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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category

‘How to Use Facebook for Targeted Content Promotion’ – MOZ Blog

Paddy Morgan says, “As much as content and advertising agencies would like you to believe it, content produced by a business doesn’t just go viral on it’s own. There is often something that pushes it really, really hard when it first goes live which gains momentum, and eventually the content is spread far and wide enough that it doesn’t need you to push it anymore. Those of you who have read Good to Great may be making associations with the flywheel principle, but that’s a post for another day! In this post I want to talk about one of the ways you can give your content... [...]

‘Customer Service via Facebook: Benchmarks and Trends’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Brands responded to 67% of the questions posted to their Facebook Pages by consumers in the second quarter of 2014, according to a recent report from Socialbakers. However, 87% of the brands examined in 2Q14 had their Walls closed to comments, up 2% from 1Q14, indicating that many companies still remain wary of providing customer service via Facebook. Below, key findings from the report, which was based on 2Q14 data from 54,000 Facebook Pages belonging to brands from around the world. Question Volume Users posted more than 1.5 million questions in 2Q14 to the brand... [...]

‘Facebook Lets Advertisers See Which Ad on Which Device Led You to Buy’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “If you see a Facebook ad on your phone for a shirt and then bought that shirt 18 hours later on your desktop, should the mobile ad get the credit? Facebook believes it should — and is rolling out “cross-device reporting” on Wednesday to make that case to advertisers. The new feature lets advertisers see where a consumer saw an ad, the device they used and then the device they used when they “converted” or bought the product. The tracking is made possible via a small snippet of code called a “conversion pixel.” Advertisers who want... [...]

‘16 Creepiest Targeted Facebook Ads’ – ‘Mashable’

Sylvan Lane says, “Nope, you aren’t the only person who’s been inundated with oddly specific Facebook ads. Whether they’re for T-shirts and hoodies touting the dominance of those who share your last name, or products for a private health issue, it’s easy to find ads that know as much about you as your friends and family do. As uncomfortable as this might be, it’s a byproduct of data mining and tracking cookies, both of which provide ad companies with ample information to post relevant pitches. When a business creates a Facebook ad, it’s given several options... [...]

‘Facebook is Killing the Managed Business Page’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Michael Bird says, “If you own a small business page on Facebook, you need to be aware of changes that Facebook is making to how your content is shared amongst your followers. Beginning a couple of months ago, some companies’ managed business pages began to see a noticeable fall-off in activity. Their posts were reaching a much smaller number of fans than usual. After several weeks of tracking this trend, several companies asked Facebook if this was something on their end or had Facebook changed its algorithm. Facebook did not answer clearly for quite some time“. Facebook is Killing the... [...]

‘Facebook Still Dominates Social Login’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Pete Prestipino says, “Social login has its advocates and its detractors. On the one hand, the convenience for end-users is unmatched, but the downside is that brands are handing over very valuable information on those users preferences to the social networks (which they, in turn, monetize).  Despite this, social login remains a very popular method for accessing a website. And I bet you’ll never guess who is dominating the landscape. That’s right – Facebook. The social networking giant continuing making incremental gains in the second quarter of 2014, according to recently... [...]

‘Facebook Events Now Come With Insights For Reach, Views & Connections’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook has updated its Events feature to include analytics, giving Page administrators more information about how events are performing. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed today that the company has added Insights for Events: This is the first step toward helping Pages gain a better understanding of what’s working and not working when promoting their events. These insights include reach, views and connections. Events created starting July 24 will be able to view insights in the right-hand column of the event page. Among the first to notice the new feature was Sandro... [...]

‘Under Cloudy Skies Facebook Makes Its Pitch To Small Business’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Earlier today I attended the FacebookFit small business bookcamp at the company’s Menlo Park headquarters. Informally I was told there were about 350 business owners in the audience. It was the last of five such events held across the country as part of Facebook’s effort to reach out directly and educate business owners about best practices and advertising on the social site. In total the company said there were about 4,000 small business attendees over the course of the five events, all of which sold out. You can see photos and some of the coverage from the New... [...]

Fan Page Money Method: Make sales on Facebook without ads #ad

Michael Cheney, long-time internet marketer and creator of training and software for marketers, has just announced his guide to marketing on Facebook for beginners, called Fan Page Money Method. In Cheney’s new guide, you will discover where in the Facebook infrastructure you can start earning money. And he gives you instructions on how to take advantage of this feature of Facebook. In Fan Page Money Method, Cheney shows you: • How you can do this without spending money on ads • How you can do it even if you’re just starting out • How you can earn money on Facebook even if... [...]

‘Facebook’s Sneaky Viral Video Spam Problem’ – ‘Mashable’

Annie Colbert says, “Hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ wife — viral videos are climbing into your News Feed, snatching up your content. It’s not in your head. Facebook is delivering more videos. A Facebook spokesperson tellsMashable that “twice as many people now watch videos on Facebook compared to just six months ago.” Rival Google still dominates the online video market, but Facebook’s controversial move towardauto-play last year has made video consumption a more natural part of the News Feed experience. When you pause your scrolling to watch a herd of baby goats... [...]

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