one of many marketers’ biggest challenges. Now, Google is trying to change that with the unveiling of a new attribution offering called Google... [...]

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