The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Email Marketing And Social Media Marketing Should Be BFFs In 2014”. Genia Stevens says, “According to research performed by ExactTarget, approximately 95% of us check our email on a daily basis and 77% of us prefer to receive marketing and sales related messages via email. Those are the kind of statistics that make marketers stand at attention. Even though email has competition from social networks, if you regularly receive email from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, this is a huge statement from the three largest social... [...]
Archive for the 'email marketing' Category
‘Email Marketing And Social Media Marketing Should Be BFFs In 2014’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “2013’s Top Content: 10 Brands That Totally Nailed It”. Lisa Toner says, “It can be hard to focus on creating content at this time of year — what with office chocolates in abundance, festive songs ringing out, and the general air of excitement for the season. So as you add the final touches to your last pieces of content for 2013, why not take a minute to review some of the best pieces ofcontent to come out in 2013? If anyone asks what you’re up to, tell them it’s all part of your content planning process for... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “For new markets, when’s best to begin your email campaigns?”. Nigel Pocklington says, “At, email plays a key role in our marketing mix. We have localised websites around the world and run email programmes in 85 countries in 35 different languages utilising newsletters as well as triggered and transactional initiatives. Many of these markets can be classed as mature but, for emerging markets, one of the first questions to address is when to introduce email into the frame? What criteria should be used... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Copywriting for Sales: The 4 ‘U’s of Deal-Winning Email Copy”. Jon Birdsong says, “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of the 10 will read the rest. As a sales rep crafting prospect emails daily, this stat should raise a little red flag. Every time we write an email, our copywriting skills are tested. Our subject lines are headlines and our body is our value pitch. So whether or not copywriting has been a part of our academic or professional experience, you’ll need to master... [...]
MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “B2B Marketing 2013 Wrap-up: Multichannel, direct mail, social media and more”. David Kirkpatrick says, “Another year of B2B marketing and MarketingSherpa articles, videos and webinar replays has come to pass. To conclude this year’s newsletter offerings, we have three topics that have influenced B2B marketing in 2013 and also three additional areas that B2B marketers should either keep an eye on, or even actively include in their 2014 marketing strategy. Read on to learn why direct mail is an effective B2B marketing channel,... [...]
The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “The Customer Service Connection With Success”. Matt Hui says, “Most of us have done it, and if you haven’t done it yet there is a good chance you may do it in the future. Contacting customer service can be a make or break moment for any consumer. The experience that they have can help them decide if they will stay with your brand or not. So make sure you are giving a good reflection of the service that they can come to expect!“. The Customer Service Connection With Success Aweber Blog [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Everything You Need to Master Email Marketing”. Ginny Soskey says, “When you’re new to marketing, I’d argue that tackling email marketing is one of the hardest things you’ll do. Most of the other digital marketing channels — blogging, social media, landing pages, etc. — all have easy-to-find examples that can help inspire and inform your own marketing strategies. Email is a bit different. Because of the way email opt-ins work, it is much harder to learn email marketing through examples — you’ve... [...]
MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Email Marketing 2013: The top 10 MarketingSherpa articles for your New Year’s marketing resolutions”. Courtney Eckerle says, “As 2013 comes to a close, we’ve collected 10 MarketingSherpa email case studies and how-to articles that display the best marketing efforts of this past year. These articles show marketers are integrating new aspects into their email content, with personalization becoming increasingly prevalent in email programs. Browse the articles, tactics and advice from practitioners for your 2014 marketing... [...]
The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “Weekend mailings lead to higher opens, transactions and revenue”. Shelley Kessler says, “One question we get asked each holiday season is whether or not it is worthwhile to send email on weekends. Our analysis of promotional mailings for the first eight weeks of this holiday season indicates that weekend emails have been major contributors to holiday email programs. Across all industries, only 66 percent of brands sent promotional mailings on weekends. This percentage varied by industry, with a low of 17 percent for... [...]
The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Email Subject Lines: Words and Tactics That Boost Open Rates”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Email subject lines that convey a sense of urgency, such as those that contain the words “urgent” and/or “important,” have open rates that are much higher than normal, according to a recent report by MailChimp. The analysis also found that email recipients are much more intrigued by subject lines that contain positive solicitations rather than negative admonitions: Words such as “announcement” and “invitation”... [...]