The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Google Ad Exec Says Media Agencies Are The ‘Silent Assassins’ Of Creative Advertising”. Patrick Collister says, “Have you ever thought about making things better and cutting out the crap? Creative Social has invited five industry leaders to share the one thing they would change in advertising at the #CSpresents event on 3 September. Ahead of that event, we thought we’d give three of those leaders the chance to share another thing they’d like to change, and we start today with the very honest Patrick Collister... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Blogs' Category
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “B2B Marketing Measurement Needs to Sharpen Its Business Acumen”. Laura Ramos says, “”Marketing measures its performance to prove its value, not to improve it.” Let’s face it — marketing is often accused of poorly demonstrating it impact on the business in terms that business executives understand and appreciate. Even though advances in marketing automation and digital channels make it easier to track activity and results, this reputation persists and keeps many B2B CMOs from commanding a strategic seat... [...]
Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Vote for Affiliate Summit West 2014 Sessions”. Collins Says, “Affiliate Summit needs your help to pick sessions for Affiliate Summit West 2014. Voting will be open through September 13, 2013. The speaker proposals have been pared down to the titles, speakers, descriptions, and classifications (experience level, target audience, and main subject). Vote for submissions you’d like to see at Affiliate Summit West 2014 by clicking the “Vote” button next to the proposed session. You may vote for as many sessions as you’d like”. Vote for... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Is Wooing Celebs to Out-Twitter Twitter”. Denise Lu says, “Fans of tennis superstar Maria Sharapova might have noted she used the hashtag #misstheopen in an otherwise mundane tweet last week about seeing “The Book of Mormon” on Broadway. To get the full story, though, fans had to go to her Facebook Page. There, a day later, she dropped a status update that included a 126-word explanation about her decision to pull out of this year’s U.S. Open. The statement, which was also on her official blog, explained that... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Using black hat SEO techniques in a white hat way”. David de Souza says, “Black hat SEO involves using marketing techniques which are against the search engine’s guidelines. Employing these tactics can result in your site being penalised or banned from the index. The scary thought of being banned from Google often results in people rejecting black hat methods outright without taking the time to think if these methods could be modified in an acceptable way. By using black hat ideas and then altering them to stay... [...]
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “5 Marketing Tips for Your Career″. Baer says, “Everyone in today’s job market needs to have marketing skills. We all have personal brands and have to constantly position ourselves to get the type of work we want, whether that be as an employee or business owner. These days, if you don’t have a strong web presence and you’re not getting your name out”. 5 Marketing Tips for Your Career Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “12 Nonprofit Marketing Emails That Actually Convert”. Taylor Corrado says, “With any nonprofit, it’s extremely important to be able to communicate and convey the mission of your organization to those interested in supporting your cause. With all of the communication channels to choose from these days, there’s still no more direct and personal way to reach your donors and supporters than in their inbox”. 12 Nonprofit Marketing Emails That Actually Convert HubSpot [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Medical SEO vs Medical PPC: A Search Engine Marketing Overview”. Jonathan Catley says, “When discussing online marketing strategies with healthcare professionals (physicians, practice/office managers and healthcare marketing professionals) we are often tasked with explaining what online marketing entails and the differences between some of these strategies. Online marketing categories include search engine marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, display advertising and mobile advertising. Understanding where... [...]
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “The Art of Awesome Curation: Lessons from Gilt and Houzz”. Sucharita Mulpuru says, “One of the most common questions I get is “Who does personalization really well?” And at its heart, great personalization is about effectively deciding which products (or offers) from a deep product catalog to showcase when and to whom. Ever since Gilt Groupe founder Alexis Maybank spoke at one of Forrester’s eBusiness Forums and talked about the scores of email iterations her company executes with every email drop, Gilt is usually... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “90% of Yelp Users Say Positive Reviews Affect Their Purchases”. Christina Larson says, “Even as they compete for market share, Sina’s Weibo and Tencent’s Weixin have evolved to fill very distinct user niches. Last week, amid the high-profile trial of disgraced politician Bo Xilai, the differences between China’s top two social-media services were clearly on display. The Jinan Intermediate People’s Court took the unprecedented step of broadcasting select bits of the proceedings against Bo in real-time over Weibo, China’s Twitter-like... [...]