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Monday, September 23, 2024

Archive for the 'Google News' Category

Research: 30% of Google Results have Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets are blocks in the Google search results which answer a question asked by the user. According to a recent Stone Temple Consulting study, 30% of Google’s search results have Featured Snippets. Eric Enge says, “Google’s use of these types of features has now passed the 50 percent mark in our query set. That’s a clear indicator of how important these are to Google. Users think that it’s very important, too. In our survey of approximately 1000 users, over 60 percent said they wanted “More results that answer my question directly without my having to visit a website... [...]

Google Integrates Optimize and AdWords for Better Landing Pages

Google has announced the integration of Google Optimize with Adwords. This integration will help marketers to improve and personalize the landing pages their ads lead to. Google Optimize provides marketers with an insight on which site experiences engage their customers and provides solutions to optimize websites and improve its performance. Google AdWords team says, “The integration gives marketers a fast way to create and test custom landing pages based on the keyword, ad group, or campaign associated with an ad – with no need to deal with destination URLs or messy query parameters. It’s... [...]

MOZ Shares Lessons from 1,000 Voice Searches

MOZ’s Dr. Peter J. Meyers has shares lessons from 1,000 voice searches on Google Home. Meyers has shared the results of searches on Google Home with how, how to, what, when, where, who and why. Meyers says, “From the 5.3K questions with snippets, I selected 1,000, excluding video but purposely including a disproportionate number of list and table types (to better see if and how those translated into voice). Why only 1,000? Because, unlike desktop searches, there’s no easy way to do this. Over the course of a couple of days, I had to run all of these voice searches manually on... [...]

Don’t Oversimplify Content for Google Rankings

Simple and easy to understandable content has been the key to achieve good Google search rankings. But in a recent in-depth article Search Engine Land columnist Eric Enge advises marketers to not to oversimplify the content for getting a good ranking. On how Google keeps improving its search algorithm, Enge says, “As an industry, we need to change how we think about Google. Yet we seem to remain desperate to make the algorithms simple. “Oh, it’s this one factor that really drives things,” we want to say, but that world is gone forever. This is not a PageRank situation, where we’ll... [...]

Google Launches ‘Google Attribution’

Google has launched ‘Google Attribution’, a new product intended to help marketers measure the impact of their marketing across devices and across channels. Google Attribution is integrated with AdWords, Google Analytics and DoubleClick Search. It unifies data, analyzes performance and takes action. Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s Senior Vice President of Ads & Commerce, says, “Google Attribution also makes it easy to switch to data-driven attribution. Data-driven attribution uses machine learning to determine how much credit to assign to each step in the consumer journey... [...]

Google Announces Integration of AMP to Search & Display Ads

Google has announced that its open source Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project will benefit the advertisers now. Google has launched a new AdWords beta that lets advertisers to use fast-loading AMP pages as the landing pages for their search ads. According to Google, the AMP pages will load fast with the new improvements. Google’s Vice President, Product Management Jerry Dischler says, “The new AdWords beta brings the performance benefits of faster mobile pages to search campaigns. Now, when advertisers link their search ads to AMP landing pages, consumers will get the fast mobile... [...]

Google’s Big Announcement in Google I/O

Google’s annual developer conference gets people’s attention to find out what the company has to offer. This year also Google made several product and services announcements during Google I/O. Google Lens, Google for jobs,, Android O, Standalone VR headsets are some of this year’s key announcements. HubSpot’s Amanda Zantal-Wiener has listed the nine key announcements at Google I/O. Talking about Googl’AI, Amanda says, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of those inevitably cool areas of technology that’s talked about by many, but thoroughly understood... [...]

Google Launches ‘Google Lens’ for Visual Search with AI

Google has launched ‘Google Lens’, an Artificial Intelligence powered visual search service that will allow its users to search with images. In a way Google has launched a new way where you can search the Internet through your smartphone camera. Google Lens will be paired with Google Assistant and Google Photos. Explaining how Google Lens will work, Wired’s David Pierce says, “Lens is essentially image search in reverse: you take a picture, Google figures out what’s in it. This AI-powered computer vision has been around for some time, but Lens takes it much further. If... [...]

Google Opens ‘Buy Button’ beta (on request) for Purchases on Google

Marketing Land has reported that Google has opened its ‘buy button’ in beta which can be enabled on advertiser’s requests. This will allow Google users with Google Wallet to make a purchase from a Google-hosted landing page after clicking on the ad. ML’s Ginny Marvin says, “Google hasn’t made an announcement about it yet, but advertisers can request access to the Purchases on Google beta via the Merchant Center Programs section in Google Merchant Center, which is accessible from the three-button menu drop-down”. Google Opens ‘Buy Button’ beta... [...]

Google Analytics to Support AMP in Coming Weeks

Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology helps people build faster-loading pages for all types of sites, ranging from news to recipes to e-commerce. Google has announced that the Google Analytics will offer an enhancement that will give webmasters accurate understanding of how people are engaging with their business across AMP and non-AMP pages of the website. On the impact of these improvements, Google Analytics team says, “This change brings consistency to users across AMP and non-AMP pages served from your domain. It will have the effect of improving user analysis... [...]

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