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Monday, February 24, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category

‘Impact of Affiliate Nexus Tax in 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Impact of Affiliate Nexus Tax in 2013”. Collins Says, “Affiliates were asked “How many programs have you been removed from based on state legislation?” for the 2013 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report. Fortunately, the vast majority of affiliate marketers, at 71.2%, have not been impacted. However, there were 19.6% who have been removed from 1-9 affiliate programs, and then another 6.5% who got kicked out of 10-24 affiliate programs”. Impact of Affiliate Nexus Tax in 2013 Shawn Collins’ Blog  [...]

Azon Rocket 2.0: Quick, Easy Amazon Affiliate Sites #ad

If you want to set up an Amazon affiliate site to profit from the Christmas rush, Azon Rocket 2.0 may be your quickest solution. Bertus Engelbrecht and OJ James have developed software the builds Amazon affiliate sites. And your sites are well-built and, according to the creators, they have found that their sites fare well in the Google search results. This software is a WordPress plugin that simplifies setting up a review site for Amazon products. Review sites have a history of doing well. This plugin make it easy to build a review site and then turn it loose to work for you without additional... [...]

‘Tracking Cookies: What Most Marketers Don’t Know, But Should’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Tracking Cookies: What Most Marketers Don’t Know, But Should”. Alisa Meredith says, “Mmmm, chocolate chip! Oatmeal Raisin! Oreos (more addictive than cocaine, apparently)! Yes, many of us have a weakness for cookies – but those aren’t the ones I’m talking about. What I’m referring to are tiny files stored on our computers when we visit certain websites and provide information (such as a name, username or email address) in a form”. Tracking Cookies: What Most Marketers Don’t Know, But Should HubSpot  [...]

‘5 Starting Strategies for Integrating Mobile in Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Starting Strategies for Integrating Mobile in Marketing”. Max Stinson says, “As you’re well aware, mobile devices are being used increasingly at workplaces to research and gather information for any business-related function. That includes purchases. Mobile apps are used catch the attention of audiences during the early stages of the buying cycle. Research suggests that at least 78% of enterprises allow their employees to bring their own devices and 68% of executives are comfortable enough to make purchases on their... [...]

Cavalia WP Theme: beautiful, responsive, flexible marketer’s theme #ad

Josee Bedard is famous as a creator of WordPress themes. The latest is called the Cavalia WP Theme. This new theme supports: • Five kinds of sliders • A wide selection of shortcodes • Access to 500 Google fonts • Easy to use options menu for customizing your site • Your choice: Mobile-ready or Mobile-responsive • Click to Call • Google maps • Unlimited Color Selections • A Developer’s License; make and sell as many sites as you like You can get all this WordPress power in one very flexible theme here: Cavalia WP Theme  [...]

‘5 Businesses That Rock Content Marketing’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “5 Businesses That Rock Content Marketing”. Stephanie Walden says, “Content marketing is definitely on the hot list of buzzwords these days.Pop-up ads are out. Responsive websites are in. Traditional, static forms of advertising are no longer sufficient in today’s technology and social media-driven societies. Now, businesses need to actively capture their audiences’ (increasingly short) attention spans and — here’s the tricky part — actually engage consumers. As many business owners will attest, this is easier said... [...]

‘Five reasons marketers should code (and how to start)’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five reasons marketers should code (and how to start)”. Ben Davis says, “It’s no use letting your ignorance, laziness, or even shame, stand in the way of learning to code. I possessed all three in abundance, until this week I took myself along to a Coding for Digital Professionals course (shock horror, it’s run by Econsultancy in London). The stuff I learned, and the geocities-eat-your-heart-out website I created, got me thinking about all the points in a marketer’s life where coding knowledge comes... [...]

‘Grids Are Crucial to Good Web Design’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Grids Are Crucial to Good Web Design”. Drew Coffin says, “Whether you are using a prebuilt, responsive, CSS-based grid system or simply designing around guides in Photoshop, grids provide structure and clarity to web design. Using a grid framework makes the design process easier and the resulting websites cleaner. Grids are crucial to good web design. The article helps understand the process of designing with grids. The Basics A grid is a set of lines that position different elements. Good designers tend to establish grids automatically... [...]

‘Why more emails at Christmas almost always means more money’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why more emails at Christmas almost always means more money”. Parry Malm says, “On Monday, I answered some questions for Econsultancyabout optimal email frequency at Christmas, and apparently I ruffled a few feathers. What can I say, I’m a Parry-iah  (see what I did there?). The following blog post will rub some people the wrong way. My good name may get dragged through the mud. But, what can I say, with playful glee here comes an erudite, iconoclastic viewpoint. My point is this: retailers who send out more (not... [...]

‘9,000 Uniques in One Day: A Viral Marketing Case Study’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “9,000 Uniques in One Day: A Viral Marketing Case Study”. ViperChill says, “There’s a lot of buzz about viral marketing, and sometimes it stems from unexpected places. This post dives into a case study of my own — a site that gained traction when it hit the front page of Hacker News — and details some advice I learned along the way”. 9,000 Uniques in One Day: A Viral Marketing Case Study MOZ Blog  [...]

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